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AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaints are so lnsiaions iu tiicir attack as thoseaffecting the throat and lungs : none so trilied with by the majority of sutferers. Tbe ordfnary cotiijh or coM, resulting perliaps fïoin a trilling or nnconscious exposure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sicknoss. Arai's OniilniY Pectoral has well proven its efficacy in a ftwf yoars' fight with throat and lung diseases, auc should be taken in al] cases without delay. A Terrible Congh Curecl. " In 1S.17 I took a severa cold, whteh nffeotod niy lungs. 1 had a terrible cou-'h, and passcd ntlrt alter inght without sleep. The doctors cave me up. I tried AVKB'8 CHKRRY PkCTORAlTwMcIi relleved my lungs, Indnoed sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for the reoovery of niy rtreusth By the contiimed use of tho Pkctoral a pernianent cure was efleoted. 1 ain npw liü veais old hale and hearty, and aro sntislied vuur cm iiiiv PiiCTi.R.ii.savedme. HoKACK Fairbrothkr." liuckinghaiii, Vt., July 15, lt,s-j. Croup. - A Mother'l Tribute. "Whüe In the country lust winter my litile boy, tliree years old, was taken ill with cr'onp; it seemed as if he woul.l die Hom Krangulation. One of the fiunily suggeMed use ot AYKR's Cbebry PivcToiiAi.. a bottle ol hich was alw.-iys kopt in the house. Tliis was trled In suiall and frequent doge, and to ourdellghi in lewthan luüf an In mr the littlo pattent uu breathlng easjly. Ine doctor sald that theC'HKiuiv Peotobal had save.i my darling'a lile Can ou wonder at Mitgratitude? Slneerely yours, ' .1 , MR. K.MMA OliBXEV." 180 West 128th St., New Vork, May lü, IÍ82, " I have llsed A VHü'.s OrTKRBY PKCTOR i. In my fanuly for severa) years, and do not hesitate to pronounee it the roosl effectnal remedy inrtouKhs and coldsweiiave ever trted. A J. Cbakb I.ake Crystal, Minn., Marcb 13, 1K82. " I sutfered eijjlit years from Bronchitis, and antrtrying many remedies with no sucoess I was cured by the use of Aveu's Chebry Pbi tuüii.. ,, , , JOÍEPH VÍALOS!!." Bynalla, Miss., April 5, 188Í. "I oannot say enough in praise of Aynn's Cbebry Pectoral, belleTlng as i do that hut lor its use I should long nee have Uied froin luns troubjes. e. ükaodo-n." l alestine, Texas, April 22, ÍR82. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs existswhich cannot he greatly relievtd l.ythc use of Aykh'sOhhhhy PECTORAL.andltwllla.Voyi nm when the diseaso Is nnt already beyond liio eoutrol of medicine. i'Ri:i'AHEn ny Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drnggiste Skimiy Men. "Wells' Health Rcnewer" restores ïealtli and vigor, cures Dyspepsia i wtence, Sexual Debllity. l. ,


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