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I ƒ I "Jim ii i'iniiiiiw The Rev. J. E. Searles, of New York, is one of the most widely-known and highly esteemed of Methodist ministers. Mr. Searles Bays : " I am impressecl that it is a duty I owe to thoHe aiMicted with Rheuuiatism or Neural. (fia, to eay that a remedy has been discoverre! that is indeel a warvelous Hucceae. My won was Kreatly afflicted with Rheuinatiemi, and miflered bo neverely that, at timen, he wan obiij,'tid to have niorphine iuJected into his arm to fret relief. White in Üiis condition he discovered a reme y whicli effected inmie diate relief, and a iiermaneut cure. He has since lurnmhea ittomany othern with the sanie reBult. Ihava also furniwhed it to a mimber of hü-kous eufferiutf with RhaiiniotlTn. and t'ie restilt hú been immediat relief, aud a pL-nniínente-irc. Amt-iiKotherB, I e-ave it to llev. Wni. 1'. lorbit, pastor ot theöeoixe St. M E Church. NewII:tven,Co!jn.,whowaHsiifferiuKKrcatly with tbis tcnilily .iii:ine. I will give you his owu wordn as wrltteu to my non, wif"hin him to publinh the fact for tho benelit ui othertj aufferiuK with thu saino diiseaee." W hui Mr. Corbit Says: " New Haveu, July 24, 1882 " Mr. Searles : Dear Sir:- I wieh to say forthe beneflt of all who are suff erin? with Inflammatory RheumatiHin, that your medicine is infallible. I Buflfei'ed for two nionths the most excruciatinK torture ; lost 35 pouuds of flenh, and was uot out of my house for u month ; I heard of your remedy, and was alinost inatantly relieyed by it. If there h a speciticfor diaeases of any kiud, yoursruOBtcertainly is for Iuflaiumatory Rheuu:itisin in it severent forni. " Youra most respectfully, Wm. P. Cobbit, " Paetor Üeorte St. M. E. Church, New Haven, Coun." Such is Athlophoros - a thorougli and efficiënt cure for the worat cases of Rlieumatism and Neuralgia. If you cannot get Athlophohos of your druglst, we wül send it expresa paid, on receipt of regóilar price- one dollar per bottle. We prefer that you buy it from your drug-gist, but if he haen't it, do not bo persuaded to try KomctliiiiK elee, but order at once from us :ih directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW VORK. miiiiiiiiiiinmi II. R. iiiiiiiiiinmimi The Bee Hive sells all Best Spool Cotton, 4c. Best Standard Prints, 3K and 4%c A Benefit for the People.- D. F. Schairer's Great Slaughter Sale of Dry Goods for the next 30 days. You can Buy Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, and Jonifortables, One-Quarter ofi, at D. F. Schaiic-i-'s Great Slaughter Sale. The Bee Hive Dry Goods Store will open Saturday, Jan. 5. Fan tle's old stand, 4 South Maiu st. Ladies, D. F. Schairer will sell you his 50c Cashmere Hose, Extra long and fine at 39c for the next thirty days. 100 Pieces 25c Dress Goods in Choice Sliades at 15c tor 30 days at the Great Slaughter Sale of D. F. Schaiher's. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Cottons, Sheetings all have the Green Ticket at the Great Slaughter Sale of D. F. Schairer. OFFICE OF THE WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE HTS. CO. Ann Arbor Dec. S7th 1883. Notlce Is liereby givea that the animal meeting of the W. M. B'lre Ins. Co. for the election of office rs and other business will be held In the Court House lu the city of Ann Arbor on Wednesdav Jan. 9th 18 at 10 a. ni. bTt-PHEN FAIRCHTLD Secretary. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ONK NIQHT OSI.Y. THTJRSDAY EVE. JAN. lOth. '81 HKIIIMI AXXIAL TOUR. Of the Funnlest Germán Dialect Comedian In the World. CHARLES 1 GUIER, Who will appear In his grand chnrcierizations of aGermau from rrankfort-on-the -Militie, In hls Comedy-Dratna of "IK-A-IR,!.." Specially supported by tlie brightest little Soubrette on the American Stage. MISS PATTI ROSA. Our unri valed Orchestra and Uniformed Military Brass Band, Togelher with Gen. C. K Decker the Smallest Man in the World. Admlsslon. 7ö, 50, and 35 cents.; No extra charge for reserved seats. For tule at Watts Jewelry Store, GRAND OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY EVE. JAH. 5. The Charming Soubrette MISS JEIIIE CALEF, Who appeared last year as K'LISS, Will appear in lier New Play "LITTLE MUFFETS" SUPPORTKD BY Her Own Superb Combination. With New Sceuery. New Songs, and New Muslc. Admlssion 75, 50, and 35. Reserved Seats on ale at Usual Plnce.


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