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The above deptcU a very pleanant feature of blcycling aa a sport. The club have rídden from their hc.idquai'tera Ín the city, to a suburban villagesomc twenty miles away, where they await the arrivM of thc racing members who wcro to atart just thirty minutes later. Five minuten more and the two foremost of tho racingmmi- Fri,on his " Harvard," and Yonaon on " Yale," appear Ín aight. Thc paco i tmmendous : the men are ñecle and neclc, and Dodgí-s, the captain of the club, whom you observe iri leaning on his " Shadow "light roadjter, ia the fgreground, declares the race a tle. 11 Wb-cre nrc the other men? " lie asks. " Oh, behlnd, somewhere," n the reply. "Arcthere any 'Harvard'' or Vale's' or 4 BhadoTy'e nmong thoni 't ' 'Not nc." " Ah I that necounts for ltt" ñays the captain. American bieyelers as a body will reafíze tc forec of the captain's last remarle, but thc inou. anda of new riders which thn coming year will produce, ehoiíld cach one of them realizo that the only truc eoonomy ín choosing a blcycle U to bo content with nothing lefia than ié very bcet that money will procure. Each should finí] out n!l he can about bieyeles beforc mjiklng his choice, and Ín order to asslst enquiren in their Bearch for information, wc wII1#í5jí receipt of a a three-cent stamp, send to any addl-eis, a copy of our Urge illusfated catalogue by return mail. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, Tho Pioneer Bicyolo Housf of America. " [Eêtablishcd 1877.] Importing Manufactur'a of Bieyeles k TricyoltA Odd Keij.ov.-b1 Hall, Boston, Mam. CHAS. V. WAGNER, Agent, 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mieh. mOLBDO, ANN ARBOR 4 G. T. R. R. COLÜMBUS TIME. Through time table in effect Oct. 14, 1883. GOINGNORTH. 00ING SOUTH. Til i i " i - íl Í & $ STATIONS. g, g, o pm'pM'Am ÍaviIpmpm Sf3!,T Toledo Ar 10 OO! 3 00 5 W ? 5? ? %¦ í 12 MDhatten Jcfn 9 M; 2 49 5 16 fíílJSíoi', Alexis Jcfn 9 44237506 ' U i ÍS S ?,' Monroe Jct'n í 10 1 49 4 27 'iVí i í o ?? üundee 9 00 1 37 4 18 1 fn í o ÍE Azailla 8 501 1 23 4 08 i ÉL Wl 8 5U 5 2010 3o Ar Ann Arbor Lt, 7 5512 20 3 17 P MP M'p M !a1S'a1h!am 11 30 6 55 12 32 Ar Jacks'n MCRR lv B W1 9 50 9 5U A M K l' I BattleCreek 4 39 7 58 7 56 2 0o 9 55 2 56 Kalamazoo 3 521 7 1U 7 10 730 10 50 450 Grand Rapids ÍÓ 4oj 6 20 6 20 P M P M A M "Ím pÍh p m 8 50 6 20 10 35 Lt Ann Arbor Ar 7 55! U m 3 17 _9_60 J6 05 U 20 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 2u'íl"2 40 P M A M m'p 7 30J11 511 Ar Howell DL&N Lt 10 Yl 2 01 8 45 1 15 Lanslng 9 10 12 45 J? J5 3 PO Ionla I45UK 11 50 5 01 Edmore 6 10 9 00 6 40 Big Rapids 7 15 i 50 Howard Citr 9 25 A -M : 3 421 PetOBkejr ORtl 12 01 6 30 Mackinatrülty 'otó Conneetions: At Toledo, with rallroads divennueat Manhattan Junction, wlth Wheeling 4 Lake Erie R. R. at Alexis Junction. with M. C. R. R„ L. S & M ?¦ J' p M' R' R;at Monroe JuncMon, witli Li. i. is SI. S. Rv. ; at Dundee, with L.S.ÍHS Rj atMilan, with Wabash, St. Louis & I'ucitie Rv -at Pittsiield: with U S. & M. S. Ry.: at Ann Arbor. with Michigan Central R. B., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lunslnx & Northern R. R. W. H. BE.V.VETT. Sgjgjf1 8UDtDetroit, Mackinuc fc Jftarquette K. lt. June 10, 1883. Pioneer East and We6t Liue tbrough the Upper Península of Michigan. 84O Mllea Shnrter between all eastern and northweatern points via Detroit and 811 Mllea shorter via Port Huronto and from Montreal and all points In Canada, than vla anv other route. J EAST. WEST - STATIONS. - - - ACC'M. ACC'M. EXP. n???.n) o:í??.m L Marqnette Aj 5.50pm 7.00 am ,S in'-;? Onolo 4.S! " 5.45" ?-S .. !?¦'? -u Train 4.00 " 6.18 " t ¦ ?? Muniiing 3.18 " 4.33 " ü- "m i,M " S. ney I 1.35 " 2.38" " ¦ LS McMillan 12.34 " 1.55 " ¦. 9 .. "ÍS Dollarville .12.10 " 1.28 " f f?.. r'S ü Newberry ' 11.50 am 1.23" 5.4o (,.2 J a St. Ignace ' 8.50 " 10.00 pm t ,„. ... Via M. C. R. B. I 1 ÏT?.111 S-S8.m BayClty 10.05pm 1.40 pm nío. l,n?; ÏJipecr Junct 7.43 ¦ :11.10am 1 ?$ " a?3 P"rt Huron 4-a " ' ¦ " - -ÍS,, LS-Jf " Saginawiity 8.50 "11.45" 5'? ., IJU.-W l-ansing 6.55 " 9.10 " 'ïi !!fpm Jackson 4.35" 7.50" 0.15 ;11.45am Detroit 5.2Opm 9.10" i . Via G R. & 1. R. R. apmi6.1(lm GrandRapids ll.OOpm 1020 pm ' 4i" f-ÍÜii Howardiity 12,0am 11.50 ri" n FortWayne 3.15pm: 3.10 " n { ¦. i?'?? I I-ansing 9.40 " 8.45 " 9.5 ; 11.15 " Detroit L O.M ! 5.45 " Connections are made at St. lgnac witu Ihe Michigan Central Rallroatl for Detroit and all points in MicWgan, and In the east, soutn and south east. lrains leave Maclcinac City f.50 a. m. and 0.50 The Grand RapidsA Indiana Railroad for Grand Riinlds, tort Wayne, and the south and east. Also with steamers of the Detroit Se Cleveland Steam ;avigationCompany for I'ort Uuron, Detroit and leveland, &c, and with boats of the Northern i i !P'in for Chlcllfo and Milwaukee, and wlth different boat Unes for lake shore points rr5ro5?ections made t Marquetle with. The Marquette. Houghton & Ontonugon R. R. for the Iron, fcriild and bilver. and Coppcr District?, and with boat linea for Duluth and the Northwest ached trans run dally' huve p"llfnan Sleepers atD;,Mcí9OI"_ T. MILLIGANL Gen'l buperintendent, Gen'l Frt. & Pbbs Agt' Marouette, Mlch. Marquette, MichT TEN THOUSAND B1RDWMD Farms in Michigan. Sor "'' 'h: GRAND RAPIDS & INDIAXA K K.CO. Sugar maple the principal limber. Advanlaget: Ra.lroads lready tuilt, numcrous towns and cit.c, onc of th hcahhiest parts of the United States purrat water, good mrkew, fine fruit gooJ roads, schools, churihes, large gricuU turl po:ultion best building raaterTal low fi?rCVh I0'"' 'OW Pric".'y term,, perfect nfo.Tnr h' maP'.:h'.n'l H additional - W. O. HUGHART GET THE BEST Fire Insurance Scurity held for th protection of Ih aoliei hoMert. " CHRISTIAN MACX iteproMuti i the followinjr firet-claes compaMnñor PneU?e '"o. bas alone paid 06,000,000 fire losses in bixty yars: KetB, of Hartford t 'rnnnn nn North GRrman, HamburK.."".';.'.V 2 ÜOo'oM M, PUanlx, Rrooklyn v ï'wm'ortft m ünderwrlt. AKency, N. ÏZZII IZM W Lobms liberally adjusted and prorantlv naú) S,ued at the lowest nt. of preiXmi , l7S-li CMBXSTIAX MACK. B. F. BOYLAN, PAINTERi and Dealer In French, American & Plate Glass. , ü " pSign Writing, Paper Ilangiug, Decorating, Frcscoing, etc. ? WS. Main St., 2üd Floor. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News