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Alpha Nu hai a Library Mus!ca,e to. morrow nljfht, the last of the seuson A courae in short-hand is to begin in tlnsctysoon.ifuclassoanberaised Kequeats for additional hours must be n by the 18tl. and electlons by tl13 25th HenryS.Mahon,Lit.-83,Law'84,waS admitted to cltlzenshlp of the U last week. Prof. Oeo. S. Morris has retumed from Johna Hopkins University for bis work here next semester. F. W. M. Cutcheon, '85. left yesterday to accept bis appointment to a clerkshlp in the War Department. An artiole on "College Boctetiea " will sooii appear in the Century. Will it strike the ü. of M'g. quota? " Chas. W. Hiteheock, of '80, was la the city Ia8t Saturday. He is now studying in the Detroit medical colleee. K. D. Harjrer has been elected to fill I the vacancy caused by the recent resteI natíos of C. J. Scroggi, of the Argonaut . board. At the dediOfttlon of the new Baptist clmreh at Ypsilanti, last weck, Prof Ol ney talked on " Oharelte in Edocationa! Centres." A travesty on ' Romeo a Giuliette " is being set to new music prepaiatory to its produetion here by the students some time next semester. Wra. H. Kernan, Law '68, with two ! others, is the proprietor of a new paper at Leavenworth, Kan. jt , cane(j Ule "Sunda.v Free-Lance." Chas. H. Richmond, who entered wlth "84, and has been out of college for some time, expects to enter the University agaln the coming semester. The third annual Microscópica! Soiree of the students of the microscopical laboratoiies will be held this evening in room A, University Hall, From 8 to 9:30. At the Sunday inorning meeting of the Student's Christian Association a report of the T. M. C. A. convention held at Albion this week will be made. It Is reponed that Jay J. Read, '8, was presented with a baby girl on Wednestiay. Mis. Read was Miss Hiscock, of this city. They are living in Chicago. The Arj;oiinut bnanl oUutxl W U Chamberlain, lit. '84, managing editor, and P. P. Sanborn, homeop. '84, business manager for the eusuing semester. The tlrst of the University Chamber Uoucerts, given last Friday night, was a success both artistically and fiuancially. Mr. Sherwood's playiug reoelved much praise. A spinted discourse on free trade and protection is reponed as having taken place in advanced political eoonoiny yesterday afu-rnoou between two of tlie members. Dv. Vaughan has :i new seven-fifths cour3e in Sanitary Science In tlie llterary department the coming semester. He will also Lve a seven-tifths course in Physiological Chemistiy, í. F. Cowiiifr, '85 of the Law departmeut, who has been sick for soine days, died Tuesday, of Bright's disease. His remains were sent to his home at Peaoline, Hls., on the Tuesday night express. VV'. J. Abbott, Law '84, and a member of the Ohi Psi fraternity, leí't for home last week on account of ill liealtli. He was threatened with typhoid fever. We hear he is better than reported the latter part of the week. Chas. 8. Mitcliell, '80, dropped in on the Zeta Psi boys YVednesday moining for a few days' stay. " Mitcli." is a resident of St. Paul, Minn. now, and is on Iiïb way to Pennsylvania to well, we sliall knovv in due time. Already we hear reports of artioles of clothing being taken f rom the rooms, fnr hats, etc, in the new llbrary. The provisión there made for these articles of dress has always seemed to us only to Invite acts of the kind just named. The Nation of Jan. 24, contains an article on "Cabinet Officers," by C. A. j Towne, '81, and the issue of tlie 31 stuit, one on "Tle Government and Public EducatiOH," by Geo. W. Kinght, '78. The latter is studying for Ph, D. this year. Mrs. Loulsa Reed Stowell is about to engage in an itnportant work for a Cincinnatl publishing house. It is to be a I microscopical deseriptioii of all the medicinal plañís of the United States witli drawings. The book will be the text book for the Pharmacists. At the organization of The Chronicle board, on Wednesday niglit, editors for the various departments of the paper for the second semester were elected as follows : Managing Editor, E. S. Clarkson ; Vaiious Topics, II. F. Forbes; General Literature,F. VV. Grngory; Things Chronicled, F. A. Glddings; Exchanges, D. K. Cochrane; Personáis, Geo B. Sheehy; Literary Notes, T. H. McNeil; Secretary and Treasurer, E. E. Powell. Official notification was received by the University a few days since liom Kev. Jacob Cooper, of Itutgers College, to whom, it will be remembered, the suecessorship of Dr. Cocker was offered, tliat lie had decided not to accept. The position, therefora, reraains vacant. Acting Professor Howisou has recently received an offer from the California University much beyond anything our University could offer financially speaking. From this it would seem quite uncertain tliat his acceptance could be expected. even if the position should be tendered him. Ladies, (lon't fa il to artend D. F. Schaidrer'a special sale of Black Silks, Satin, Brocades and Satin Khodames, Saturday moi-nin?, Feb. Oth. Silks we have been selling for $1.25 to $140 per yard, your choice of the entire lot for One Dollar per yard. Come early and secure the bargains.


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