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FOR SALE ! A LITTLE FARM 0F 56 ACRES ! Just south of the city limit, mcli "oii ■ raíalos giirden truck. (Jood Housio, Barn nnl Slicls. Apply to W. W. WHEDON. Notlce to Oredltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wahtenaw.M. Notlce is hercby riruD. thatby sn order oí tiie Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw. ruad'1 on thc twenty-fourthdayol Janunry, A. [. 1SS4. six mouthf írom tnnt date yere allowed for crediiors lo premnt tlieir claims asatnst ihe estale of Sarah Ami AlcCollum, Iflteof (aid county, decfaed. and that all creditors of said deceased are required to [m'ecni their claims to eaid Probate Court, at the Probare Oülce,in the city of Ann Arbor.for examination K allowance, on or belore the twestl lourih da l July next, and that such claimsi willbe heard beloie gaid court, on Thursday, the tu-t-nty fourth ilay oí April, and on Thursday, the twenty-fouith da ot July next, at ten o'clock In the foreuoon ol eacli ol tiald days. Dated, Aun Arbor, Jarmary 24, A. D. 1SM. WILLJAM D. UAKMMAN, 11SÜ-1I83 aTote Of ProNlt Diiiiirlitcrs. Wires, and Motliers. Ve eniphatically fruarantco Dr. .M;nrliisi's CathoMcon a Female RemwJy, to rul Female Uiseases.sucti as Ovari.m troulilc", Ititlannnation aiul alceratlon, FallingiiMil Displacements or bearing down ieeliug, Iiregularities, Barrenness, Chaiifrcol l-ifi-, Loucorilioea, besiilts niany wekne8rt spriaring frora the above, like Heaünclie, liloating, Spinal weakncss, Slfcplem s, Nenroua debilitj, Palpitaron of th licari, . etc. No cure, No Pay. For sule by drujrgists. Prices $1.00 and $l,.'i(l n-r BolUe. Bend to Dr. .1. B. MrchW, Utica. N. Y.. for pamplilct, f ree. For sale by EberbmJi & Son, Drti";g8ts. NOTICK. ALL prrsous indebted to Ihe nndcipigneil "-' requested to cali immedlntuly at the r.iiumiN Ono-I'riee Clotliin House and ettle thi Ir accounts. Ai d all parties havii X ilairas a-aiimt me aie requeted to pr sei.t thcw'l ouce for st'tlleuuni. _ JOK T. JACOBS. Dou't Die in Uu House. " Houjih on Hats.'1 Clears out rats, inicc, roaches, becl-bn{3, flies, ants, mole.-!, clilinonkg, gopbfin. 15e.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News