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AFPLETON'SI AMERICAN llÈ ! The rcat Work of the Gentury. Reacl what sonie of onr culttvated men n Detroit liave to say. The Judge, the Lawyer the Physlolan, the Bishop, the 1'rU'st, the Merciiant, the Manufacturar, the Artizan, all uulte In sayins it is inraluabie In every honsehold; the more Uiey examine the greater the. admlratlon three hundred sets of them are In use iu the city; all thnt have them gladly bear witness to their value. Detboit, June lith, 1883. From long fi.railiarily wilh Appletun'o American Cvclui i'diii. we bclieve It to be ir aii American diteen ihe Desi work of which we tava m knowldue it beina a cemprebeneive view of tbc world hom tb eurltert autluntic buiorjr to the pmnnt time 11 l lull of facta ou the rl nd prnres ol ua ion U w complet, in Uwnpby }■ L ou aclence are bv ibe brsi acholare 01 the time In il ptsou may flnd atlmactorj inlornmtiou on all Hublic 8 ol interest. Il is luvaluable in every fanïy and Whem H 8 accesible to the chlldr.-ll h"y c'amiot fall to arow up uil educated, and where duldien are iu school the bowk doiibly rtp, v8T cosí in the aue and rapidity with wh.cb "hechlldwill Set Iu euudtiou. It couB.itut. 6 a valuáis librar} in 1WÜÍ. We can and do most cordia ly recummend it and ahonld te glad tokno it was in ev.-ry lainlly in Ibe Ttoï' upou which u eau be had are so reasonable that it UTwlthln th easy reach of aluiost every family. The eutirc work is fun.isned at once, and the payment extendB over a portod of o j Fi teen casta a day eecures me treasure. With it and the liible you are weli luruiBüed. E. O. DUBFBB, Jude Probate Court. HOY i' 1 Oö i , Altorney ai Luw. C. Il" BÜKCiKS.S, Bishop of (' EHNÏST VaN UYKIÍ, t'.ti.i ril hl Alovüjlli CllUICh. DK. E. L. htXfoHD, Pastor Uuiversaliat Chiircn. WM.ÜAWÉ, Pastor M. E. Chtucli. W. W. LEUÜETT, Attorney at Law. JAMES L.EDSON, Merchant. DH. I.T. DI1UE, I'astor l'rcsbyteriau Church. N. S. W1ÍIÜUT, Klectric Liglit. C. D. MOOKK, Efli ., New York l.ife Insiirnncf Unnimnj. A. E. P. WHITE, Ui D. M. Ferry & Co. I B. THOMPSON, M. U., W. U. UODSL-EY, Casliier U.S. Custoin Uuuse. T. R. ALUrtlCIl, Ol D, M. Forry & lo. L. T. BATES, Editor, (i. S. DOUULASS, Ol I). M. Ferry & Co. V. U. BKEMiLEV, Eveninjf Newe. W. P. FU-LKK. ÏSQ., Ot 1). M. Fuirv Co. CIIAHLES V. HIKSOÑ, 0 ö Cut:om Uoa&o. T. L. VOUUH.N, ESQ., I3,)okkeepei . H.C. CHRIS riANCY, II S. tlutoui Hou-c. wn. srocKiNw. Esy., Ed:l( r Post and Triliuui . FUED. WOOLl-ENDtiN. KSQ., Aeéiötant lJin-tin:istei. ■1 HUMAS NKAL, ES(.. 1 if' Iu8urauce. S. S. MATTHEW, ESQ., „ H. „KTKSli. üenii what John Atkiasoii. Ksq., the Attornev, says: ' Detroit, June 9. 1883. 1 have Iband Appletou's Encyclopavlia a very valuable book of reierence and sliould ui:ss it very inucu il' deprived ol it. I can l.caitily ïeconi"lel'd"- JOHN ATKINBüM. Allen RheldoD, Eq., the dry goods nierchant, says: 1 fuliy coucur in thvaboveALLEN SllELDON. Read what Prof. John M. B. Uill, the SuperinLeiident of their schools, says : Dkïroit. June 7, UK',. I have a copy of Appletou'a Americin Cycloidia and make aniio-t daily use of it. I val ue t very bigt ly as a book of rclerence. J. M. B. SILL. APPLETON'S CYCLOPjEDIA. The Greatest Intellectaal Work of the Tfiillini Whnt Some of our Most Leariied Men Have to Say of the Work. TUousands of sets of this great work are in dally use all over tne United States, whose possessoi'S are ready togive tlielr testimony to lts inestimable value. lts salewas never schools, and from the home of professional and business men, come, unsolfcited, hosls of testimoniáis to the superiority of '1'he Appleton CyciopKdia,' amoug whicli are the followlng: "After years ol constant use , I have no hesitation In giving the American Cyclopeedia the prefereuce for general fairness and reliability on all controverted points, and for sufflclent fullness on all subjects for which an American teacher and the general public has occasion to consult a cycloptedia," HENHY BAHNARD, I.L. D. "I consider the American Cyclopaidia far beyond any other similar work in its character and usefulness ; an unfalliiiK and trustworthy help in every departmeat of knowl: edge." JOHN WIIiUAMS, D. D., Bishop of Conn. "A truly American work. The best book of refereuce for general use that I am acquaiuted with." REV. LEOXARD BACON, D. D. i "I have been accustomed to consult it for many years, and I oonndently reeommend it as au excellent work." REV. NOAH PORTER, D. D., President of Yale College. "I have used it for years with increasing admiratiou for lts accuracy and fullness. It is of more value to an American houselioM mini JHI.T "-i" Hf)k of reference." ' CHARLEN w. "WARNER. " It is in my judgment, on the whole. the best work of the kind published in America." PROF. EDWIN K. JOHNSON, Trinily College. t " It is a work of great merit and corapletely ; auswers its purpose." . REV. J. H. TWICHEL, Pastor of Congregational church, Cleveland. I think it injomparably the best American Cyclopedia.'' REV . E. P. PARKER, D. T. 3 "It Is almost Iu valuable as a relerence book , for a private llbrary.'1 r HON. HENRY C. ROBISON. I "I know of no work which equals it in the combination of extensive and accurate in; formatlou with familiar but ready referI ' ' REV. GEORGE M, STONE, D. D. " I have used it in my family for several ■ years, and value it very highly." PROF. W. S. KARR, Hartford Theologlcal Semlnary. 1" "It is unquestlonably the best popular . manual for general reference for an Ameri' GEORGE WILLIAM CURTÍS, ' Editor Harper's Weekly. " There are three purchases I would advlse every American family to make- an English liible, a good uewspaper, and the American -1 Cyclopedia. REV. DR. TUTTLE, President W'abash College. a " A most eonvenlent, comprehenslve and trustworthy book of reference." O UOtJ OUOBOH BANCBOKT, Historian. "This ïnagniflcent work Is an honor to e American scholarship and American enterprise. HISHOP HAVEN, Bishop M. E. Churuli. s Send postal to ; J. II. BLIPPEBi i !. Jumes Hotel, Aiiu Arbor, Ue will take pleasure lu showing you thls great woik. Hemember it is never in the e book stores; can only be had of ugents. The linie to get it is now. REA THIS E.VDOKSEMEXT i! Of the American. Cyclopedia! - l'niversi; ty of Michigan, For American readers the claims of ApPLKTON'S A.MKKIOAN CYCXiOPEDIA seelll tO US r to surpass tliose of any oiher cyclopedia yet issueu, for the followiug reasons: 1. Both in lts range of topics and in its t method of treating ihem, it is more compret hensive thau auyothercyclopediaoriginating in lliis country. 2. In comparlson with the great cyclopedias originating in Great Britain, it conlains a multitude of subjects in the particu;1 lar field of American history, biography, law, geography, education, invention and social OOstOKn, ei'her not dealt with at all by the former, or not dealt with so fully and accu rately. 8. In proyldlng for the matter of the work, as well as for its mechanlcal execution tthe latter including the essentlal elements of 1 typographical correatness and adequate pictorial illustratlons), the publishers have made au outlay more liberal than has ever 8 been bestowed ou any other work published s in this country. i. In the ordlnary attrtbutM of a flrst-class cyclopedia, in wliich it aliares with otliers of i its rank, if is fully equal to all othors. parliculaiiy in tliis respect.- that each article is " compact, and accurate, and an authorilativo report upon it topic up to thn latest dates, and by a specialist in the dcpartinent to t which it bclougs. Upon the whole, we slucerely commend to the public this great work as in ltself a copious library of precise aod generaliztül Information ou every subject of Interest to Iho pcople of this country, James B. Asoei.i, President, Uuiversity of Michigan. Mosks Coit, l'rofessor of Kuglisli Lauguage and t,itera, ture. T. M. Coor.EY, Professor of Law. C. L. i'OKi), Professor of A natomy and Physiology . . Scud postal to ; .. ii. slipper, Aun Arbor.


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