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Hxviy Viris'f above depictl ■ very pleasant feature of lilrycüng ;is a i-port. Tho club havo ridden from ili'ir hcodqusrten in the city , to a euburban villagosome twonty jifllw away, wtaere thoy await tbc of the racing membern who wcro to ■tartjñst thirty minuten later. ]-'ivi: minutM moro and tho two foremont of tho raclnrfnvn- Fri.on his '■ Harvard," and Vonson on .hi.-i "Yiik1," appear lo bight. The paco iñ tremendous: tho men are nock and neck, and Dodgcs, lbo captain of 1 ho club, whom you obeerve la leuning on h'id " Shadow "ligbt roatUter, iu ihe fóreground, declares the race a tie. " Where are the otlier men? " be nfika. 11 Oli, behiml, aomewbere," in the reply. "Are tliere any ' I Jarvard'ri ' or 'Yale'.n'or 1 ,- lm 1'uv'n ' nmong Lfacm? " " Nu' i ;■.' ' Ah ! tbat account for li," fays the cnntaln. Aiiu-iiiMii bieyeleiH ar a body will reaUSO the force of the captain'.i last rimar!;, büt the thouKaiub of new riders whicfa the coming yerir will produce, Bhoulil eaoli one, of thern realizo that the otily trur economy ia choosing a bfeycle is to b'-' content wiiii notblDg leaí Iban the very befct Un monoy will procuro. Bacb. ihoüld flnd out i! I be can about blcyclca bcforc making hia 'choice, and in order to assist enciBlrers ii tbelt h for Information, we will, on rscelpt ofani a tllfee-ccnt lamp, nend to any a-.ldrcsx, a copy of our largo illustvated catalogue by return laail. THE CUNNÍNGHAM COMPANY, Tho Pioneer Bicyclo Houüo of America. : J 1877.] ,,: -.■■nuf,.-.rr-v .. Trlsysle, ":.. ' ; ■ ■ ' . " . iw, Mtst. CIIA-. W. VYAaTffER. AgMir. 21-Soiuh Main gfe, Anvi Arbor, Mich. moLEDO, ANN AKBOR & O. T. H. U. J.OCAL TIME TABI.E. Going into effect Sundy, Jan. 13, 18S4. ' Trains run by Central Timo. G01NGN0RTII. j rt I á o. o 8 fel STATIONS. S. o o. ó = 5x55ÏZ;x KM ÍHH Z a B I H B [ Pi P.H.1P.H.A.1L .V M.II'.M.IP.M S 40 2 00 8 05 Toledo 9 W 1 45 4 5i 5 451 2 07 8 12 Mlin batten .lunctlon D 28 1 88 5 681 2 18 8 11) Alexia Junetion I '.) 16 1 28 4 Sr (i 02 2 25 8 2fl Hawthorne '.I 10 1 17 4 3c li 10 2 :i5 8 37 Sainania . i '.) it2 1 07 4 'L li 25 2 5'. 8 47 Lulo '.'! 4Í 4 OJ fi 30i S 1'7 8 62 .Monroe .lunetidn 8 42112 42 : 1 6 43 3 23 9 01 Dun'deo 8 8012 a 3 51 11 H 3 4(1 9 1"' AzaUa 8 20 12 20 3 4t 7 06 8 89 92; Mllan Junetion 8 01)12 10 3 25 7 U 4 OS B 80 Mllan ■- iv; n ir:; ■. 7 15 4 20 a 30 Nora 1 :■:■ i.' 02 3 17 A.M. 7 22 4 40 9 4t Urania 7 52 11 58 3 10 7 33 4-55 9 57 Pittsriold Junction 7 im II 50 3 U2 7 45 5 20 10 10 Ano Arbor " -'T 11 3S 2 49 8 03 5 48110 32 Leiand 2 ' - -H-f-ftTÍÍ " ""rnufr, !; 11 lf, 2 25 K .., 6 .11 10 601 South hyon (i 50' 11 001 2 10 Uooneottona: At Toledo, with railroads dlverglng; ut Manhattan Junction, with Wheelinx & l.ake K-ié It. H.; at Alexis .lunction. with M. C. K. ü., I,. 9. & M. S. Ry and f. 4 1 M. K. K.; at Monroe Junction, with U 8, ,■; M. s. liy. ; at Dundee, with L. s. ,t M. s. lly M & O. liy.; at Milan Junetion, with Wabash St' Lont) ft Paclflc Ry.; at Plttsfleld, wilh I,. S. i M. 8. Hy.; at Ann Arbor, with MlobJgan Central lt. l{ , anrt at South Ijyon with Detroit, Lan.sinL' tv Xnrtliern lï K. ancKjriiiul Trlink Hy 11. V. ASIILEY, General SuDt. W. II. BBNNETT, Geni Pass. Agent. Detroit, -Mitfkiunc k .Marquette It. R. ianujrï 3, 1884. Pioneer Eut and Wesr Line through the Upper Península oí líicblsan. Over atOO Miles Shorter betwcen Marquette and all pointa iu the east than hy any other route. KAST. STATIONS. WEST. A M P. M. 8 'M Lv . Marquette Ar. 5 50 P.M. 1 15 Seney 1 o.ï 2 50 Newberry 1 15 A.H. 0 15 Ar Pt. Ignace l.T. 8 50 via M. C.U.H. PM. 8 25 MaekinawCity 8 83 A.M 10 15 Jackson 7 ;0 a 50 Detroit B Í5 Connectioilfl made nt Marquette with tho Marquetto. Iloughton & Ontonagon liailmad for the Irnn, Gold and Silver, and Topper District. Traína run by Central Standard Time. T. MoOOOIj, - V. SnijljUt tl N, Gen'l Superintendent, Gen'l Krt. ; l'as. Act., Mamuette. Mich. Marquotte, Mich. THE AWW ARBOR Savings Bank Alftr AJtliOR, ÍIICllItíAX. Transacts General Banking Bosiness CAPITAL, 850,000. Organtsed underthí Oeoeral [lanhlnc Uw of thl 8tate. the Rtnckholders nrí li:dívldaa)ly Hable fo in additionn! nmount to thr alock held b them, ■hreby nu n (.luarantee Fund fo the beneüt of Uepóuitorft of 8 1 0O.OOO.OO. Three por ernt. tntoret ts niloed on & BèTlOfCS Dp.t Of oi.e tTotlar nrtfl upwnrdo. 80 cortiinx bo the rulei of tbt fïimk and interest com pouudeii ieml tmtutliy P.'oü y to Loan on qd (ncuuütjereii rou íf"t' e n i t fcr.r pui;d eecariiy. DtnecsroBfl Chrtst n Mck, Y w ffine . a al. Yf il .iizii !utt Ti litifti U IJAiriuiïii. lUDiat Hlcock. mJ ïi-r u 'm :. ome hv. [3ttiBTi M i . r rt i W.w n'is-Ks. rtce-i'rca, TEN THOÜSAND liARliWOl)!? Farms in Michigan Eorsalcby the GRAXD RAPIDS & INDIANA K. R. CO. Sugnr m.-iplc the principal timber. Advantagcs: Railroads ilrcady built, numcrous towns and cities, onc of the hcahhicst parts of the United States, purest water, good markets, fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, largc agri.ultural po'jiilation, best building material at low figures, 'good soil, low prices, easy terms, perfee title. For books, maps, cltarts, and all additiona informal ion. address . W. O. HUGHART, ". . LandCommissioncr, Grand Rapids, Mich. Or Septek Roberts, Traveling Agent. G. F. NEWLANO l-H }Voohvurl Ave. Detroit, Wholesale and Itutail Dfeatera in Mnsl al Merchandl%B of ; kinds, g?neral ig-f-nt for tlie celébrate PIANOS OF DECKER & SOWr HARDMAN, DUNHAM, AND V1ARSHALL & WENDALL, ALSO IIIF, POPULAR ORGANS UU-ilcoK & "Wlii-fce. - AND - Taylor 2z Farley. AGEUTS WANTED. ST"Send for Catalogue and Prices. . ■■4 "VTooëLixTsurd. Ave., DETROIT.


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