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A i. ui;k numbor of pctitions were received in the Senate on the 31st ult, for a Prohibitory Liquor lw tor the Territorios and the District of Columbia. Bills were introduced topay employés of the Goveinmept the wag-es withheld ín violation of the Eteht-hour law, and to relieve commercial travelers from license tases. Adjourncd to Fetiruary 4 Ín the House bilis were passed forteiting lands (rranted to the Texas & PhcMc Railroa.l Company- 35 to 1- the neitative vote beinií that of Mr, BarffPa.); and also-certain lcnds rranted to the State of Mlaslssippi undcr the act adopted August 11, ISS6. A mossage from the President was received transniitting the report of the Secretary of State in regard to the restriction of American hog productg by Germanyand Franco. The Senate was not in sossion on the lst In the House the hill for the relief of Fitz John Porter was paseeü- 1N4 to 78. A bilí was lntroduced to prohibit the removal of House employés durintr vaoation, except for cause. Conference commitlees were appointed on the special Indian Appropriation and the Greely Relief scheme. In the Senate on the 4th the Chair presented resolutions adopted by the Legi3lature of Ohio favorinsr a tariff for rcvoniie. Mr. Logran presentcd a. protest against the passage of the bill for the relief of Fitz John Porter. Bilis were favorably reportod to ostablish a uniform i-ystcm of bnnkruptey and to make eieht honra a day's labor in Government workshops. Bills were iiuioüuced to enable the people of Dakota to ïorm a Constitution; to provide artificial limbs for ex-aoldiers, and to prevent the publication of lottery advertisemcnts in the Territorios In the House bilis we re introducrd to punish officers of the Uuited States for the illegal use Of money at elections; to prevent the sale of certain Pacific railroads before the United States bonds and interest shall have been iully paid; for an export tax on cotton, and to declare Good Friciay a Jeiral hoiiday. Mr. Morrison presentcil a hill fnr the reduction of the tariff, which iessons the duties on certain classes of merchandiso nbont twenty percent. The Speaker Hiinounerd the following committee appointment3 and chances, stating that where chances wore made they were at the re? quest of the members cuneerned: Kivers and Harbors - Thomas in place of Chace; Mississippi Levees - Chace in place of Thomas; Naval Affairs - G. 1. Wise in plpcf of Katon; Foreig-n Aflairs -Katon in place of G. D. Wie; Education- Kookwell in place of Milliken; Expendituresof the State bepartment- Davia (111.) in place of I'riee: LlquorTratlii - Prieeiu place ol' Davis (III. i; District o! ('oluinbia- Worthington and Kockwell; Expendlturee of the Department of Justice- Oisp and Milliken. _ DOMESTIC. Dywra the seve days ended on the lst the business failuies throughout the United States and Canada numbered 402, against 348 the pievious week. The distrtbution was as follows: New England States, i8; Middle, 70; AVestern, 125; Southern, 63; Pacific States and Territories, 49; Canada and the Provinces, S7. At Bloomington, Neb., tlie other morning Henry B. Holmes was burned to death in his barn. Thirty cattle and all the coutents of the building were consumed. The public-debt statement issued on the lst makes the folio wing exhibit: Total debt (including interest of $9,498,360), $1,87,498,952. Cash in Treasury, $393,415,233. Debt, less amount in Treasury, $l,48ö,083,719. Decrease duriug January, $11,958,002. Decreasa since June 'M, 1883, S5,007,4S7. It was reported on the lst that the extreme cold weather in South Carolina had seriously damaged the oat erop, destroyed early vegetables, and killed doves, mocking-birds aud poultry. A FíREat Searcy, Ark., a few days ago destroyed the stores of R. A. Ward, W. S. Lay and J. H. Redmond. Loss, $200,000. A buit which had occupied the courts of California for seventeen years, involving lands in the vicinity of San Pablo valued at $2,000,000 was on the lst decided in favor of the heirs of ex-Governor Alvarado. MarQuis db Mores ïeported on the lst a new d8ase among sheep on the Montana ranges, which had carried off six thousand head of merinos sent from Iowa and Wisconsin. Sixty polleemen oC Phüadelpliia made a descent on a cock-pit a few nights ago and captured ninety-five spectators and seventy-two chick6ns. Nearly all the men paid fines of $11.50 each. Moving ico from the Allegheny River siink two boats at Pittsburgh on the lst and set adrift several flats. Floods caused by gorges had resulted, in much damage on the bottom lands of the Youghiogheny, familes in some instances having been compelled to seek safety in the upper floors of their housos. John Hash, an aged citizen of Lancaster, Tex., was murderei on the 2d by a maniac brother whom he had tenderly cared for. Thomas Collier and his wife were poisoned at Long Island City, L. I., on the 2d. The brother and sister of Mrs. Collier had been arrested for the crime, the motive of which was alleged to be the possession of $25,000 left by their father, who died mysteriously some time ago. A LAD at Auburn, N. Y., has obtained judgment against the Central Road for $10,500 for the loss of a foot. The extensivo manufacturing works of Nelson & Co., at St. Louis, were destroyed by lire on the 3d, causing a loss oL $100,000. Three dreinen were seriously injured by falling walls. Sandy Robinsox, a negro who had mur dered a Deputy-Sheriff, was on the 3d taken from jaïl at Crockett, Tex., by one hundred masked horsemen, and hanged to a tree. A LOSS of $70,000 was incurred a few days ago at Fergtis Falls, Mimi., by the bursting of a wareliouse containing 40,000 busbels of wheat. William BRADsnAW, a wealthy farmer living near Albany, (íentry County, Mo., was murdered near his home on the 2d. Stages running each way between Whitesboro and Uainesville, Tex., were on the 3d roble(l by thi"ee men, who secured five hundred dollars. In Chicago on the 2 1 B. Schultz, a Pittsburgh merchant, was capturad by detectives, on charge of emliozzling 46,000, more than that amouut being founl in his pockets, and Leon Cronson, who embezzled $30,000 worth of diamonds from üoldsmith & Kuni, in New York, wis arrested, and property valued at $ll,0U0 was recovered. The United Statos (iovernment filed i bill in eqnity at Lincoln, Neb., on the 2d against the Blighton Ranch Company for the possession of fifty-two thousand acres in Clister ('ounty, which the Corporation had unlawfully fenced in. A passenger and freight-train on the Chicago & Atlantic Railroad collided at Hepburn, O., on tle 2d, killing engineer Henry Gauf and seriously injuring several other employés. Sixty-two new pupils for the India training-school arrived at Carlisle, Fa., on the 2d. At Brooklyn, H, Y., on the M Axel Paulsen skated tweuty-üvo miles in one hour, thirty-two minutes and seventftea seconds, beating all previous records. Non-union lasters, who bad taken the places of strikers, were fired upon at Boston on the 2d when returning from work, but no one was injured. A. C. Stevens, a prominent man, killed himself at Geneva, O., a few days ago, being depressed over unïortunate grain speculation. A Virginia gun-boat stole into the midst of a fleet of Maryland oysterdredges a few days ago, riddled many of the craft with cannon-shot and bullets, and captured one vessel which carried a crew of nine men, and had thirteen hundred bushels of oysters. The crew had been imprisoned and the boat conflscated. Jeff Rooers, a negro who brutally assaulted Mrs. Striblin in Chambers County, Ala., was a few nights ago taken from Lafayette Jail by fifty anued men and hanged to a tree. William Mcson, a catHe-raiser near the Cheyenne agency, Indian Territory, was murdered on the 4th by some savages whom he caught butchering one of his cows. Fbtur Clifford, a brakeman, was assassinated in his doorway at Kendville, O., on the night of the 2d, and lived only long enoughto charge the crime upo the Hickey brothers. Four of the latter and a brother-in-law named Heddy were placed in jail. Late the next evening a large body of citizens toik Richard Hickey and Reddy from the jail. The former was executel, but the latter was returned to custody after the ropo broke. The water in the river at Cincinnati was rising rapidly on the 4th, several lower floors of buildings were inundated, and fears of great damage were entertained. The issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended on the 2d was 85,ÍHW, and for the corresponding period last year 19S,000. The spinners' strike in ten milis at Fall River, Mass., began on the 4th, three oL the concerns closing down entirely, and the Metacomet mili being shut down through the strike of boys. It was stated that the other milis wouM suun M rlo-Cil, when ten thousand persons woulil le out oí einployment. A boat containing seven young men was upset in the harbor at Baltimore, lfd. on the 4th, and two of the occupants, Paul Arlmann and Louis Roth, were drowned. Mrs. Moroax Martin and her little daughter were burnei to death a few days ago in their house near Gallipolis, O. Burolars uuder arrest at Bridgeport, Conn., confess'jd on the 4th that the gang to which they belonged broke into twenty-six places withiu the past year, and committed one highway robbery. Their ages range from sixteen lo niueteen years. Dennt Downer and John C. Beauoleigh, two of the men who robbed the Wabash express carnear Roann, Ind., last September, and brutally beat the messenger, were arrested on the 4th and confessed the crime. Mcnitio:'S of war intended for the Insurgents in Hayti, which were seized on board a schooner at Richmond, Va., have been forfeited to the United States. Statistics show that during the month of January the aggregate losses from fire throughout the country were $12,000,000. The crew of the ilshing srhoouer Noyes, sunk in a colusión, were pickftd up on the 4th off Newport, R. I., nftor being ten hours in an open boat. They 'were terribly f bitten. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. The Republicans of the Second District of Kansas have nominated Edward P. Funston for Congressman to suceeed the late D. C. Haskell. At a meeting of the Illinois State Central Committee of colored men at Chicago on the 81st uit. a cali was issued to the colored men in the Eastern, Middle and Western States to meet in general convention at Pittsburgh, Pa., April 29, 1S84. ReV. J. E. Seneker, well known in Virginia as a Lutheran clergyman, slipped on ice at Cabin Hill, near Shenandoah, a few days ago, and was killed instantly by the all. Of five thousand bilis introduced in the House of Representativos at Washington up to the 31st uit fourteen hundred are fgr pensions. H. E. Packer, President of the Lehigh Valley Komi, died suddenly at Mauch Chunk, Pa., on the lst, aged thirty-thre" years. Mrs. George A. Evans, who diedon the lst at Des Moines, Ia., was said to have originated the observance of Decoration Day by strewing flowers on the soldier's graves at Ariington Heights during the war. Thomas Salmón, a liquor-seller at Wob-jrn, Mass., was last summer sentenced to jail for violation of the Temperance law. White an appeal was being heard he was elected to the Legislaturo. The Supreme Court on the lst decided that hemust serve ut his term in prison. Bertha Clear, who recently married the living skeleton in Philadelphia, but deserted hiin aftr two days, declared in open court on the lst that she was not reitrained of her libarty, and so wa9 permitted to return home with her father. Wendell Phillips die.l at his home in Boston, Mass., on the evening of the 2d, after a short illncss, in his seventy-third year, leaving a reputation as one of the most eloquent speakers and irrepressible agitators in the Juii Bttf 's. He rose to leadership among the Abolitionists by a speech on the murder of E. P. Lovejoy in 1837, and became President of the AntiSlavery Society. His wife survives him. The Democratie Conimon Council of Newark, N. J., deposed the Republican police officials on the 2d and elected Demofrats. Two sets of oflicers were on duty, and the Supreme Court woulil be appealed to. The Texas Legislature has passed a bilí appropriating fSO,000 for the use of the Governor to employ detectives and rangers in the suppression of fence-cutting. Lieütenants Sharber and Schuetze left Berlin on the 3d for Hamburg en route to the United States with the remains of Commander De Long and his companions, of the ill-fated Jeannette. Before the Legislativo Investigating Committee at New York on the 2d County Clerk Keenan testiflod that he paid Tammany $7,3')0 for his noniination, and that his incidental campaign expenses reached $20,000. l Mrs. McElrot, President Arthur's sigtei , held a reception at the White Uou.e n the 2d, whieh was attended by nearly thre thousaud persons. J. P. Whitebead. nged fifty-seven, erminister of the United Brethren Church, hanged himself near Central College, O., on the 4th. Richard Cajipbell. a millionaire papermaker of New York City, coinniitted suicido at oOa in his state-room on board the White Star steamsuip Brittannic, whioh arrived on the 4th from Queenstown. The cause assigned was despondency over his own ill health and that of his wife. FOREIGN. Owino to fears of Socialistic disturbanees, the Austrian Government on the Sist uit. proclaimed a martial law in Vienna and two other districts, and trial by jury had been suspended. The inbabitants of the beleaguered city of Sinkat, Egypt, had on the 31st uit. eaten all the dogs in town, and nothing remained but the horses and one ba2 of barley. The Pólice at BudaPesth, Hungary, on the lstsentcirculars to the United States offering rewards for the detection of the men who recently stole from the post-office steps an iron che=t containing 210,000 florins. A lacë factory and numerous other buildings near Pere la Chaise Cemetery, in Paris, were burned the other evening, by which one hundred families were rendered homeless. Advices of the 3d state tbat severe gales and heavy raing had cansad graat dstruction of property in England, the Isle of Man and the island of Jersey. The streets of towns had been inundated, bridges demolished and breakwaters destroyed. Eügexe Rouiier, the head of the Bonapartist party in France, died on the 3d, after a brief illness. William Meagle, who was a witness in the Phoenix Park murder trials, complained to the Dublin authorities on the 2d that frequent assaults and continued persecutions had made his life miserable. Durin'G a reconnoisanee on the 2d by Baker Pasha from Trinkitat, Egypt, El Mahdi's supporters fled and were pursued by cavaliv. Hundreds of the rebels were killed. The Clmmbersof Agriculture of several oounties ín 3wjgland havo paosed resolutions urging l'arliament to restrict the importación of cattle in order to prevent the spread of the cattle diseaso. Captain Austix, an American marksman, was recently giving exbibitions of his skill in Great Britain. At Leicester he twice shot a potato from the head of his daughter, but at the tliird attempt the ball plowed the scalp, and he was placed under arrest. A placard was pnsted in Paris on tho 31 urjjing the disaiToc-ted and unemploycd workingmen to appeal to arms for the improvement of their condition. Incendiaries on the 4th destrayed a church, two steamers and a large business house in Bermuda. Rewards were offered, and the penalty is death. The ice-carnival at Montreal, which opened on the 4th, drew ten thousand visitors, among tliem the Governor-General and party. The city was handsomely decora ted. The Logislature of British Columbia on the 4th issued a petition praying for a restriction of the importation of Chinese laborers, and stating that there were eighteen thousand Chinamen there uow, muit of whom were destitute. Michael Davitt, speaking at a land uationalization meeting at Glasgow on the 4th, demanded for Irelandasystem of selfgovernment similar to that of the Dominion of Canada. The failure is chronicled of Henry Montieth & Co., dyers, of Glasgow, witb. liabilities of L103,000. Agearian disturbances at Clonshanny, Ireland, on the 4th resulted in the murder of a farmer named Egan. Several arrest were made. IATEB, NEWS. Baker Pasha was defeated on the 6th by the False Prophot near Tokar, Egypt, losing 2,000 men, four Krupp cannons and two Gatling guns. A retreat to Trinkitat was made, where the nun-boat Ranger offered some protection, but the Europeans would return at once to Suakim. The Democratie caucus at Frankfort, Ivy., after a struggle of geveral weeks, and on the third ballot, on the eventng of the 6th nominated Joseph C. S. Blackburn for United Sta tes Senator. The stanch Dundee whaler Thetis has been purcliased by the United States Government for the purpose of a Greely relief expedition. The flood in Northern Ohio was causing great damage on the ath. The country between Akron and Cleveland was badly overflowed, bridges were washed away, many houses were ilooded, and travel was partially suspended. O. A. Carpejíter, of Lincoln, 111., cbarged with the nrnrdor of Zora Burns, secured a change of venue to Menard County on the öth, and the case was an" nounced to commence fciarch 3 neit at Potersburg. Weavers at the Atlantic milis, Lawrence, Mass., to the number of one thousand, struck against a reduction of wages on the öth. The twodaughters of IVilliam Morrison, agedsevenand eleven years, residine in Pocahontas County, W. Va., were burned to death a few nights ago by the destruetion of their home by fire. Morrison, his wifo and four other children escaped. Great alarm prevailed in Vienna on the 5th over the discovery of plots to assassinate the whole royal family. All the public building wereunder guard. The Britisli Paiiiamnt opened its seslon on the 5th. The Queen'a speerh urgeil the passage of tho bilis to extend the franchise throughout the kingdom and to roform local governinent, and stated that plans wiull be propared to extend the municipal goverment to the whole metropolis and to JrepT991 ""i i api Ion at olootians. A bill was introduced in the United States Senate on the tth to grant right of way through Inilian Territory tothe Southern Kansas Road, and to allot lands inseveralty to Indians. In the House the Senate amendments to the Tobacco Rebate bilí ■were concurred in. Bills were reported favorably to give the Southern Kansas Road riht of way througb Indian Territory, and to give General Ward B. Burnett a pension of $100 per month. A bilí for the election of Territorial Governors and Secretaries by the people was tabled. A memorial from the Western Associated Press, asking a reduction of postage on transient newspapers, was refarred to the Committee on Postoffices.


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