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BACH & ABEL. NEW PRICES! Has the mild Autunin weather delayed your purchase of winter joods? It so read tliis and be thankful. Hun your Eagle Kye doum this column. Let your mind follow your eye and take in all we teil you. Thls week we scoop togelher a lot of Ladies Light Ooats, good quality, and well made, prices $4 and $5, your choioe at $2.60. A few Satín Dolmans, good styles, prices $16 and $18, your choiee at $6 T b ree -q u arte ra off ougut to dispose of Uien). Good assortuient of Silk Circulara, prices $15 and $18, your clioice ut $12. Tliey ought to be very rauouabta at that price. We have a lot of L;idie Dolmans, 7iot long buljuM long ertough, gooi! quality prices $13, $15, $18, $20 and $24, your clioice al $0. Examiue tliem. This tí no humbug. Wc propuse to gice you a benefit. Uach & Abel. We succeeded tliis week in geltinL a case of U-l Ladies Clotli in all the tltsirable sliaues, wliicli we piopose tosell at fl per yard. Tliey are cheap. The same goods are beinj retailed to-day at $1,25 per yard in thls city. We also have a case of 5-4 same good.s wliicli we will seü at 75 Ceuta Twenty-five centg les tliau you can buy them elsewliere. We are dolng a great business in Silk and I.ineti Handkerchiefs. We will give you the best Silk Haudkercliief tor ".: ets and $1, you ever cast your orbs on. Also the best Linen Handkercbiefs at 15c and 25c you ever saw. We have about twohundred dozens of these goods and we propo to sell them during the next two weeks. We have a case or two of daik dress cambric8, which we have been trying to sell at 12% per yard, but they seem to lingerat that price; to make short work of them, we will sell them at 8 cents. This will be a decided bargain. BaCh & Aeel. We liave about ten dozen Ladies 2 Button Alexandre Kid Gloves in Black and Colors, which we must dispose of; will make the price for a short time at $1. per pair, just about half pnce. This is a great bargain. Bach & Abel. HOLIDAY OPENING AT- iiiiiÏEin An unnsually Large, Complete and Elegant stock of goods for Holiday Presents! las been purchased and is now on exhibition and sale. It consists of all sorts of handsome articles BOTHUSEFULAND ORNAMENTAL. While the good are new and before the hiirry of Chiïstmas time is the time to make good selections of PERFUMERY CASES, LOOKINC CLASSES, TOILET SETS, SOAPS, AND ALL SORT8 OP FANCY ARTICLES! J. J. GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE 5 S. MAIN ST. CHRISTMAS AT THE rost Ice Mept! A FULL LINE OF mm i ra feeseïts Christmas Cards, Diaries, G-old Pens. THE BEST PRESENT you can make a friend is A Year's Snliscríption! to n good paper or magazine. Inquirp for my club ratee before subscribinij elsewhere. WILLIS B0UGHT0N. fOR SAJUE! A LITTLE FARM OF 56 ACEES ! Jast south of the city limlts. Rlch soil for rtiiHing garden truck. Good IIoum-, llarn and Shed. Apply to W. W. WHEDON. Positlve cure for Piles. To the people of thls County we would say we have been tri ven the Agency of Dr. Harchlsi's Italian Pile Ointment - p'mphatcallv gnuranU'ed to Cure or money re'und'ed- -Infernal, Externa!, Blind, Bleedng or Itching Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Druglsts.


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