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MERlVLÏëfflQiüliOlH) The only linown spadfc for Epileptic FM.ft3 rj-Alsü for Hpaomd and Falliiif.' bickucs3.t,1 Nervuu WoaknCM quickly reUered nnd curcd. Eqnnllcd by none n delirium of fevur.'CÜ j, , Xvütr.ili.t gema of di-icasc and uickness. CurcH u:ly blotehes ond etubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, qy.iekene slugglfll circiilniion. ¦ Elimínalos Uoüs, Oarbundci nnd Scalds.-S ay-Permanontly andpromptly curre pnralysis. ïce, U is a charmingand nealtbful Aporient. Kllls Scrofnln nnd Ivlugs Evil, twln Drotbors. Ohangea bnd breaih to goud, remoTlug canno. f'í'-Routs bllionsnes8ndcteara complexión, ('harmins resolvent and sn laxniivcitf It drives Slck Hcadacho liie the wind. -51 fjf Coatains no drnstie cathnrtic or opi:ite=. Promptly cures Rhcnmstlsm by routing it.-sn Rostorcs llfivgivlng ptopertiPBto thebkmd.-ve Is "narauteed t f ure al i uerom di;(irdt;r3."it ; i 1. liablo wbon all opiato) fail.-a .1 I{ fr-shrp themlnd and inviproritcs tbc body. C-ira dyspepsia ornnmoy refundod.ïl ; ¦' Endorsed in vritinc'by ovrrfifty thononv.d Lcarllng phjreloiani in P. IS. mi Furoin' "%8 Lcading dergjriBi n In C. S. nnd Furope.'S Pfe.iss of tho bl'-od nvn it n eonqtiTor."trft. Fon Jo by allleadlng draggisto. ïl.fiO.s P ir twtHnmiIa!? mnJ drenlara send stnmp. The Dr. S. h. Rietasnd K?,t Go., Prcps.. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., Affents, Chicago, Illinois. VVIiat will it do? Brown's Iron Bitters? Good fo what? Well, see what it has done To begin wüh dyspepsia. It hat cced some of the worsf cases. Then chills and f ever. Whc wants to shake with cold and burn with heat, when a bottle or two o) Brown's Iron Bitters will drive thi source of the mischiefaway? How about rheicmatism f It cured Mr. Brashear, of Baltimore, and bundreds of others. Those dreadul nervous irmibles. Mr. Berlin, of Washington, the wellknown Patent attorney, was entirely relieved by Brown's Iron Bitters. The 'ailtnenis of the kid?ieys. - Brown's Iron Bitters cured Mr. Montague, of Christiansburg, Va., and an army of other sufferers. Dcbiliiy and languor. The Rev. ]. Marshall West, Ellicott City, Md., is one of the many clergymen restored by Brown's Iron Bitters. And as with vértigo, malaria, livei complaint, and headache, Brown's Iron Bitters is the Great Family Medicine. o. JlHIiHbHaHhfeiy does riís-r WONDERFUL VLilí è CURES OF I+H KIDNEYDISEASES 0) h AND Q ,. LIVER COMPLAINTS, o r B ciausw it acts on tho I.lVKIi, BO1VELS and KIDXEYS at the same time. Beoause lt oleanses tho gystem of the poison; . oua humors that develope in Kidney and Urínary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, ConstipaB tion. Piles, or in Eneumatism, Neuralgia, iíervous Disorders and all Female Complainta. tt-SOLID PROOF OF TUIS. .. IT TOTLL BuSÜTr CITBB [. CONST1PATION, PILES, and RHEUMATISM, By causing ITEEE ACTION of all tilo ortrans and functions, thereby i CLEANSINCtheBLOOD restoring the normal power to throw off disease. THOUSANDS OF CASES of tho worst forme of these terrible diseases have been quickly relieved, and in a short time . PBRFECTLY CURED. 3 TRICE, $1. LiqriD OR DRY, SOLD BÏ I!HT Í.CISTS. Dry can be sent by mail. ' WKIiT.S, EICHABDSON & Co., Burlington, Vt. 1 3 Send atamp for Diary Alraanic for lb4. [ lnHtlllliaBIItlHIHiaillHBIBI % .- Infante and Children I "Wilhnnt Korniiine or Narcotice. r }yhat KÍTea n!"" Children rosy obeeki aat cures their (evers, maltes tliein sleep'Tls Hstoria. v.lim Cablea fret, ttnd by turnt U hat cures their coüe, kills their worms. What ÍjuIcHt cores ConstlpDtlon buur btomacli, CoU, iQdigPfltloil : lint t'awtiirlíu r-.n-v.-, i] then to Ilorphlne Syrupa Castor OU and Poregorio, ana irailCn-tor'i]. 'I f i - ¦ ' lian iin -.- , Eo-iu3 onre for Khunmntism, Sproias, Buata, GalJs, &o., and aa Camiilïs, Onondaga Co., N, Y., Jim. 10,1888. Hheumalic Byrup Co.: Gents- I feel t my dnty to rocommend your wondeiful medicine- " Kheumatic Syrup" - to all who are fufferlng with rlitiUinatism, nuurnlu;a or kidnap dfcáaulty- I have been agreat snfferer with rheumatism, caiisid by kidney difficulty, and have been treated by our best physlclana, but tlie.v feiled to i-each my case or benelit me in the least. I saw in the Aubnrn papers the names of a number who had been permanently emedbythe use of Rheumatic Syrup and belng acquaintod with many of them, I was indueed to tiy it, and to íny surprise I found that all pain had left me before I had tinished the flrtt bottle. 1 continued its use for a time and to-day, I am as Well as ever and feel no more pain or trouble with my kidneys. lt has been several months since I discontinued its use, so ] know it is a permanent cure In my case. I can testlfy that Rheumatic Byrnp wil] do all- yes, more than you claim for it. I am yours truly, Mus. Hattie Paddbck. CHAMPBON CA3INET CEEAMERY e___=____1 Aworded Sllver E if Mediil at l'i-ovliuial ¦ llíSSIS!) Vlrouto Industrial ExB - "j lilbition, Toronto, CanaH'T"" i' "¦ i" " jfe'Jl September, 1883 JIus taken t tic ilrnt preH[t3llipSGrt-ri f-pTI I mïnin at the State Falrsia 1 ttciirly cvcry AVestern ¦ il'jffi--' l! Bwte. Ktilf'CB the most ¦ Jffl _2SI cream wiih leaBt labor. jj - fcJS}] Makt-ö the best butter. , , ' Ib mado of the bent materJtl A grctit nnmber iu Me. All sizrs for factorlfiB or (liiirien. Send for Illiiiitrated Circulara. Iíiiiiy Iiuilt-iii[tt Co., lSellow 1'iilU, Vt. NOTICE. ALL persons inclohtcd to the nmlovfigucd are ieiiueted to cali iiumedlati'ly al the Famous Oue-Prico Clothlng Houso md sctllo tholr acronnts. Ard all partles havinp '. aguiimt me me rtqueeted to [ir.Bent theui at nce for Bettk'mcnt. JOE T. JACOBS. i Don't Die In the House. " Roiiph on liats." Clears out rats, mico, ! oachos, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipi nouks, gophers. lúe. i


Ann Arbor Courier
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