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Bright's Disease

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The rapid increasc of late of tliis for ruidablo and general fatal disease of the kidnoy?, and tho frequent record of death from it, makes a probable cure of is a matter of great interest to those aftlicted vvith it. Doctors, afler applications of medical skill and effect, for such patiénts, give them up to die. A remarkable case of this kind, of a gentleman in a prominent positioj, has come to the knowledge of the writer from the lips of the patiënt, wliich I am induced to give to the public through our wideiycirculated newspapcr, together with the formula for its euro as suecessfiilly used by him. L. P. Farmer, Esq., (jeueral Passenger Asrent of the Peunsylvania R. It. , becamo severely affllcted with Hright's Disease, so mueh so that his doctors in Philadelphia and New York gave him up as incurable. He then went, as he thought to die, to his home in cut so wea as to requiro aid to get up the steps of his father's house. At this time he feil in with the article recommended as a cure. All else haring failed to do him any srood, he resolved to try it. He did so, adhering to its requirements rigidly, and was restored to health again solely by it. He is now New England agent of the Pennsylvania It. E., at Boston, restored to perfect health again, a fine specimen of munly vigor, brought about by this system of cure, as follows: Specificfor heart disease, dropsy, dyspepsia, diabetes, all troubles of the kidneys, ana chronic diarrhuea. 1 Tablespoon of Skim Milk every hour lst day ., " u .. 2d 3 " " " 3d " 4 " " " 4th " 5 " " " 5th " 6 " " " IHh' 7 " " " 7th" S " " " th" Commencing the 8th day to break one-half slice of bread in the milk (but no crust of the bread) threo times a day. !) Tableepoous of Skim Alilk C7ery hour !)th day 10 " " " lOth" 11 ' " " llth " 12 " " " 12th" 13 " " " 13th " 14 " " " 14th" 15 " " " 15th " On and after the 16th day take 15 tablespoonfuls skim milk every hour, daily, except one hour before your usual hour for dirmer, and one hour after dinner. For dinner take as much rare beef as tou feel like, witli a slice of bread (ño crust), and a half-cup of eofïeo (sugaror milk). For breakfast and supper, break one slieo of bread (no crust) in the milk. The bread should be 48 hours old, nover less than 24. If the milk sours on the stotnach, put in a tablespoonful of lime.water to a pint of milk. If you should become costive, eat a lig or two at and after use of beef and coffee. The ftrst tvvo or tliree days it will reQUite a se veré mental effort to "eat or driak nothing but niilk," but after the first fire clays jou will becomo accustomed to the systeni, and not feel that stroDg desiro lor table food. It is strotigly recommonded to all afflieted with this fatal disease to give the above remedy a strict and vigorous trial, which will probably restore to health again many who now think themselves incurable. To Poultkt Raisers: - If you arrange the cellar so as to have it ventilated with :i window to admit sunlight, and keep it clean, you can have one of tUe best hatcning rooms that can be made. Keep a dustbox for them to wallow in whcrever they are, which niustjbejrelilled whenneeded allthrough the winter. Potatoes will keep vvell in orohard grass chaffif it is kept dry, and the layer bc thick enougl to exclude f rost.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News