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ou papers at The Coürier ottice for % cents a 1WTtttfrtwo Dexteriles we re over to "F.&st I.yne- OW sfftion of the Orlóle has a hop „eek Satiirday night. Pu ny of our cltizena altend the Marcü Gras earnival at New Orleans on the 26th? The rooms formerly occupled by M. B. Kelley it Cn.. and Sheehan & Co , are not ot'cupied as yet. Dr. Diirling made his tirst trip as countv physic'mn last Tuesday. He succeeds a physician from Ypsilanti. Or genial county clerk isexpectingto sell 2000 cordsof wood from his Freedom laDd, as per an exchange. N. B. Waterman was in town a few JtT! last week and the early part of this weet He is still in the book business. The indications are that Ann Arbor sillbe struck by both Barnum and Forepjugh this season. Will botli have a white elephant? The possiim slipper, ou Momlay night, was not a largely attended as expected. A line time was had, BöWBTer, at the laat fupper of the year. The Unity Club have Monday night on their program papers read on California life by Judjce Harrlmsn, and on Priaon Reform by J. M Zane. It is probable that one passenger train aday eaeh way will be discoutiimed soon nu the Toledo road, the passenger business not warranting their continuanee. A gentleman representing tbe State Board of Health, in company with Drs. Breakey, Vanghn and George visited the cmintyjail Tuesday morning. Tlie weekly hop of the Armory dancing school will be held on Thursday evfiiing next week instead of Friday so as not to conflict with the ïiroduction of "Robert Emmett " 0. F. Webster, of tuis city, will be pleased to gain Information concerning tlie reunión of the suiviving members of tlieThird Michigan cavelry, to be held at Grand Rapids on tlie 22d inst. Captain Isaiah Bniy. connnander of the missionary ship, Morning Star, will give Ml aiUlrpss in tlie Congresfational church this evening, at half past scven o'clock. t'liildren areespeeially invited to be present. Admission fiee. The enterprising young clothiers, Blitz & Langadorf. come out witli :tn offer of a chance for any Yankee to prove his gnessing powera by guessing on the number of beans in a glass Their mammoth Hd. oa the neit page tells about it. For the month of January we are informed that the Toledo road received 2,"00 worth of freight at this depot more tlian in any previous month since the establishment of the road and perhaps $8,000 worth more than in the month of December. The Beethoven Gesangverein society is making prepaiation for a special entertainment on the 26th inst. By the way, the public dedication of the handsome % presented to the society reccntly will take place next .Tune, when quite a immterofsocieties from abroad are to be reptesented. emembere of the Ano Arbor Bicycl(Clib, havlng been tendered the use "%! upper floor of the Courier build''Sfor a ruling school, are making good 'ise of the samo. An occasional convert Puts in an appearance to take a beader, mix up tl.e ligaments of his wrist, etc'. l'on't niention it: Mr. M. J. Martin, of our city, received 'ter Monday from Mr. Bradshaw, Xr. Capei's secretary, stating that the reverened gentleman had been threatend with anattack of pneumonía and would wobllged to defer lecturing here until ter Easter. An efibrt will also be made secure Bishop Ireland, of Minnesota, ""alecturein Maren or April. Tl "" " 'ie Ann Arbor Bicycle club had an enWttÖC meeting Monday night and Jted offlcers for the enxuing year as !"Uo8: President, J. E. Beal; vice-pres.G.8. Hatch; Cptaln, L. I). Tayr' irt lieutenaur, G. F. Crawford; 2d '""tenant, T. Nichols; Secretary. George e;Treasurer, J. E. Robison; Bugler, joined 'ÍSOn' Thlrteea new members JídTí?'0f"Mr-Burt Thomp'"1Il!8llieS. Baxtor took place Dr riile8 "-esitlence last Tuesday, Itev. vit] f'6'6 Only a few inMllí? W6re n Mr. future , 'lomPson lfft at once for their e home near Pittstleld Junction, l,0 aillted u'em a newly furnished (-ongratulations and best wishes m 'n order. g+ nlcroopy „,„,er the their th i Klld MrS' StoweH llave PriOav aa'Ulal Micr(lscopical Soiree ■cr ng in Rm aoL! TrhtyeXWbÍtOr9!lndflfty mer exhlsw Popularity of the for'th'eo, I?"8 Proml a Hke success what? PeP'e llket0 Wlth ÖW naked eye. Auron F. Gay, a well known lamber dealer at Oscoda, Mich., Oled Slast.nturday of typhoid fever after a two weeks' Hincas, ailiis home In Ann Arbor. Mr. Gay's business relations have called liim away trom home mucli of the tinc since his faniily's removal hete from Boston, Mass. He had reached the are of 42. Services were held at the resldence on Liberty street last Tuesday, following which the remains were taken to Boston for interment accompanied by two brothers of the deeeaspd. ♦♦ Mrs. Latlirop, of Jackson, lectured Sunday afternoon to a fairslzed audlence. It wasaneloquentdiscourse and in thorough good taste, with the exceptlon of the ánimadversions on the parties and the attempted boom for the Union party. The time was Snnday, and the occasion was before the Students' Teiuperance Union, an organization. the sole object of wliich - asstated by the president- is to encouras;e a sentiment among the students for the toUl abstinence from alcoholic stimtilants during theircolle-recourse. In view ot these thiiifrg a politica] argument was more out of place than exiected- except perhaps by the enthusiasts of the Union party. _____ Attcr a sickness of several weeks the m deathofW. H. Hardy, of consumption, occurred about 3 p. m. last Saturday. His liealth has been poor for some time, and recently he went to Florida n thé in. terests of Stearns' drug house, of Detroit" p hoping to reeeive benelit froru the euange. He was taken siclc, however, some weeks since and was brougüt home two weeks 1 ago last. Wednesday, where he lingered until his death as above named. He was . born at Madison, Wisconsin, Sept. 29,1855 being. therefore, 28 years 4 months and 3 days old at the time of his death ; was a gradúate of the pharmaey department, 1 and son-in-law of the late Dr. Sager'. Mr. Hardy leaves a wife and cluld. An attempt is being made to have a tristate horticultura! meeting for Ohio, Indiana, and this state, to be held next December. Mr. Garfleld, secretary of the State Society, lias strongly recommended ourcityas the place for holding it, ifit should come In Michigan. Ann Arbor fruit growera are endeavoring, also, to secure for this city the session of the American Pomological Society, held in this State In September 188.5. Perhaps this is anticipatiug eventa some time ahead, bat if there is any virtue la the old saying of the early bird etc, 'tig wc to be lip and doing. Tlie raany advantages of thig point, it would seem, shonld have not n little weight in onr favor, and we hope to see these moves succeed. Next week the llth a.inual meeting of the Superintendents of the Poor and Union associations is to be held at the Couit House in this city. The followïn{ program will he carried out : TUESDAY KVEStNO. FKBRTTARY 12. AtTo'clock. Calltoorder. Prayer by Rev Dr. Hascall. Music. Address of welcome by Mayor W. D. Harrluian. Respunse by President, Wm. Chamberlalu. Paper by Kev C O. Bruwn, Kalamazoo : "Cbarltitw, the oharaeter and the glory of the Age." Ñames of delégate aiinounoed. Appotiitraent ofcoramittees. Motions and resolutions. Adjournment. WEDNESDAY MORÍíING, FEU. 13, AT 9 O'CLOCK. Prayer. Roll cali and completlon ofroll. Reporta froin superintendeiits of Poor and others. Topic: 'Proper Management of County Poor Houses " by Capt. T. C. Bradley, of Herrien Connty. Open for discussion. Paper by D. R Waters, warden of Ionia prison. (Subject: "i (Jome Abuses of Jutice in the Lower Courts." Discusslon on foregolng topic. Paper by Jiuige N. V. Cheever. Subject: " Poverty caused by Idleness in Youth." WEDSI3DAY AFTERNOON, AT 2 O'CLOCK. Paper by Miss G race E. Bradley, Kalamazoo. (Topic not furnlslied.) Reporta from ! Public and Private Cliarities and Penal '■ Ktitutions. Paper by Supt. John N. Foster, j Coldwater. Subject- Is the question, " How I shall the dependent Children be caredfor?" heilig properly solved in Michigan. Paper j by D. B Greene. Subject: "The Law of ! tlement and Remedies for lts Infringement." I WEDN8SDAÏ EVKNINQ, AT 7 O'CLOCK. Music. Paper by Prof. T. P. Wilsou, Ann Arbor. Subject: "Heredltiiry Pauperism ' Paper - President J. B. Angelí. Subject: "HarmoniouH Relations between Fmployers and Workinen.asa Preventiveof Pauperism and Crime." THUBSDAY MOUSIXO. FEB. 14, AT 9 O'CLOCK. Prayer. Report of Corninittees on Resolutions. Report of Committees on Legislation. Report of Committees on Nominations. Fixlng time and place of next meeeting. Paper by Rev. R. B. Pope. Subject : " Right Mingllng ol Head and Heart, in oare of the Poor."