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Mnfaiung ForailSmX f Bemeoy sucha$ DiseasesI TETTER.ITCa SORES. PIMPtia. mm Braptom ara motetnre, Btinging, itching, wotn st nigHt muu if pin-worm woro crawling about the rectum ; the prir.te part are often affected. Aa pleaunt, economical and pomtiTe cure, Swatni'b OlNTHliri ia anperior to any article in the market Sold by druggisu, or lend 50 et, in 3-ct Stamt s Bqxc., 81.26. Addreaii Da-SwiTHKaSos, PhÏÏTP, 1129-1180 Estáte or Calyln Wheeler. gJ9ATKoF MICHIGAN. Coanty of Washtenaw, At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the In the matter of the estáte of Calvin Wheeler deceaged. George S. Wheeler the rtmtatettab of sald estáte, comes Into conrt and rep ín B tí. Thereuponitlsordered.thatSatnrday.thetwenty mnth day of December, instant, atteuo'clockintb forenoon be asslgned for examlning and allowli snch account, and that the beirs at law ofBa"d d ceaeed, nd all other persons Interested In sa esute, are required to appear at a session of " court then to be holden at the Probate Office in th city of Ann Arbor.ln said connty.and ,"' Honwed reAe'rl1fyilhe,'aií aCcollnt sh"'d SSb allowed. And it ís tnrther ordered that sai petitionergivenoticc (o the perBons IntereBtwl 'd ¦ ?f the pendency of said accoun and the hearinR thcreof, by ciusing a copy of th -J.U,.. to said WILL1AM D. HARRIMAN, WM. G. DOTY. Probate Reglsggig' Mortgage Sale. DBPAÜLT HA VINO BKEN MADE IN THE conduionsofacertaln indenture of mortiale ecuted by John J Davi. and Adelle i ¦ ëji, hl wife dated Jauuary 16th 1872 to ?LreL,?A Up,!1ím whlch Baid mortBe wa. on the 7th day ol January, A.D. 18T2, recorded in the office of the KegiBier of Deed for WaBhicnaw County, Michfean, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in liber 44 of mortgaees on bi mi There i, claimed to be due „ni aid mörtKSÊ? at the' date of this notice for principal and u?eVet Jhe sum of four thousand and flve hundred l dollar No proceeding at law or In equity ha8 been nstt uted to collcct said mortgaKe debt or any portion hereof. Default hs been made in the condition" I Ba.d mortgaKe and the power of sale there?u contained bccaine operalive. Notlce ie therefore bcreby given that to satisfy said morfeage dfebt nierct and costa of thi. loreclosure that tf ere wi be eold at public auction at the front door of The Uourt House on Huron Kreet, In the city of Ann Arbor connty of Wajhten.w, state of Michigan that being the place for holding the Circuit Óonr't rv8A D0? T 8turdaytie6thdayöf Janafj h' .Í81 o e'ock in the afternoon of aid day, the premtses in said morteae deicribed iz: 'Ihe south-west quarter of the south eat' uarter and the north-wc.t qnarter of the southast quarter of eection slz (6) town one (1) .outh of anee seven (7) east, also the est half of thé north(veet quarter of sectlon even (7) ; also eleven (11) ", more orles, off the south slde of the casi alt ot the oath-wet fraclional quarter of section x b) buing all that part of said descrintion ly n? 1 rt Vï iDiRhway kuown as the trall road, all udaÖd11. the t0WU8h'P ' Salem' $ Dated, October lltb, A. D., 18a1) E WIIIIAM JAKKD 8. LAPHAM, . ü. WILLIAMS, MftrtOB(M.o Atfy for Mortgagee, Northvllle, Mich & 7ö


Ann Arbor Courier
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