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Lincoln's Birthday

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Probably tlic colored people of Ann Arbor have been tlie first in the State to celébrate February 12th as the blrtbday of Abraham Lincoln. They d!d so in Firenien's Hall Tuestlay evenin, and with a large crowd the ifFair was a success. After the opening pniyer by Kev. J. K. Hart and daging by the Ladies glee club, tlie president, W. Allison Sweeney, delivered the opening address. The speaker has a fine voice, good presence, and with wcll cliosen and eloquent words, he eulogized Lincoln, Phillipa and the unknown martyis who now are sleeping on Southern lields. He referred to the fact that it was some 300 3'ears ago whcn the cargo of African claves was landed on our shores. Jiev. J. T. Sumlerland spoke of i.incolu as the Moses f iiic colorei] peopfe who led theni out of bondage and as thetr Christ who died tor theiu. Ho also rrferred to thoother classes inilehted i liim and how the South of' to-i]av is impiovng malciïallv. intellectually, utid nnrally. Mrs. E. T. Jacobs' re.idinL of Ilic Emancipation Proclamation was witli foei Ing. Judge Harrlman heing unahle to be present, wrote a letter of' s.vnipathy and cordial good-wlll. 'fhisw afollowtd by John J. Roblson who dwelt upon the Llnooln-Douglaa debutes, and the uccesses of the fonner. Tlien came the reading of the followlng letter whioll the president liad just rece ved from the son of the marl v red president, Robert A. Lineoln, Secrítafy of War: War Di-.i'Ar.TMUNT, W'uslungton, Keb. 10, 18S4. ( Gkxti.emkx:- It gives me greal pWsure to reeeive from you the notiticatiud that the colored cltizens of Ann Arbor will joln in conimeniorution of the blrthday of my fatber on lts approachlng nivei'sary. Such an expression of yonr endarinje veneration tor hlm, and oi yonr leniembraüce of the part be took undcr Providence in aelln to ive liheriy to those of your race lield in bondage in the country, Ís i most nfVectinjj tribute to liis mcniory. I do not know you personally: but in assming you of' the grateful einotious inspired bv your aetion, 1 beg to expresa the hope that tor those of your nuniber to whoni the eniancipation caine, the jirosperity and bapplnew of the yeais that liave slnce gone by iiave more than utwelgbed the Borrows of theit eartter years. I ani Very trnly yours. JtOBURT [dKCOLH. Messrs. John W. Scott, president; Williain Othello Thomïs, secretary. ïhis wasreceived with hearty iijtplanse. Lincoln's favorite poem was " Why should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud " and it was appropriately reeHed by Miss Josephine Thomas. J. X. IJailey, bcing pi'esent, was oalled upon and spoke of the early debates of Lincoln whicli bad made liim lamoii.', also of havlng met liim wlien be was on liis way to be naujruiated at Washington. This was followed by the readingof a iioein by J. S. Starks written tor the OLcasion; by singing', by a grand litaron around the room and a bountiftil supper served by the ladies, oloseil tlie enteitaininint.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News