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WELCH- On January 12, 1SS4, at her, residence, in the Fourtn ward, Mrs. Celia N. Welch, of rheumatlsra of the heart, aged 70 years and 8 munths. OREEN- On Jan. 14, '8, of heart disease, Miss Vally N. Green, aged 61 years. FltAWLEY- On Jan. I5,'4, of heart dlseaae, at 24 Jelfersou street, Julia F. Frawley, aged 5(i years. CULY- Benjamin Culy, living 2 miles east of Dexter, in öcio townsliip, üled Tuesday moriiing. Jan. 15tli, of paralysis, after a week's slckness. POLHEMUS- Jane V, wife of Jacob A. PolliemUH, died at her daugliter'B, Mrs. Kog er. In Scio. Jtin 9, 1881. aged 8 years, 9 mos., and 5 days. She waH bom In Cayugu vounly, townshlp of Fleming, N. Y. She carne to th Is wiih her huHband and parents in 1835. She lias been affllcted wilh paralysis and a great suOerer for mariv ypu'- n "us7"" -V: ,, „„ , hitnuii cnaracter to the very last departlng thls ilfe In the peace and cun Kolatlou ol thethrisliau hope. 8he wa8 the mother of flve clilldren, two of whoin surviveher, A B. Polheinus. of Ann Arbor, and Mr. Amelia Hogers, who lives on the old homesiead In the towu of Sclo. She also [■hvi'h ten grand chlldrfn.