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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONQRESSIONAL. A Tiu.r. was intrfxJuoed in the Senato on the oth to praat risrlit ol way throujrh Imlian Terrltoryto tho Soutlern Kanaas lioad, nnd to allot lands In severalty to Indiana.... Tha Senate amendinetits to the Tobacco Rebate bilí were concurrí -d in by the House. Bills were report cd favorably to frive lbo Southern Kansas lioad rijrht ot' wny thronyrh Indiun Tenitory, and to live General Want 1Í. Uuriiftt a pension of jl'p por month. A bilí for the eieotlon of' Territorial Governora and Secretarles by the people wwè tablod. A memorial trom the Western Associated Press, askinir araductíon of postare on tra aal ent newspapers, was referred to the Committee on Foütroffices. Bills were report od in the Sonate on the Cth to uroend the Chinese liestrlctioii act and to pro vide lor the sdppreaslon of plouropneumonia. A bil! was introdueed to provide indeiunity for the State of Iowa undpr the Swamp-land ets In fhe House a resolutiou was adopted cali in jf on the Seci'etary of the Interior for copies ot all papera reg"ardinír irreriilar practiees on the part of attorneys praciicinif X)eloro the Pension Office. Bills were inu-oduced to authorize the pu rehuse ot' Miuir harbors for disabled seamen and to esta blish a branch home tor crlppled 8oldiers in on e of the Western States. Tho Pleuro-Pneunionia bill was debuted in ('oininittee ol' the Wholo. In the Senato on tho Tth Mr. Cullom intro du eed a bill for the relief of a íarge nunibor of cftizens of Bouthern Illinois who were granted lands by the (overnors of the Northwest and Jndian Torritmies. A resolution was offered by Mr. Cali, atid roterred, requestinK the President of the United States to prevent the delivery of Señor Carlos Afuero, the Cuban patriot in prison at Kev West, Fla., on the deinand of the Spanish Government upon a pretended eharfre of hiffhway robbcry. A Icnihy debato was had on the Méxlcan Lánfl-Grani Titles bill, but no action was taken Tn the House a bill was report ed toconsMmto a Bureau of Navigation fn the Department. The rules wero debated until a quorum was lost. Mr. Frye reported a bill in the Sonate on the 8thto remove burdens from the Ainerk-au merchant marine. Mr. l,m;m introdueed a bill for a eominl-9ion to report on the progresa of the eolored people Rinco the close of the war. TheMoxican I.nnd-iirant-Titles hill was passed. Adjournod to the 1 !th In the House a resolution was offered pro vid ing lor &n apDroiH'iütion ol' l"0 UOi) lor the íerers by the Ohio River Hoods. Mr. ltan(ïall reported the Naval Appropriaiion bilí, and Mr. Willis introducid a measure tcmporarily providin?for the support oí' common schools. Mr. Turner (Oft.), ('liiiinnan of the Committee on Klections, reported a resolution in the MiSSlssippi eleetion case of Chalmer yeJManning1 disrliunrinír the oommitt06 from lurther considera! ion of the prima facie case :'nd awardiny the sat to iieither contestant. Tke Speaker annoum-ed i he appninttnent o f Messrs. Hopkins, Wftitl, Lauham and Wüson (la.) aa a eommittee to luvestitf&te the oharg-es agalast H. V. Boynton, the Washington colrespondent of the Cincinnati OrtmrMreial-Gazette. A resolution was otrered requesttng the President not to ddiver ( 'arlos Agüero to the Spanish aulhoritii's to be trled tor politiedl offunses. Adjourned lo tbs 1 lili. DOMESTIC. ACCORDIN'G to adviees received on tliö 5th from the Lmver Mississippi Valley, tbe peach erop in Illinois and Alabauia hatl been killed by the cold weather, while in Kantucky ït was severely blighted, and in Arkansas somewhat injured. Blaekberries and raspberries in Illinois were killed to the snow-line, but strawberries promised well. The extensiva fnrniture factory of Crossman & Kluenter, at Allentown, Pa., was destroyed by fire on the Cth, and fiva persons were reported as killed and seven others were injured by falling walls. Near the Howard furnace at Portsmouth, O., on the (ith a gallon of powder ignited in the lap of Mrs. Wüliam Wollom, and a terrible explosión oceurred. The woman and her child were killed, two other children were injured, and the house was blown to atoms. The seven hundred weavers in the Pocasset Mili at Fall River, Mass., struck on the Cth, and the mili was closed. W. A. Smith, a diamond-dealer of Boston, has failed for $200,000. A constrdctiom TRAis was overturned the other day near Port Gibson, Miss., and íourteen men were injurod, one fataily and three dangerously. The Indian inhabitants of Ommittan, near Oaxeca, Tex., on the Cth rebellec' against the whites and burned the businesi houses and murdered seven chief merchanta. They dragged the bodies through the streets, plundered stores and spread terror throughout the place. Thk recent consolidation in Texas of tho Millican and Continental Cattle Companiee, with property valued at $5,000,000, makes the largest live-stock corporation in the world. A Scotch syndicate has purchased the ranch property of six Texans for 3-2,500,000. TnE National Agricultural Convention met in annual session in New York City on the 6th. A paper on the injustice done the farmer by the sale of oleomargarine was read by Joseph H. Reall, Secretary oL the convention. The flood in the Ohio River was causing terrible destruction on the 7th. Allegheny City, Pa., was inundated, milis and factories had suspended operations, and all the railroads but one had stopped running trains. Thousands of persons were homeless, and several lives were lost. Onethird of the city of Wheeling, W. Va., was submerged, f] ,500,000 worth of property destroye.l, and seven thousand people driven i'rora thtñr bornes. Within a radius of fifteun miles twenty thousand people were homeless. At Cincinnati the river markeil sixty-two feet above low water mark, and business was ompletely suspended in the lower part of the city. At numerous other points on the river reports of great damage were prevalent. Adentist in Scranton, Pa., named W. H. Heist, gave llrs. James Stevenson three doses of chloroform on the Ttli and extracted fifteen teeth. ün his task he found his patiënt a corpse. While crossing the river at Lafayette, O., on the Tth Frank and Jam. s Henderson were drowned by their boat being ei ushej by floating logs. An entiie square in the center of Hazleton, Pa., a town of eilit thousand inhabitants, suddenly sank three feet on the 7th. Pour buildings were wreclced, but no one was hurt. The town had been undermiucd bythe coal-diggers. ■ TWO BROTHKRS tlfitnwl N-U-o., ail tivn other young man wer dfowued in Tuscarawas River at Kvausburg, O., on the 7tli by the upsetting of their boat. ■ A band of boys Ht Hinneapolia, Minn., on the Tth hanged a lud named Johnny Molan in a barn, anl wlien lound aud cut down life was nearly eitinct. John "Hkxni.ngto.v, a farmer, and hia wife, residing near Frankfort, Kan., were found dead in their barn on the Stk. A hired man who had recently been discharged by Hennington, and who was missing, was suspected of the crime. Perrine & Co., woolen dealers at New York, failed on the 8th for j-1 15,0 0. The river was rising at Cincinnati on the 8th and the suffering was increasing. Provisions were becoming scarce at Wheeling, W. Va., where fifteen thousand homeless persons were in need. Wellsburg, W. Va., and some Ohio towns along the river wero also threatened with famine. The Excise Commis-iioners of New York City on the 8th revoked the licenses ol eleven huudred liquor-dealors for vioiating tbe law. James Graham, a lawyer of New Orlecns, who had squandered his wife's fortune, killed her on the 8th with a pistol while she slept, and then took his own life with a razor, nearly severing his head from his body. A steamer and a sloop, carrying an armed foros, sailed from Annapolis, lid., on the 8th to captuie men engaged in robbing the oyster-beds in Chosapeake Bay. Buccessive explosions of eight tanks of oil, tar and naphtha in the Standard OilWorks]at Long Island Ciy, L. I., on the Bth resulted in a fire whicli camed a loss of HOO.OOO. John Hazard, on trial on the 8th at Pittsfield, Mas-;., for siealing a ham.spent someyears among the cannibals of the áouth Sea Islands, and professus to retain lis appetite for human flash. ' FÍBNRT S. CnURCn, for slx year Cbam bprlnin of Troy, N. Y., was discovered 01 the 71 h to lie a for $77,600. It wef thouglit that the Dios! f the money.w' lost m stock ipeculation. His whsreaboub were imknowii. A touxo womnn ntmeil Margaret O'Don nell, wliiU' sbaoting at.rats at C'innbprland Mil., a few davs ao, aceidentally shot anj killed Thomas Cougulin. T. C. Walls, a merehaít of Lockport, N Y., sixty-fivo years of age, met with ra verses and emigrated to Texas to retriev his fortune. He poisoned lumself at Dalla: a few days ago, afler having subsisted foi home time 011 one meal per day. VV'hile robbtltg the house of Samuel Nor man, near C'hillicothe, O., the other night Martin Hendricks (colored) was shot deud by the proprietor. A man suppnsed to be Kid Wade, a no torious horse-thief, was found hanging te a railway whistliiig-post near Bassatt, Neb., on the 7th. In a recent colusión between TSaltimor & Ohio passender trains, near Kallsburg Htation, Fa., fonr peisons were seriously injured, and the locomotivos and express cars were wrecked. During the seven days endpd on the 8th the business failuros throughout the United States and Canada niiinbered 2G0, against 402 the previous week. The distribution was as follows: New England States, 33; Middle, 53; Western, 'M; Southern, 58; Pacific States and Territories, 23; Canada and the Provinces. "X as Engllahman re presenting a syndicate desiring to invost L6,030,000 in ranch property in Texas left tuat State in disgust on the SUi, and would makö an adverse report to his principáis. He said there was more secmity for property in Ireland, and n o prospect of improvement in the near future. Robert Bailey, a loading colored man of Toledo, O., was arrested on the Sth for marrying a white womtn in December last. He pleaded that the Probate Judge granted the license on full knowledge oí the facts. Emigratiox from South Carolina to Texas and Florida was on the 8th said to have been iiuite general atnong the negroes throughout the former State for some time. PERSONAL AND P0LITICAL. The Democratie caucua at ïrankfort, Kj'., after a struggle of several weeks, and on the seveuty-third ballot, on the svening of the rth nominated Joseph C. S. Blackburn for United St:ites Senator. O. A. Carpenter, of Lincoln, 111., charged with tlie murdor of Zora Burns, ycured a change of veuue to Menard iounty on the 5ih, and the case was announced to commenco Maich 3 next at Pa srsburg. Thk Ohio House on the ."th repealed the McConnellsville ordinance, which empow■ed ineorpoiated villages to decide vhether Hquor shonld be sold or not within their boundaries. Henry Coopeh, formerlv United States Senntor froïn TeimesHee, wils murderod on the 5th by robbers near Culiacan, Mex. He was manager of the Polk silver mine in the Sierra Madre. Mountains, and had thirty thousand dollars in exchange with which to pav off dehts and start the mili. Puksidbnt Ar.THL'd held his flrst public reception on the evening of the öth. Frederick PiERSox.of the United States Navy, was married in New York on the 5th to Miss Jnsephine Ayer, only daughter of the late Dr. J. C. Ayer. The bride is heiress to ten million dollars. The Texas Legislature has passed a law making it a misdemeanor to fence lands not owned or leased, or toherd stock on the same. The Slississippi River Convention, coniposed of five hundred delegates, assembled in Washington on the 5th. E. O. Stanard, of St. Louis, was elected President, and addressed the assemblage on the importanco of improving ïavigutionon thegreat river. Tdh Tenas Legislature adjourned sine die on the Uth. The Republicans of Kansas will meet in State Convention at Topeka April 29 to elect delegates to the National Convention to be held in Chicago. The funeral of Wendell Phillips in Boston on the tith attracted a vast conoourse of people, iiK'luding delegations trom all the reform movements. The steamship Frisia, with the remains of DoLong and his companions on board, left Hamburg on the tith for New York. Rev. J. B. Bruillett, rector of the Catholic Bureau of Indlan missionaries, died in Washington on the 6th.jKej had been a missionary anioug the Indians for twenty-flve years. The Ohio Congressional Apportionment bill, giving the Democrats twelve district and the Republicans nine, becaine a law on the Tth. 1 Hon. RicnAHD Nelso.n (coloretl), proprietor of tlie Galveston (Tex.) Spectator, was ejected from a train on the Taxas & St. Louis Roarl on the Tth berause he refused to ride in the t-moking-car. He would sue for thiinages. A popular subscripción was started at Boston on the Tth to erect a statue to Wendtll Phillips. Mbs. Htkatton, widow of Tom Tiub, on the Tth applied to the Mayor of Nw York for permission to open a museum. Rev. W. G. Lane, of Halifax, N. S., recently married a soldier and his sweetheart without a licenso, and after a few days the bridegroom deserted his wife because the union was Ilegal. The clergyman has been ordered to pay a penalty of two hundred dollars. The Mississippi River Convention, held at Washington, passed resolutions on the Tth declaring it the duty of the Government to so iinprove the great river and its' tributaries as to permunently secure safe navigation, and expressing the belief that the system now being prosecuted under the Secretary of War was the one most generally approved. General W. T. Sherman wau on the 8th placed on the retired list of the army, having reached sixty-five years of age. Colored citizens of Bloomington, 111., have issued an address to the voters of their race in the Northern States, urging a conference at Pittsburgh, April 29, to consider the growth of political despotigm in the &&nttr. Donobüe, a member of the New York Legislature, went to Montreal toattend the ice-carnival, and was arrested on the 8th tat coraplicity in the Fonian raid of 186ÍJPresident Arthur has npproved tbe bill appropriating f100,000 for the benefit of destitute ludians. FOEEIGN. Baebii Pasiia was defeated on the 5th by the False Frophct near Tokar, Egypt, losing 2.00U men, four Knipp cannons and two Gatling guns. A retreat to Trinkitat was made, where the eun-boat Ranger offered some protection, but the Lurupeans would return at once to Suakim. Great alarm prevailed in Vienna on the 5th over the discovery of plots to assasainate the whole royal famlly. All the public buildings were under guard. The British Pailiament oponed its session on the 5th. The Queen's speech urged the passage of the bilis to extend the franchise throughout the kingdom and to reform local governmeiit, and stated that plans would be preparad to extend the municipal goverment to the whole metropolis and to repress corruption at elections. A passenoer train at Lancaster, Can., struck a cutter at a crossing on the 6th, killing Alexander Richardidn and William Aynos. Tewfik Bet and four hundred followers. (Oiilliiuid on Firt Fii.


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