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Ferd. Bliss of Detroit was in towu Friday. Mr, Guy is much better, and is able to bc out. Ir. P. B. Rose wns homo Sunday and Monday. Fred. Walluce thinks business is pretty dull now. C. Watts, of East Saglnaw, was in tlie city over Sunday. Mr. Monjop, of New York, spent Sunday at Gov. Ashley's. Geo. Osius left Monday for a several weeks' business absence. E. H. Hudson, of the Cook, is stiffering Inflammatlon of the eyes. Hou. A. J. Sawyer has gone on a short trip to the northern part of the state. Martin Keek, of Chicago, spent Sunday n the city with hisuncle John Keek Joe T. Jacobs hae been indulging in bicycle exploits at the riding school, they say. Tliomas Haley left Montlay morntng to ?ell confecllonery ou the rernd tor Hangsterfer. J. J. says his chief clerk has liad "a humlred or more invitations to leap-year parties." Mrs. Warden among others from here, will ittend the Cineinnati Festival this raoutti, we leai'ii. Bro. J. N. Bailey, of the Argus, speaks at Lima Centre. Friday evening, on "Tarifl TaxatWm." Mr. Matt McCollum and wife of Detroit, w.-re visiting Mrs. McOollum, on Catherine street, Sunday. Miss Chittenden is agaiu out of school, siek. Her classes are excused f rom recitatlons until her recovery. Sam Langsdorf, one of "the two Sams," is expected home froin a two weeks' trip to Chicago and St. Louis. Meta. G. P. Robison and John B. Moloney, clerk of the Superior Court in Detroit, were In the city on business Tuesday. Mis. Kintner, daughter of Mr. Pack, of this city, leaves to-day to join her husband ia Washington, alter a visit at her old home. J. C. Stevens, with BUtz & Langsdorf, came up to the store yesterday. He has been somewhat under the weather with cold, etc, sincc Friday. Mr. Wood, whose mining interests in the west require his absence irom the city much of the time, is with his family on JeHerson street, this week. F. S. Clark and family of Helena, Víontana, have rcceutly moved to our City. Mr. Clark desirue to giw lila olH. diea the advantages of our schools. Charles liobison and Miss Ella Brown, of Manchester, were in attendance at the 3rown-Baxter wedding last week. Miss viary lownsenU of KUnger'a Lake, was also here. C. „I. Jones aml wife, of Cliarlotte, Mieli., are visiting this week with Ben. Watts and fainily. It will be rememered tbat Mr. Jones was formerly In the Tirst National. Mrs. A. T. HUI, of Detroit, the guest of W. W. Bliss and faniily last week, was oined by her husbanü Saturday. Remalnlng over Sunday, they left for home londiiy forenoon. John Keek was in Detroit last week taking an Inventory of their D.'.troit tock. Contrary to tbe ieneral report of imitare men, he says they fiud their Derdit business 30 per cent. aheatl of the treviotia year's trade. By the way, Mr. ieck lea ves to-day for a two or three veeks' business trtp In the East, making p a new stock, etc.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News