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DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A HQ'lH.AglcUfo, Universa! # ■■■■■■■■■■liljBE For Scarlei and I Eradicates lnPHto,ldfevers' ■ Diphtheria, SaliMALARIA ■vatio1'. Ulcerated SSSBSESEZBBIHl Fox, Measlcs, and all Contagious Discascs. Persons waitbu on the ick should use t freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known to spread whcre the Fluid wás used. ellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit liad taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. I SMAIX-rox sous refreshed and ! and Bed Sores PITTING of Small DarbyS fS" W"h PoxPREVENTED Impuro Air made Amcmber of my famharmless and purified UJC was taken with For Sore Throat it is a ! Small-pox. I used the surc cure. Fluid ; the patiënt was Contagión destroyed. I n?' delirious, was not For Frosted Feet, PItioo, and was about Chilblains, Piles, tlle house again in thrce Chaflngs, etc. i wels, aiut no others Rheumatism cured i had '' - PakkSoft White : in'son', Philadelphia. ions securcd by its usc. DHHHHHHHBfi Ship Fever preventcd I To purify the Hreath, ■ Diw+p,,;Cleanse the Teetli, I ipIiena It cau'i bc surpaaacd. ■ Catarrli icmiveu auu ■ PröTojiiosl. B cured. ■■■J Erysipelas cured. HZMQHHBBHu Iturnsrelievedinstantly. The physic!ans here Sears prevented. use v%' Pu[d Dysentery cui-ed. Buceewfil]C „ thc J. Wounds healed rap.dly. mcnt of Diphtheria. An Antidote fornmi:.l Grecnsboro, Ala. or Vegetable Toisons, ! ' Slings, etc. i Tetter dried up. I used the Fluid during ' Cholera prevented. our present aiflicuon willi ' Ulcers purified and Scarlet Fever with hcaicti. cided advantage. It is In cases of Death it indispensable to thc should be used about room. -=-V"m. F. the corpse - it wíl} ford, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleasmnaMmM ant smell. The eminent Phy. ' ■ 35Tila+ "PaTTO-nB sici:'. J.MAIÏION' ■öoanetxeveri spis, m. d., New ■ I York, sáys: "I am CUred I convinced Prof. Darbys I Prophylactlc Fluid is a WKKÊKKÊÊBÊÊS va'uaWedisiufectant." Vanderbilt University, Vaslnille, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergen! it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am'acquainted.- N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. lïnrbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexandkr H. Stsphbhs ofüeoreiaRv Chjlo. F. Lstut, D.D., Qfc.vtt bt ine Straneers. N. Y.j los. LECoNTB.CoIumbia, Prof.Univcrsiiv SC. DSPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfcctly harmlcss. Used internally or T, _, ?nally for Man or lieast. ihe Huid has been thoroughly teslctl, and we have abundatit ev.dence that it has done eVerythüia hcre ror fuller information get of youl Druggist a plmphlet or send to the preprietors, J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturmg Chemists, 1 I II LADELI'üI.i eLMAHnX osa Üïliïöiüi; The only knovm spedjlc for Epileptnrr-- - , and Fallingáickness.t NorvousWcakLcísqaicklvrclitvedandcarcd. Equtillod by no.n in delirium of fevor.-O e -Jfeutralizesgerms of dlscaso and eicknosa. Curco ujjlff blotrtcs and stnbborn blood sores. Cle.mscs blood, (jickens sluggish circulaiion. EIiminate8 Boils,C'artiltc!os aai Sca!ds."89 ffS-Pcrmanontly mi proinpfly cvres paralysis. ïcs, It 9 a charnlng and taealthful Apcrient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Kvil, twin prothers. Chducs bad breith to good, remoriug causo. tyRotit hjliousiiess and leara complexion. Charminfc rceolvunl and matchlc ss laxativo. -O( It drives Sick Ueadtcïió iihc tS" wind.ffift t"Contain3 no rtnsticcathartie or opiatos. Promptly enres Khctmatijm by routing it.=O8 Restores proporties to the blood. -oo Is fíuarantecd 1 1 cur? all nervom disorders. 0 t&"RflisI)lp when all opiatos fail.-ú . Rcfreshos the inir and InrigoratCB the body. Cures dyspcpeiaoriaíj-refani]cd."KÍ r"Endorsed in writinjz by exet gTty thoiifr.r.d Lcadlng physician? ;.n U. S. anti "Furrio -K Lcacling dergymun ia I?. ; and Er.ropc.-ÚJ Di?eanes of the blood cwn it a coiiíjnrror.-Tra For sale by all leading drugglsU. $1.50.-K0 For testimoniáis ar,d circuliirs eend stamp. The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Go., Props., jTÜJUNDOf BLANKS PRIME OM SHOET NOTICE AT TUE COURIER JOB ROOMS ItooUiiiiHliiiiï qnickly doneaiK allpreyrajn, invltatlontt íiimi carda msicfiilly


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