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m mm i ni ni1 mu : INDEX AND ANNUÁLS, COMPLETE IN 24 VOLUMES. - IS- . THE MOST COMPREHENSIVA THE MOST SYSTEMATIC, THE MOST SYMMETR1CAL, THE MOST PRACTICAL. Work of the kind ever publtshed. Read what Professors Frieie and Winchell say of Appleton's American Cyclopaedia. l'XIVEKSITY OF MICHIGAN, I August 29, 1S83. ƒ The American Cyclopedia, published by tlie Messrs. Appleton, Is fully deservingof lts name, the artlclex that make up Ha oontentH ti-in iu general peculiarly adapted to tlie wants of American readers, and as compre)eii8lve and complete as could posslbly be ftxpected In a work of thls kind. IXmHtant UHe of tlils admirable work for several months puit has eonvluced me that it 1h decidedly suuerior to any other hithorto published in this country, and that it should tiave a place in every private us well a publio llbrary. . lIEiinv o, - ' - ■ Professor of Iatln Languase and I.ltertiture, riiKyerslty of Michigan. L'NIVEIt.SITY OF MiriIIUAN, 1 Chaiii ot' Okolouy and PAUOMTOXOOt', Am Akbok, Mich., Aug. 81, '08. I have owned a copy of Appleton's New Cyclopedia ever since its flrst publieation, and huve used daily. In my scieiitiiïc pursuits it has aflordext me mucli aid, espuciully in the line of biography aud history. But it seems to me speeially suited for tlie more tíoneral use of an intelligent fiimily. I have found jny wlfe and daunhtcr very freiiuvnlly resorting 10 the L'yclopoedia for precise Information ahout some personage in literature, history or art, and have often done the same myself. Whatever other sources of inlöriuatiou miiy be accesslble, theCyelopedia is always mout uccessi lile, for every subject stands in a fixed alpliubetical posltion found In mi Instant. Without faillugto approciato tlie vnluc of Applelon's Cyclopedta to oue engatred iu scieutilic pursuits, I ttiiuk it especially adapud to family use' and 1 belicve no more eltlcieut impulse could be giveu to tho eduoatlou of a family and to tbc promotion of its general intelligence, ttiau to place the volumes of this Cyclopedtawherc tbey can bc constan tly and conveulently cousutted. My convictions ou this point are so strong and so clear that I venture to 8ay that a set of tbis Cyclopedia would, if used as it niight be, quite doublé stnoöf:l-v„1nj;.rf'-s'iKjr;a jpsvEttcyoitypt lopedla becuuse it is ruil enough to give salisfactiou on every subject, and not too profound for average good iutelligenee, wbile the same eanmif uaid ol anv other ('vln. pedia pubheatiou wtiicli rknow tn tli!' ï.nl;li-b language. ALEXANDEU WINCHELI,, Professor of (ieology and Paleontology. The entlre work is del i ver ed withln live days alter glvin the order. Twenty-four volume, twenty thousand pages of tlie thouKhts of flve hundredof the best icholara in the land. On receipt ol' tlie tweuly-l'our you only pay for two. Once in a month some one will ask you lo pay for one. No note, no interest; nothing that ean in any w'ay embarraas or trouble you. The intervals ure so long, the amounts so small, that you will liardly be conscious that you have parteü wlth any money. C'all on or send postal to J. II. SLIPPER, Kt. James Hotel Ann Arbor, whowill waitonyon with pleasnre. Remember, the book is liever for sale in the book stores. Only sold by agents. They will not alwaysbe here. WímIoui would say the time The Auiorican tyclopedia, 1)8 Index aua Annual Supplement. Xew Vork : D. Appleton & Co. This Cyclopedia hns been more wklely knowu for more than a quarter of i ceutury In all parts of the country tlian any other of its kind. It is to be found, we presume, in all public libraries; aud it is astonishing to lcarn into what a Tast number of private libraries, housebold and professional, át has been introduced. This fact shows conclusiveiy in what estlmation the Cyclopedia is held by the great body of our intelligent people. It also shows rtiat to meet the greatest want of such a public, a cyclopedia must be popular In style, and, in its treatment of topics, must becomprehensive, presenting in due proportion the more important facts and the salient features, and reserving exhait9tive and technical discussions for special treatises. When the sixteen volumes of this great work - in their revised form - were completed in 1876, tlio Ameiir:in pnblii-, tincluig the Cyclopedia, as a whole, to possess those requisite characters, gave it their strongest endorsement by givlng it au ur.precedenU'd patronage. That extraordinary patronage still continúes. And this for the good reason that the ïiublishers are constantly supplementing and enrichlng their Cyclopedia. They have issued up to this time the following additional yolumes, uniform iu size and binding witl the sixteen constituting the body of the work : (1) An index volume, by the use of which the ínqulrer will tind whether what be seeks is contained in some leadmg article, or scattered through different volumes, or is accidentally given in connection with another subject. (2) A series of annual volumes, six in number, up to the close of 1881, in which all new facts of history, the records of religious mo vemen t, science, politics, biography, literature, educatión, reform, jurisprudence, raüroads, telegraphs, manufacturos, etc, are duly notcd. This procesa of the annual issue of one royal octavo volume of about 800-900 pages, is to continue. The Cyclopedia, on this plan, will never become obsolete, and never grow old. With an index volume (supplementary or. revised) every ten years, easy reference to alt tlie Information on any topic :ittered through the different volumes can be secured. These supplementary volumes are inViiluiibln to all persons who require to have at hand a condensed and carefully elaborated annual record of all important facts in the history of each and every country on the globe. Indeed, as books of reference they are indispensable to all such persons. And probably no volumes of the Cyclopedia are more sought for by those who arequalilied toappreciate their serviceableness. A good cyclopedia, like a good dictionary, is not a luxury, hut a prime necessity for the scholar, tlie writer for the public press, and for all persons who desire to possess the most convenient work of reference. And that the American Cyclopedia meets the wants of the average American scholar and professional is a fact which its general popularity and very large sal e put beyond question. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OK MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, SS. In the matter of tha estáte of Archlbald Scott, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the uuderüigned, adminislrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the elghteenth day of January, A. D. 1884, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of sald deceaned. In tlie township of Lima, in the county of Washtenaw. in said State, on Saturday, the flrst day of March, A D, 184, at one o'clock In the afternoou of that day (subject to all Incumbrances by mortgage or otberwise existing at the time of the doath of sald deceased) the lollowlng described real estáte, to wit: The norlh half of the southwest qnarter of sectlon two (2), and all that part of the west half of the northwest quarter of sald section which lies ;south of the Michigan Central Hailroad, excepting from the lastnamed parcel one and oue-half acre In the northeast corner thereof, occupled by the Michigan Central Rüllroad Compauy. All in towu two (2), south range four (1) east (Lima) In Michigan. OKOKGE 8. 8ILL, AdmlnlHtrator Pttti), an. 18, 1884. HT-8


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