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RHEUMATÏNE An iuternal Remedy and aSïïBZ CtfSS for all ki'iuls of RHEÏÏMATIC COMPLAINTS ! Mrheumatine If you are suflerlng from KID1F COMPLAINTS ! Glve Rheumatijïe a fair trial. You wlll never regret having done so. Testimonial from Mr. Thomas B. Day, of JVb. Si, 2rd St., Chicago. -w bas been for manv yea'rs employtd ly tk( Wagxtr Sleeping Car Co., and is nozu Conductor of one of their cars running ketweeu New Tork and Chicago. j. N, SUTHttRLAND, Manager Rhcumatine Mfg.Co., Niágara Falls. Chicago, June 251)1, 1SS2. Dear Sil It gives me pleasure to nforra you of the benefit your rheumatic cure "Rheumatine" has been to my daughter, who for the past few years has been a great sufferer from Rheumatism, at times bemg quite helpless. She took three (3) boules of your preparation, and I can bear testimony to lts speedy aption in affording her relief from pain and sareness. Thanks to Rhematine, her health is now HUUe restored. Yours very truly THOMAS H ruv I - Sec our Ch&nge of Testimoniáis every week in aily Papers. HOI. I BV AI.I, IMIIl.l.lvrs Wholesale Agenta for Detroit and Michigan, MESSRS. SWIFT & DODDS. . 1142-1193 GET TOUR PROPERTY INSURED BY C. XX. MZZ.Z.S1T, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. onlrVU01!-' a8ency ln the Established a lowniK ttrut clasB companles: Home Insurance Co., of N. Y í 7 000 non Continental Insurance Co.. of N. Y. tí07J06 u "KT, ln8urance Co., of N. Y. ....... 1 735 563 irard Insurance Oo., of Phila J :S 4Sd Onent ln.urance Co., of Hartford Z". 1411'v- Commercial ünlon. of Lonrton IÏ.O00.O0O Liverpool, London and Globe !"". SÍOüü'oilü , %S. Kts Low. Losses liberalíy adjusted and proinptly pald. iui-1186 C' H' 'W'l'en. fti Wfk A wef,k m?iet home hy the indnsirlV 1 1 ?"" ' est busnee now bofore the pub i f lc. Capital not needed. We wlll start ' ,[1 fl #you. Men, romen, boys and eirls i WJ wantedeverywheretoworkforus. Now i „ m " Ine You can work in spare time, r give your hole time to the business. No can M Tn Wl" pay yoa nerly - No o"2 c Cüitfv ÏÏe, eoou Py. by engatiine at . oetly outfit and terms free. Money made faat


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