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■'fffl'l ■ t'fil vpU' ;:l POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marvel of puity.strength and wholesomeness. Moreeooumlcal than the ordiuary kinds, andcannot sold in eompetition wlth the multltude oí ow test, short welght, alum or phospnate powders. Sold only In cans. Roïal Bakinq 'owdku Co., 10) Wall St„ N. Y. Fond of "put up jobs"- Au architect.- Life. IW Tlie Volee of the People.- No family Dyes were ever so popular as tiie Diamond Dyea Tliey never fail. The ilack is far' superior to ogwood. I lie .il-.. „l.o " K..:lli- ■- nllo. Tiinhalllon & Co., Burlington, Vt. A man with i natural bent- A hunchback.- Life. Time Is Mouey. Time and money will be saved by iteping Kidney-Wort in the house. It is nvaluable remedy for all disorders of he Kidneys, Liver and Bowels and for all diseases arising from obstructions of hese organs. It has cured many obstiïate cases after hundreds of dollars had been paid lo physicians without obtaining relief. It cures Constipation, Piles, Bilousuess and all kindred disorders. Keep t by you. A French inarquis was riding out one day, when he passed an old ptiest trotting ilong contentedly on a quiet donkey. "Ha! ha!" exclaimed the marquis "How goeth the ass, good father?" "On horseuack, my sou- on horseback I" replied the priest.- Ex. Don't l)ie iu the House. " Kough on Hats." Cleara out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, llies. m" ■"■' ' "'"l" I ,, gwjmcisT luc. Some people are so modest that even their woonde aremortified when the ur"eou looks at them. - Life. Botter Than $10,000. " I gpent over $10,000 in 23 years," said Major H. W. Hines, of Boston, Mass., "in beinjf doetored for epilepsy. I employed the best physiciaim iu New Oileans, St. Louis, New Vork, Phlladelphia, Boston, London, and Paris, but all to no pui-pose. Samaritan Kercine has cured me entlrely. $1.50. A man who luis happened to have a good deal of experience says: "Stand inywhere but four feet to the lelt of a woman when she hurla an old bottle at a hen."- Ex. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is recommended by physicians of the greutest eniinence on both eido nf the Atlantic, as the most reliable remedy for colds and cougl.s, and all pulmonary disorders. Itaftbrdsprompt relief in every case. No family should ever be without it. The question is: Can a gul who doesu't use powder make her lialr bang? - Ex. ROCHEiTF.H, N. Y. I have been a great sufferer from rheumatism for more than twenty years, at times suffering most excruciating pain. I have used nearly every remedy I could hear of, or that was reeommended by sympathizIng friends, but have never found any relieffrom their use uniil I commenced with the Kheumatic Syrup, which I have been using for a short time ; but it is helping me so ïnueh that I now have faith that it will cure me. It has already done me more good thau any remedy I have ever used. Mis. Emily J. Norcross, Over 8, East Main street. Mr. C. King, of G2 Secoml street, Utica, N. Y., tried liniments and various other so-called remedies, for a very severe attcoir of Inflammatory llheumatism, but obtained no Miiaf Was finally induced by a friend to send for Klieu.tio Svrup,and after using it but a short time was perumnently cured. No, dear, it is not spelled mellow drama; you were led into error because it was so soft. - Boston Transcript. Edison's Electric Light is a wonderf ui discovery, but not as wonderf ui as Hall's Cutarru (Jure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. The best flshermen like to fish on their own hook. - Life. Health is ïnipossible when tlie blood is Impura, thick, and sluggish, or when itis thin and inipoverished. Under sucli conditions, boils, pimples, headache, neuralgia, rheurnatism, and one disease after another iá developed. Take Ayer's Sarsaparllla, and it will make the blood, warm and vitalized. If you wish to take care of your lienlth, take air.- Ex. Cause of Fallure. - Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures of to-day. Eberbach & Son the Druggists, are not liableto fail or the want of confidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Luug Syrup, for he giyes away a bottle free to all who are suffering with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Magistrates are masters in the "line" art. - Oil City Derrick. Skinuy Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impoteuee, Sexual Debility. $1. What relation does a woman want to bear to cold weather? Seal's kin. - Merchant Traveler. Cares of Life. As wc come to them they are received. borne with, and passed over with no more than a tliought, if we are in the enjoyment of health, but f sufterinsr with Piles or .kin disease of any kind they magnify a hundred fold. Eherbach & Son the Druggists, have Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is an absolute cure for any affection of this kind and is sold at 50 cents. Take panes to mond - the glazier. - Philadeiphia Chronicle. "Buclnipaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggist. A stump spcerli - "giveusthe butt ol yer cigar, mister."- Boston Commercial Bulletin. That Husbaud of Mine Is three times the man he was before he began using " Wells' Health Renewer.' $1. DruggistSj An oarsman writes to ask if "The Last Rows of Summer" is adapted toa baritone voice. A Fall-set-to would lje belter - Boston Musical Record. f tarrh of the Bladder. ritation,Inllammation, all Kidrinary Complain'.s, cured by .tba." Si.


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