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- - _ , POWOER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty, strengthand wholesoniene8. Moreecouomical than tbe ordinary kluds, aud cannot be sold in competí tion with the multitude ot low test, short welglit, alum or phosphate powdura. Sold only In cans. Royal Baking Po-svdkr Co., 1M Wall St.. N. Y. That Hiisbnnd or Mine Is three times the man he as before he began usine " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. Lady (eanying small poodle) : " Doctor, can you find out what ails little 'Jacky'here? He eats and sleeps well, but seems very much depressed; m y parrot died a few days ago, and perhaps he misses him."- Life. Catarrh of the Bladder. StingiDcrirrïtation.Inflammation, an kj_ ney and Urinary Complalnts, cnred bv "Buchu-paiba." $1. J It is quite generally believed tliat when a New ïork man dies he goes to Satuin. He eouldn't be contcut with a future exislcnce in a planet tliat hacln't two or th ree rings- Life. Forty years experience, in every clime on earth, has proved Ayer's Clierry Pectoral to be the most reliuble remedy for colds, coughs, and all lung diseases. Neglected colds often become [incurable aílments. Deal with them in time, and prevent tlieir becotning deep-gealed in the systein. "This is tlie third time you hare cal led mea liar, su!" exclaimedan excited man 'Thatso?" replied the aggresaor. ' Ouly three times ? Then I fear that I have uot discharged my duty."- Arkansaw Truveler. Decline of Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility, eured by " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. "Whatisthe worsTthhTor about rich. ?L fa.s,ked Suiulay school teacher. i hat they take unto themselves wmjrs and % away," promptly replied the boy at thejoot of the claSs.-Cincinnati Saturday Canse of Failure. -Want of confldence accounts for half of t SnnH1 C nfailUleS f Eberbach Au Sou the DniaglstSi are not , b] for the want of confldence in Dr. Bosanko s Cough and Lung Syrup, for he o-jves away a bottle freo toalf who are 8uff?rin Couirhs, Colds, Athma, ConsuTp? tion and all afiection of the Throat and "Rongh on Rats." a.,ea? ?k' ratS' mice' roaches, flies, ants bed-bugs, skunks, chipniunks gophers. 15c. Druggists. . LUlpmuBKS A New York girl commTüed suicide bv hangmg herself in the garret bmuahw mo her wanteder to assist in the L, eworfc The glrl appeurs to havo been too Catanh Cure. Sold by Eherbach & So„ In rummaging through a drawer babv f0"nd. lle spectacles of hit ffranclfather .hf lied afewdays beFo" oh'. look,' he said to liis sister, " grand na has Wells' "Rongrh on Corns. Ask for Wells' "Rou-h on Corns." 15c waSbunloLt6'15"'"1"61'1011 C " Dolly,11 said Arethusa, " don't vou nuk that cord and ball on tha? ladyï dress is just lovely ? " " Yaas Th, !p replied Adolphus; " ifs ma" nificen it's grand. It raakes her look „o muci likea curtain fixture, you know." RheumaUc Syrup Co.: I have beon afflicted witli rhetimatisra for many yearS past, so I conld not walk without cauches. I suffeied very muéh pam, and I was prevented fro.n traZctInK my oidtnary l)sii,ess. I tried seyer, 1 different kinds of medicine, buttheony one that gave me permanent relief wal S}rup fora short time, I found I could my reet and llmbs with perfect ease, and to day I nm well, and I desire to recom„leritl tl is womlprflll dÍ8Cove all who are suffering with rhenmatism Kheumatism is a blood disease ana c-n notbe eared whlle the blooü remuinVi.nmost effective b ood purifier kuown, ana is the oy remedy that goes to the C root of the d.sease. Ty it and be convinced ot lts superior merits. A gentleman who eent a poem to an editor said in a note : "I hope you will d me the klndneu olexcusin the errors ny manuscript." The editor replied ' lave exeiued all the errors. In (act have exeiised the entire poeni." "Buchupaiba." Quick , complete, cures all annoyina 1 DnSt ' ll"(1 Ur"ary Di8Ci'8es


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