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SAEBYS FLUID. A Honaehold Article for Universal i'üiuily Use. SíaiMBBB For Scarlet aml H ErafllVitpí! HTyphoid I'evers, vi kl blUlMUCQ lu i n ¦ Diphtheria, SaliMA.LARÏA BTation. Ulccrated ,,,„, H Sore Throat, Small S5&ERB99flHKfll Pox, Moaslcs, and ¦U Contagious Diseases. Persons mitins on the bick should use it freely. Scarlet Fe ver has never been known to spread where the Fluid was used. Ycllow Fever has been cured with t afler black voinit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. SMAIX-POX sons refreshed and and Bed Sores PITTING of Small ?S u y r, ?'lns wilh Pox PREVENTED Darbys Fluid. Impuro Air made I ., Amembcr ofmyfamharruless and puritied. I W ¦ taken wi'h For Sore Throat It Isa Lmall-po.i. I used the surecure I 'uid.; the patiënt w;;s ContaRion destroyed ' n?' TioB, was dot For Frosted Feet, P'"i. and fom Chilblains, Piles, ie house againhuliree Chaflngs, etc. wecks, and no others Khrnmatisiu cured. had "¦ - h S""' Soft Wlüte son, Philadelphia. ions secured by its use. jHeHSRSBfiBw Ship Fever prevented. B TopurifytheUreath, ¦ DÍT3htheria & Cleanse tlie Teeth, ï ¦"uwiöHi g it can't be surpassed. ¦. , . H Cutarrh relieved and B PreVeatett. ¦ cured. t&titisisr?. ISrysipelas cured. EBBSKHSIHBXj Burnsrelievedinstantly. I Thc physicians here Sears prevented. usc Darb' Khld vory IJysentery cui-ed. I successfully in thc treatWonndshealedrap.dly. ! ment of Diphtheria. Scnrvy cured i A. Stollunwekck, An Antidote for Animal Grccnsboro, Ala. or Vegetable Poisons, I Stings, etc. Telter dried up. I used the Fluid during ' Cholera prevented. ourpresent afdiction with i Ulcera purified and Scarlet Fever with healed. cided advantage. It is In cases of Death it indispensable to the : shculd be used about room. - Wm. F. the corpse - it wHl FORD, Eyrie, Ala. i prevent any unpleasMmMmHng ! aiit smell. Hg Thc eininentPhy. 9(l...l.( tti_„,„ ra slcian, J. MAKION H Scarlet Fever B;siis, m. d., New ¦ York, says: "I am CnVEf n convincedProf. Darbys wureu. h . ProphyIlctc Fluid is BaMJawjwuflggMJB I valuable disinfectant." Vandorbilt University, Nashvllle, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and dcíergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am acquainted. - N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistrj'. Darbys Fluid is Recoramended by Pion. Alexandejí H. Stephens, of GeorgiaRcv. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LeConte, Columbia, Prof.,University,S.C. Rev. A. J. Battlb, Prof., Mercer University; Kcv. Geo. F. Piehce, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVKRY IIOME. Perfectly harmless. Used intcrnally or extcmally for Man or Bcast. The Fluiíl has been thoroughly tested, and we have rtbundant evtdence th:it it has dona everylhing !: r ; cl:iimc(l. I ' ir i'ullcr information get of yuui líruggist a pamphlct or send to the proprietors, J. ir. ZUILIN & CO., Manuiácturing CheroisB, PH1LADELPH1A The only hnown fpeclfi c for Epileptic Fits.-Cï Abo for Spasms and Falling Sickness.-S3 Ncrvous Weakr.i ss quicfcly relievcd and cured. Emiallod by nono in delirium of fever.K ¦lÚ'Neutraiizos germs of disenso and eickness. Cures u"ly blotches and stubborn blood eoree. Cleanscsblood, quieten? sluggish circularon. Eliminates Boils, Oarbuaelca nnd Scalds. i a-Permanenily and promptly cures paralysis. tcs, It is a chanoing and nealthful Apcncnt. Kills Scrofnla and Kings Evil, tWln Drothers. Chan"cs bad brea to good, rempving cante. Rocta WflonsnesaudclearB complexión. CJusminj! resolvent and matchlcm laxaUve.- It drives SicU Ileadache lilic the wlnd.-S eP"Contlns i drnstic cathartlc or opiatos. Promptly cures Khonmatiem by rontluc .-O Restores llio-givlng proporties to the blood ¦ ¦ 1% "tir.ranteed to curr. all nervonü diaorders.-w ) ¦ Ri liablo wlicn all opiatos fail.-ö: Kefreshe8 the minci and taVigornJce the body. Cures dyspcpsla ormoncy nSnuiaefl-W -„„óclinv.ritinabyovcrnttythoufnnd LeaiÏÏa" phystcia'ris in V. S. aml Fnropo oi L( a-lint' dorgymonln U. S. and Er.ropo.-yii Discasca of tho DMoil O'vi, it i conq'.icror.-; .For salo by r.U tekmsg fcrugltofcJ I.oO.-aH Pot tcBliinoi - !;l-rs send Btamp, Tha Dr. S. ft. RiiSmeBd Ksd._ Go., Props.. II A tLf8 Ij min i ii ii mili ¦!¦ i HE ii ' 6s Recofm3ndod_by-PhyslcLns! "Wa msnufistur and scllitvritha pOBTtlvO cuaraníeo íhat It vvül curo any cassT'r.d wawill forfeit tbo abofe Einouiit Citíailsia a single nstance. Itis unlike ay other Catarrh itistakon nternally, actmg upon thn bload. lf ïou ar trouhkd wiiu tnia ffitnia?gdi;. yourDruggist for it and 1IÍ2-1H1! For sale liy Eberbaoh AYER'S Agüe Cure ooBtnlns un antidote fovall njalarlnl ..::¦¦ orderBwnicli,sOfaraskiiowi!,isnsé(l In in otlier reinotJy. M eoutains lio Quhiiiic, noi T,v „,iii, i:; nor dclctorioiM (obtnce ln '- cver.and bnscquontly produces w njnrlou effect upon tlia coi I ltton, bnl leavs U:u nysteni as iioalüiy as it km Lofol!"e attock, WE AVARKANT AYER'S AGÜE CUKE ,., mm everyeaaeoí l.'erctiul -'-i -''¦ ' ter uilUent or ChiD Buver, lteitttci;t l'cvir, Pumb Agite, Ullions fever, ail Iivef ' '" . nlatni cftuo4 by malaria. lncaeol fai un dfter duo trial, dealers aro nutUoriwd; b ¦ ! Circular datod July Ut, 1SS2, V reí money. Df.J.C.Ayr&Co.,Lcwc Mass. Sold by ai ! ru?


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