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AYER'S PILLS. A large proortion of the ttww whicb caune human sufferiiig result trom deraiigement of the stoni.ich, bowels, and liver. AYSB'a CATBABTIC Pills act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases eaused by their cterangement, including Constipatioii, ImligeaUon, Uygpepsia, Headmhe, IIïmutery, and a host of other ailments, for all of which thoy are a safe, sure, prompt, and plea.sant remedy. The extensivo use of these I' by eminent physicians In regular practica, shows unmistakably the cstimatiou in which thcy are held by the medical profession. These RlU are compoundeil of vegetable substanees oikly, and are absolutely f ree f rom calomcl or any otlier injurious ingrediënt. A Sirfferer from Hnadatiie writeg : " Aykr's Pills are inraluable to me, and are my cuustaut coinpanion. I have been a severe sutt'erer from Headache, and your 1'ills are the only thing I could look to tor relief. One dose will quiikly move my bowels and freo my head from pain. 'Jiiev are the most etteuMv inl the easiest physic 1 have ever fouml. It is ¦ plewaura to me to speak in their praise, and 1 alvrays do so when occasion oifers. W. L. PAOK. of W. I,. Pase & Uro." Franklln St., Kichmond, 'a., June 3, lw. "I have used Aïlll's in numberless iustances as recommeuded by you. and have never knoWD them to fall to accomplish the dcsired result. We constantly keep them on hand at our home, and prize them as a pleasant, safe, nnd reliable faniily medicine. FUK DY8PKPSIA they are invahiable. J. T. Uavls." Mexia, Texas, ilune 17, 1882. The Uev. FiïANris B. HAiti.own, wrttima from Atlanta, Ga., says: " For some years past 1 have been subject to constipatkm, (ma which, in spite of the use of medicines of various kimls, 1 sulfered increasing inconvenieiice, until soinè monta ago I began taking Aveu's They liave entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health." Aver's Cathaktic Pills correct irregularities of the bowels, stimulate the appetite and digestión, and by their prompt and thoroujjh action give tone aod vigor to the whole pbytloal economy. PRF.PARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist?. YOUNG, A" expericnce the wonderful bcneflOLD, AND . , ci!leffe:tsoi Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ARFD ChildrenwlthSoreKyes, Sore Eara, lu. or an.. scrOf ujous or svphiUtic taint, may be made healthy and strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists ; $1, six bottles for Ï5. s PRÖBLEM. : TAKE ALL THE f Kidney & Liver Medicines, BLOOD Purifiers, ; RHEUMATIC ¦ Remedies, Dyspepsia ; And Indigestión Cures, i Agüe, Fever, And Billious Specifics, Brain & Nerve Force Revivers, Great Health Restorers. In Short, take all the Best qualltles of all these, and the best qualitles of all the best Medicines of the World and you will flnd that Hop Bitter have the best curattve qualltles and powera of all concentra'ed In them, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or comblned, fall. A thorough trial will glve poslt ve proof of this. ANK FOK THE BUTTER CRACKERS! , Stamped with a "V." None genuine with ot It. Made by c n -tB V jr ¦r v iÊ ir "H Wk Jl s VAIL & GRANE, DETROIT, - MICH H Cndorsed by the Frenoh Aondemy of Medí S ine for Inflanimat of the ïrlnarv rcnM. caused by Indiscrelion or Expo"? tr No ""- 1 'y NKALI.IBLB, HYOIENIC, CüRATIVR P, KNTivit Prlce$l 50, luclúding Bulb 8y,mRKe" St" O.b8eaa:onttpOtro8!e & fS u! leh and Wmdso OnJ.ld L Ann aIIot bc y C. E. Holmes, Cook Hotel Block A e o w p,


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