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G. F. NEWLAND 1 144 IFoodutard Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and Itelail Dealers inMusic i! Merchandise of all kinus, general agent for fcbe celebrated OF DECKER ól SON, HARDMAN, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & WENDALL, ALSO THE POPULAR ORGANS "Wilcons & "Wliite- AND- Taylor & Farloy. AiEXTS WANTED. [SSend for Catalogue and Prices.1 144 Wood-wrard Ave., DETROIT. ¦A CL.UJ3 Xo AD iACE ' i The abovo dcplcta o vcry pleasant feature of blcychng as a sport. The club have ridden from their headquarters in the city, to a suburban vilJage somo twenty miles away, where they owait the arrival of the rnclng members who werc to Btartjust thirty minutes later. Five minute more and the two foremost of tho racing men- Fri, on his " Harvard," and Tonson on his "Yale," appear in eight. The pace is tremendous : the men are neck and neck, and Uodges, the captain of tbc club, whom you observe is leaning on his " Shadow "light roadster, ín the foreground, declares the race a tio. " Where are the other men ? " he asks. " Oh, behlnd, somewhere," is the reply. "Are there nny 'Harvard's' or 'Yale's'or fanadow's ' among thcin? " 'Not one." " Ah ! that accounts for it," says tho captaia. American bicyclers as a body will realizo the force of the captain's last remark, but the thounands of new riders whicli the coming year will produce, should each one of them realize that the only true economy in choosing a bicycle is to be content with nothing lúas than the very best that money will procure. Each should tlnd out all he can about bicycles before making hl choice, and in order to assist enquirers in their fiearch for information, we will.'on receipt of a a three-cent stamp, seod to any address, a copy of our large illustrated catalogue by return mail. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bicycle House of America. [Established 1877.] Importing Manufactur's of Bicycles & Tricycle Odd Fellows' Hall, Boston, Masu CHAS. W. WAGNEK, Agenf, 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. ipOLEDO, ANN AKBOR & G. T. R. K. COLUMBUS TIME. g Through time taule In effect Oef. 14, 1883. , GOISUNORTII. GO ING SOCTH S "til- I I -I I o ?S B STATIONS. efe. do. o P m'p MiA M itMIPMiPM SS 1 8 H Lv Toledo Ar 0 (KI 5 wó 2U i ! 'i? : S 9 40 Manhatten Jcfn 9 64 2 49 5 1U SÖJSÏÏgS Alexis Jcfn 9 44 2 371 5 0ü ï li 4 10 9 20 MonroeJcfn. 9 10 149 4 27 ' V, f 9 'S. Dundee 9 00 1 37 4 1É l 1 ffl 4 9 !) Í3 Azailla 8 50 1 4 US 8 CO; 4 42 9 58 Mlhin 8 34' 1 01 V tí 5 Jí! f A? 10 U Urania 8 30lK 40 ,1 38 ' SS f SSJ2S . Pittsfleld 8 08 12 35 3 ü0 8 50; o 20 10 .ijlAr Ann Arbor Lv 7 5512 2C 3 17 P MP M P M Ia M AM a M 11 3U ü 55 12 32 Ar Jacks'n MCHK lv 6 10i 9 50, 9 50 A t ?, S S K 2 15 BattleCreok 4 39 7 58 7 58 ft) 9 55. 2 5C Kalamazoo 3 52! 7 10! 7 10 _7_30W50_4_50 Grand Kaplda J10 4U; 0 2oj 6 20 PM PM AM 'aM!PM PM 8 50 5 20:10 351.T Ann Arbor Ar ! 7 55 12 S 8 S 850 j Oö'njM Ar . South Lyon Iv 7 20 U 30! 2 40 P M A Ml IAmIpM 7 30:11 6'Jj Ar Ilowell DL&X Lv! 10 il 2 01 8 45 1 15 Laniintf 9 10 12 4" " ¦¦" ¦' i" Eilmore ti 10 9 00 i JU Big Haplds 7 15 4 50 Howard City 25 3 42 Petoskey G U& I 12 01 , GHO Macklnawüity o Connectlons: At Toledo, wltll railroads tlivergini{7 at Manhattan Junction, with Whecling & J.ake Erl K. K. ; at Alexis Junction, with M. C. K. H., 1,. s. & M r iyal L& p lt; ttt Monrcie Junction, with Ij. 8L A M. b Rj; at Uundcp. With J,. S. M. S. Ky.; i,',Mi2a!'!w ', . ,ab.ash' " l'acidc Ry.: at l'ittsneld: with L. S. & M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbor. with ?íoí1EannS(inSliai1otrtSíer!nn11 Í SUUt" U" W. H. GePeral SuDtDetroit, Macküiac & Marquette R. R. June 10, 1883. Pioneer East and West Line through the Upner Península of Michigan. S4O Shorter between all pisrn ,m,i nyj-'tírn point via Detroit and eaStcln 'ind BAST. WR„q, ' „p '- - STATIONS. --L_ ACC-ÍI. EXP. SÏ1 J-H „ S.-ney UÍ5 " 2 ;!8 " Ün -]S MiMilliin 12.:M " ÍS " '25 " iË " IHa.-ville 12.10 " 1.2S 5Ïi .. „-?{,. . Newberry 11.50am 1.23" h.2) A j,t Inape_ 8.50 lo.OOum fff ""¦ lO.OSpm !.,„„, H:fwa awfij? ttrar áx lupp ,10" JE Vr'Wnyne Wipm, ; ¦¦ M 1U5 Detroit L (U5 " 5 - ?fIIIIIiö Thé V ure mi.,?., il ' ",' M"B"tte with. TEN THOUSATST IIAUDWOUD Farms in Michigan. B" sP ToñH""1'-! i"' bUldÍng m" at l0 flè For 1 ' Pnces, easy terms. perfect - W. O. HUGHART,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News