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n asiii.iuïun, i. u., Marcb 1. Ma. The Democratie Hiruse of Repreientativcs could not well funiish more siitisfactnry campalgn capital fop the ftepnblican party than by inaintaining the -ve:i tenor of its present idle way. Nor is tliere iiny reason it will depart froin the beaten patli it lias followed so closely for the past two months. The business of the session Is in a discredltable state of backwardness. It lags- it stands still. There is lack of unaainiity, want of cohesión, and a general appearance of hesitating uncertainty in the ranks of tlie majority. Time is wasted in frivolous talk, and digressions are made froni the legitímate subject on every possible occasion. This disposition has been markedly noticeable dnring the past few days, whicli have been devoted to the discussion of the bilí for a '-Burean of Animal Industry '' to prevent the spread of contagious diseases among catlle. Members have been diverted in various dirtctions; soine, by very circuitous paths, into lields of partisau attack, while others have indulffed in personal discourie-ijs or " interchange of pleasantries. Oue of the Ütet moves ui the Senate this week was to appropriate flüü,000 for the relief of the sull'erers by the recent tornado in the soulhern states. Senators Ransom, Brown and Pugh thought it a case elearly callinj; for the lirterposltion of Congress, but Senator Han is said he would uot vote a dollar out of the treasury for any sueh purpose, as he believed he had nu constitutional power to do so, upon whicli Senator Biown inquired if there was auy distinction between this case and tliat of the sutterers by the western floods. The Senate conunittee on A]propriations is CuntlderlBg the matter noiv. The Senate passed the McIMierson banking bill aml bas begun the debate on the proposeiJ reconstructiim of Uu; Snvy. The bill authorizes the consiruction of eleven steel cruisers, ranis and torpedo boats. llie uecessity tor nu impiovtment in the Navy wasubly shown bj Senators Butler and Hale, wlio presented the ïiieitioieiit cliHmcter of our naval power when compared with the formidable estubliahmcnts of other great nations. Olhcrs are ready to oppose the blll on the ground that American eonimerce needs no protectlon and tliat while a Navy would be an ornamental attaclnnent to the government, it wonld be uselesi furtlier than to float the stars and stripes in foreign waters and give naval officers oppoitimitie for European travel. Among new measures offered iti tlie House this week was one for the establishment of a Pieparatory School at West Point for candidates seeking adrnission to the Military Academy. These re to be known as Provisional Cadets, and are to be given such instruotion and military training as will qualify them to fill vacancies oecnrring in the corps of cadets. Anothcr bill provldes for the women who gave their services in militaiy hospitals (luring the late war. And one proposesa constitutional aniendment making the Presidential term six years, and rendering the President ineügible to re-election for the next succecding term. It provides for a direct vote for President in each State, abolishes the electoral college, and lixes the term of Represcntatives in CongreS3 at three years. The chairmau of the Ways and Means coinmittee reported H resolution which was ado[)ted directing the Secretary of the Treasury to inform the House how mach money is now in the Treasury of the United States, nader what provisions of law it is retained there, and how much can at this time be applied to the luiuidation of that part of the National debt now payable wHItoiu cmbarrassing the department. The ite passeu the House bill repealing the tst oatli, nftermodifying t byan ameodïnent tlmt no person wlio held a couimission In the United States aimy before the war, and was afterwards engagei) in the service of the so-called Confedérate States, shall be appointed to any position in the army or navy of the United States. The next convention to be held In thig city wili be by the lively Ass eiation of Woman Snfl'ragUts and will begin on the fourth of Msrch. The delegates and speakers who havc:ilready begiin toinake their appeamnee, say they expcct to do a üttle something with Congres?, and think the Senate Coramittee on Suffrage 11 make a report favorable to tliem. The great leader of the Suffragists, Susan B. Anthony, who ha8 spent the winter in Washington, saya they expect to have a very enthusiastic convention, and will at least accouiplish a rreat deal in the way of agitation and education.


Ann Arbor Courier
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