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Mrs J. II. and Miss Carrie Magoffin have pent several days in visiting the uumerous tïiends of the family in ourvillage, all of whom deeply Bpmpathize with them in their recent bereavement. They will return to Ann Arbor for a short v9t, and then go to Cheboygan, their late hume. A very pleasaut gathering was held on Saturday last, December lHt, at the house oi'Capt. J. B. Anus, to celébrate tbe 82d birthUay of Mrs. Anus. A large number of old f rienda and nelghbors and early settlers of Webster aad üexter were present and enjoyed themselves as heartily as old people are wont to do in talking over old times. Among the number were Mrs. J. Reeve, Mis. S. H. Ball, Airs. Polly Ball (mother of Harris Ball), Mr. Phelps the eider, Mis. Cook, Dr. Uray, Mrs. Swift, and olllunt, MANCHESTER. From the Enterprise. Friday morning the Wales Riggs' college, at öylvau, caught lire near the stove pipe and burned to the grouud. All the Ooys' bedding aud part of their clothes and botffea were destroyed, and nearly400 busheU of seed corn niii:ed. Manager Keech of the Ann Arbor telephone exchange had a telephoue put into the Congregational churcli and 011 Thursday he had the kindness to cali us to hear the music. We could hear the voices very distinctly and the oigan sounded finely. We called up som of our snbscribers, and gave them the benelit of the BUMie for which they were very thankful. SALINE. From the Observer. On Thursday evening of last week, at about seven o'clock, as Nate Bordine, hog drover or dealer, of this place, was returiiing home from Ann Arbor, and when a short distance out of the city a man solicited a ride a short distance, stating where he was going. When arriving at the corner just east of Jacob Ilicks'. the man wished to get out, and while in the appareut act of doing so very suddenly siruok Mr. Bordine a heavy blow in the lace and over the eyes, throwing liliu to the ground on the opposite side. But he immediately gathered hlmself and tlireatened to shoot the tramp on the spot - (at the same time 'having no fire arm In his x)8session)- when the tramp quickly took eg bail up the road. Mr. Bordine then succeeded in getting to Mr. llicks' house, bleeding very profusely, where he was attended lor the time, aud was aecompanied liotne, by one of the uieu from Mr. Hicks'ü. YP9ILANTI. From the Ypsilant!an. The Ypilanti Mineral Spring Company shipped a car of water to Boston, Tuesday. Geo. Wllson of Cantón township near Sheldon'8 had a 4-year-old iron-gray colt stolen fiom bis pasture last Sunday night The tlilef has not been captured and no traces of his whereabouts nor tliat of the horn been diicovered. From the Commercial. Tuesduy night Willie Wiard returning home trom Cleary's writing school, meta horning party. They set up a sudden shout, which frightened his liorse and in jeopardy of goiug over and down upo 11 the milroad track ii he attempted the bridge, turned the horse toward a fence. The breaking of the tugs saved his lifc, but his limbs were badly bruised and he liad a narrow escape. Thix horning business is contempible and ought to be stopped insultthe city limits.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News