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See change of advertiaement of The Fatnous One Price Cloth'mg House. Dr. O.C. Jenkinshas nowtlie improved vitalized air or gas apparatus for the painless extractiou of teeth. All who wish to taken an annestlietic free fiom dangcr will do well by callitig on hini. Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats,niice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Rough on Rats." 15c. BETTER THAN EVER. The ínter Ocean for 1SS1. More new features have been introduced in The Wbeklï Ínter Ocean lu the last twelve mouths thau in any other paper published in thls country. Retaining all the old specialties and departments, the publlshers have added illustrated blographical sketches of persons promlnently before the public at date of publication; illustrated articles on Important hislorlcal and curreut eveuts, or In elucldation of antiquarian research,or interesting engineering and mechanieal problems; cable letter frora London covering the tield of European news for each week; special coutributions devoted to reuilniscences of army and politlcal llfe; and new serie of articles glven up largely to personal gossip and recollection of prominent literary people. The Ínter Ocean wül remaln uncompromlsingly Republlcan; will maintalu lts present attitude on thequestion ofprotectlng American Industries; wlll continue to devote special attentlon to trade, transportatlon, and economie questions; wlll retaln the departments of The CurioiUy .Shop (a current encyclopedia of curlous, interesting, and valuable Information called out by Inquirios of subscrlbers); The Woman's Kingdom (devoted to the progresslve moveraents in whlch women are intferested); The Farm and Home (covering topics of special Interest to farmers, thelr wlves, and thelr children); The Veterinary (containing answers to questions as to the treatment of horses, cattle. and other anlmals by ouc of the best veterlnary surgeons in the west); and Vomnlicatlons (taking in puzzles, enigmas, conundrums, etc.), all of whioh are peculiar to the paper, will glve as much space as hlthertoto serial and short tor les, original and selected sketches and poems, and wlth increased faclllties for news-gatherIng in the shape of special wlres to New York and Washington, and experieuced correspondentswei I placed at home and abroad, will more than maintain itd high Standard for eüterprise and accuracy In all departments of news . . Whileso raany improvements have been made In The Wekkly Inter Ocean, the prlce has been reduced to One Doli-ab Per Year. postage lncluded. This puts a large eight page (there are frequently twelve pages) paper in the hands of the reader at the low rate of two cents per week. The reductlon in prlce and tbe recent improvements make The Weekly Inter OcKAKnotonly the best family newspaper in the country, but the cheapest. Tue BUbscription prlce oí Tuk Int.b Ocean is as follows: Weekly Kdltion per year, postage paid...$ 1.00 Weekly Kditlon per year. postage pttid 2 5 Daily (ïncluding Sunday) per year 12.00 Daily (excludingSuuday) per year 10.00 Wednesday's Editlon (with Musical Suppleraent) per year -w Saturday's Edition (sixteen pages) per VCflr wi'innn ""ijiiiiii A.w Sunday 's kdltion (sixteen pages) per year 0 Postage prepaid in each case. Sample copies of The Inter Ocean wlll be SenTmoneyKegistered Letter. Money Order Bank Draft. or by Express, at our risk, and bè sure and write the name and address of each subscrlber P' J-Vn , Chicago, 111. , . Place to secure a thorough, 1i-J practical and useful educayZr? J A tlon. Is at the GBAXU COKKtlAL 0OU.BOB. Write for Journal. Address C. . wenbcrg, Prop. m iiüssibs, % Itching Piles- Sjmptoms and Cure. Tlie symptoms are moisture like pers piration, intense ítchinK, increased bj scratching, very distreastng, particularly at niht, seems as lf pin-worms were crawlïng in and about tlie rectum; the nrivate parta are sometimes affected. i illowed to continue serious resultó may follow. "Swayne's Ointment' ís a pleasant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itch sal rheum, scald head, erysipelas, barbers itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty íkln dis eases. Sent by mail for 50 cents , 3 boxes for $1 25. (in stamps). Address, Dr Swavne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists.


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