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Tl,e ice on the river is about thick BDOOgh l0 cut How nuny '" h:ive y0U WriUen K 1883 Bince TuesdyJ___ Th. Blue Ribbon Club netteU $105.52 out oí their üve aay baaar. The thermometer stood at zero yester,]ay nioniing at seveu o'clock. The 8. W. Farmers' Club hold a meeting to-day at L. D. Walkius's of Manchester. m tHeavy show Tuesday night, witli blowingand snowing on Wednesday followNff . Wine was not served by any Aun Arbor ladies New-Year's day, so i'ar as we have board. Not maiiy callera were out Xew-Year's day, and tliere were more baskets tban ofeu houses. TieBliss and Minnis families liad a familr jathering at VV. R. Bllss's residence on XewYear's night. Prof. Morris has resigned from the vestry of St. Andrews cburch. He was Ilie senior warden. - -■ Dr. Pituia dullvered the last of foui Advent sermons on "Falth,1 Snnday evening, at St. Andrews. The hops New-Year's eve. were well attended, quite a number beinjr present from out of the city. The entertainment given at Fireman's Hall on New-Year's night by the Germán Military Band, of Detroit, is spoken of very highly. Judge Harriman was recently made a memlier of the finalice committee of the Savings Bank to till the vacancy caused by the (leath of Rice A. Beal. We lieard tbis week of a man from Alaijiiiüiiu ttie city wiuj cut aown to the river skating recently, and had the sweat on lus foiehead freeze. What ! Rev. D. R. Shier spoke Sunday aflernoon and evening before the temperance dub. From the amonnt taken at the door expenses were paid and $(5. reinainL ' Two bicyclists were down to the river riding on the ice New-Year"s day. Once tbey ran nearly ten minutes without a "header." A good way to Ilústrate the begiiniing of Leap Year. A pnrt of the city clock must have been taking a uoliday last Wedne?day after noon, for the hands on the south dial showed 1:59 at 3:54 p. m. Please explain. l'erhaps Ifew-Yesr's was tooniuch forit. We leurn tliat Mrs. R. E. Fnizrr, tor nicrly of Ann Arbor, is President of the W. C. T. U. of Jnckson; Superintendent of the Juvenile Temperance work of the state, and Correspouding Secretary of the district. 0. M. Martin had a house full for New Year'8 dinner. About twenty of Mis. Martin's, née Foster's, rclatives spent the lay with them. It was a very enjoyable occasion for all concerned. Judge Harriman, County Clerk Robison and D. II. Cramer, were at Milan last week to attend the Masonic installation. Quite a number were in attendance from liere at tlie ball following the installation. Coasting was very generally indulged in wSw Year's day. On Madiaon street, t the iead of División, there were twenty Pairs of bobs on the hill at one time, aboiit ""e liunüred and flfty or more enjoying "ie sport. Trie nrst Love Feast of the year wlll be l'eldat the M. E. Church on Sunday mornhg next at 9:30. The Pastor earnestly des'res the attendance of the members of the dmrch as he has matters of special imporlanceto present. Tlie Supcrintendents of the Poor met Tuesday and elected D. B. Green preslUetlt anl Davis secretary for the coming year. At the board's meeting on w 15tU inst. a county physician for tlie osuing year will be appointed. A children's opera was given at the Unitritn church Friday evening on the occasion of their Christmas festivlties. The P'wure of the evening was due in great jneasure to Misseá Wilson, Smith andBul18 who had charge of the entertainment. A gambling room has been opened on Min Btreet within a stone's throw ofelght Public halls, and was running full blaat 'IdaSunday. One of the city constal)1 listened awhile at the door of taid tlJm, and then walked away with the re"""k "they are playing now." At the close of the services at St. Anew's church last Sunday evening, witb previous arrangement, Mr. C. P 'ckton and Miss Francés Bishop, leads lady and gentleman in the " Flyine "an'. troupe, at the openhoud iuw i' y night' Went fonvard and reteu that the marriage ceremony be 2T 'r After tlleir m"& tte happy Couple were given an Po'nptulunchattheresidenceofone rtihT!al% Pari8l'o-ers. They left v?TTitiaw '"" Poster-. deckeu" and "Madeline rPectlvely-loTen,ofcoue. Mrs. Sarah H. Uisliop, President of the VV. C. T. U. authoriies the statement in her behalf that " she wilhdraws absolutely her signature from the Report of the Executive Committee, so far as any statement regarding the Kev. Mr. Pope, or ajiy endorsemeut of Mr. Conway is concerned." _ We are inforraed of at loast one saloon in our city that " remained open" on Christmas, in the legal acceptation of the term. An incident occurring there on that day, as it has reached us, very intimately concerns several to whom we trust this paragraph may convey a kindly warning to reform before it is too late. Some of the meat markets have had fine displays of dressed meats within the last week or ten days, notably Henry Matthews. Mr. M. had hung up on Christmas day in liis inarket tour dressed beeves, two calves, six sheep, and live lanibs, all nicely decorated with evergreens, tissue-paper rosettes, etc. "Twelve new depots to be erected on the M. C. R. R. this year."- Post and Tribune. Why shouldn't Ann Arbor have one of thein ? We know of no place on the road which needs a new depot more, aud probably more passengers go from and come to this city than at any of the other stations along the line. ïuesday proved an unlucky day for two Ann Arborites sleighriding with oue of Snow's turnouts. The horse ran away about four o'clock, dropping the occupants of the sleigh on División st., near A. V. Robison's residence. Dashboard and thill were broken, and lively work was made for a short time. Xeither of the parties in the sleigh were Injured. They are reported to have been under the influence of liquor. Ou Tuesdav evening, Jauuary lst, a large nniuber of friends met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Weeks to celébrate the fifth anniversury of their murriagf. During the evening niot of tlie company were taken by surprise, though to soine the secret was out- Mr. Charles W. Millard and Miss Alice A. Hicksof Ann Arbor were united in niarriage by the Rev. R. B. Pope and received the congratulations of aü present. The Wheeluian bas joined with " Outing," another magazine devoted to out-ofdoor sports, and the two combined now make a worthy exponent of the best modes of exercise, sport and physlcal cfiiture. The January number has a beautit'ul froutispiece of wheelmeu coming through the fog, and elsewhere between the covers it is capitally illustrated. Pres. Bates has a jolly romance, and even hough it is winter much of bicycle news s given. The nii:th annual meeting of the Michgan Sportsnien's Association will be held n Jackson next week Tuesday. Each club, a ineinber of the Association, is enitled to send live delegates. The Michigan Central will carry delegates tor a are and a third, we uuderstand, but paries who are expecting to attend should notify their railroad agent in advance, so that the proper tickets can be procured. An urgent invitation is extended to all sportstnen to be present. The marriage of Prof. I. Walter Basve and Miss Vie S. Higgins took place on Wednesday noon, the 2d lust,, at Albion, rfioh., the ceremony being perfornied by ïishop Simpson, of the M. E. Church. The bride s quite well known In this city and in Dexter. Prof. Basye as Secretarv of the Missouri School Furniture Associaion, etc., islargely engaged in business in Missouri. The new couple will reside in Jowling Green, Mo., whither they carry he best wishes of their many friends In bis viciuity. At the 33d annual meeting of the State Teachers' Association held at Lansing last veek, the attendance was reported as onehird more than at the session a year ago. 1rof. Beeinan, of the university, read a aperou "The best method to secure uniormity of Questions for County Examinaons." Supt. Perry spoke at some ength on the benefit to be derived from h study of Latin and Greek. He conlemned the use of translations in classical tudy. Prof. W. H. fsjnc meinbrof he executive committee for the ensuing year. Prof. Nichols, of the high school was present also. The Saturday and Sunday rnoniing Iner-Oceau prhited about four pages of Chicago bachelor personáis " for tbe laiies only." Tlie list was recommeiided o the cureful study of " match-maklng mammas." We clip the following conerning a couple of recent graduates : 'Bovvman, E. H., a young lawyer, with an office in Superior Block, a gradúate of ilichigau University and Harvard Law School, carne from St. Charles, 111." Again, "McMillan, Newton, a young awyer, formerly a reporter for the News ; about twenty-flve years oíd, dark hair and eyes; a good dresser, but always needs a a shave." The latter is lit, '79, the formr, lit, fl.