University Items

It is said tbat seventeen of the senior medies are married. We noticed A. E. Miller, 'S3, of Detroit, in the city Friday. Northnort is the pW-e choaen for work in June by the engincers. President Angelí lectures on " China," in Jonesville, next Friday night. Exercises were suspended in the University last Friday, Washington 's birthdav. Harrison Soule, UuiveKity treasurer, was recently elected Grand treae urer of I. O. O F. W. S. Abell, '78, now a mining engineersomewhere in New Mexico, was in the city recently. Mis. Stowell attended an aniversary rathering in Flint last week at her father's, Kev. S. Reed'?. D. R. Phillips, '81, went down to Detroit last week for a few days' recreation. He returned Monday. N. D. Cochran, formerly of '86, was in the city over Sunday. Neg. is now travellnjf iu the interest of the Toledo Bee. Mirse Rohnert, '83, studying law in Detroit, carne out last week with H. E. Palmer to speiid a few days with friends. J. C. Hibbard, lit '87, and C. L. Carter, law '85, leave this week for a seven days' visit at the foriuer's home in Hyde Park, ll History of the Atomic Theory " was Prof. Langley's subject Thursday night last before the Detroit Scientific Associatioü. , . " Religión and the Social Relations is Prof. Morris's subject in chapel Sunday morniiig next at 9 o'clock, before the S. C A The President spent a half hour In the library yesteiday afternoon giving the members of liis course in Diplomacy ometliing of an idea of the completeness oí the univeislty collectiou of books on treatie?, etc. E. S. Claikson, managing editor elect of Tlie Chronicle, spent a few days at home near Tecumseh last week. He returned Monday. M. B. Trainor, '84, gave a few of his friends a tangible remetnbrancc Thursday nlgtat at Hank's, before his departure tor home. The Charlotte coinmon conncil is in receipt of a report from Dr. Winchell concerning their probable success in an atteini)t to bore artesiaa wells. Prof. Olney'8 physician says he must take a rest from active work. The Professor has beeu unable to meet his classes this semester on account of sickness. Elmer Dwigglns, '84, leaves this week to represent the Sigma Phl chapter at the annual convention of the fraternity on March 4th, at Schenectady, N. Y. For the week ending Feb. 9 volumes to the number of 2,544 vvere drawn irom the new llbrary. The need for more assistants has not yet been provided for. Prof. F. A. Blackburn, '68, of the San Francisco, Cal., High School, has just poblished, through Ginn, Heath & Co., Boston, a "Latin Graoimar and Exercises." Melville W. Bigelow, '66, of Boston, Mass., is doubtless the author of a recent volume of poems published by Little, Brown & Co., uuder the titlc, " Rhymes of a Barrister." Ella D. Cochrau, in college last year, is just recoverins from a several weeks' sickness In Battle Creek. She was taken siek while visiting Miss Skinner, formcrly of '84, ot that city. Wm. A. Campbell, M. D., assistant in microscopy and general histology in the U niversity, has a paper in the High School Index of last Saturday entitled "An Evening with the Microscope." Prof. H. G. Sherrard, "82, of Detroit, took advantage of the vacation In behalf of the father of his country last Fritlay, and came out for a shoit visit with the Zeta Psi boys. He returned Monday. The Philological Association elected officers as follows fur this semester: President, Merle A. Breed; vice-president, Walter Miller; cor. sec, A. F. Lange; librarían, A. C. Wheeler; treasurer, G. C. Schemin. Isn't it a little strange that the bid of Lcwis & Gibson of this city, to furnish cabiuets at $3.00 per dozen, etc, to the senior Hts, wasn't accepted? The class pays $3.50 per dozen, as per report of their selection of class photographer. Prof. and Mrs. o. K Adama gave a largely attended reception last Saturday night In honor of their guest, Prof. M. C. Tyler. The professor's many friends and acquaintanccs thus had an opportunity of meeting him in person after an absence of about three years. Prof. Tyler's lecture last Friday night was of much interest throughout. Prefatory to the lecture the Professor referred to the many changes that had taken place in the University and city since his departure for Cornell some three years since, and expressed his pleasure in being able thus to greet his friends of old. Col. Atkinson, of Detroit, dellvered the animal address last Friday afternoon under the auspices of the law students. Ue spoke in Uiuversity Hall, taking as his subject a review of Washington's lila in connection with the history of the early colonies. The atldress occupied an hour and a half, and was given to quite a large audience.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News