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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iSIÜIi AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep eonptantly on Innd, ¦ BREAI), CRACKERS, CAKKN, I -IL., For Whilcsalf and Rewil Tride. We hall also keep a eupply of gWÏFT & DEUBEL'S HES 1' White Wheat Flour! Dellii Flour, Kjc riour, Buvkwlieut Flour, Corn RI#Si, i'ced, IStc, At Wholepale and Ketall. A genera] sto-'k "f GROCERIES ani PROTISIuKS Conetantly on band, which wü] be told on as reayuuable tt-rrrs nf ut any other house (n int city. fBh paid for BUTTER, EGG', aid CorNTHY PRODL'l'E Keneially tiooiï .livertd to ai, y part of the cily wHhnut eitra char(r. RINSF.Y SEABOLT. Ferdon Lumber Yard! JAMES TOLBGRT, Prop. Manufacturcr and Dealer in SACINAW GANG-SAWED LDMBER Lath and Shingles. We invite fill to gïvf ir a cali, and examino our slock belort; purchauiui; clsewUere. AL80, AGENT FOR Jactson SewerPipe Co. ASD SELLS FIRE lililí K. JAMES TOLBERT, Pnor. T. .1. KEECH, Scrr. W. TREMA1N, GEXERAL lijJRANCli M OFFICE : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, OOR. HÜRON AND FOÜRT11 STS., North British Insurance Co., Of Lomion and Edinburr. Capital, f 13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Firo and Marine Intnrance Co., Caeh Aeee's $600,000. Springfieid Ins. Co. of Massaoliusetfs, Cash Aieets Í 1 ,800,000. Howaril Ihs. Compaiiy c.f New York, Cash Asscte $1,000,000. Atrricultural Ins Co., "Walertown, N.Y.. Cash A'eets Í 1 ,200,000. L cte? Llberally Adjos'ed and Tromptly Paid. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE!! $42,000,000 Security held for ih- pniteclion of the i4;Cj CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresents the followine flrBt-cla-s cmBpinip, ol which one, the Elna, hae alone liaid f 50,00(1,000 Üre lotjes in ixty yearB: yEtna, of Hartford, $ 7,000,000 Franklio. PhlladelphlN 3,000,000 Qerman Ainerioan, N. Y 8,800,000 Lomlon Assurance Corponit'n. 1 5,800 jOOO National, Hartford ] ,200,000 Nortli Gemían, Hamburg '2,0(10,000 l'hocnix, Brookjyn 2,00,000 Underwritcrs Agenoj', N. Y.. . J ,00,000 Losses liberally ndjusted and nrotnptly piid Polieies issued at Ihc Unvert rates ol prcuiuim. 1070-111? CHRISTIAN HACK. TENTHOUSAND ¦EARDWOOD-tl FARMS IN MICHIGAN, FOR SALE BY TUK rranö Rapios & Indiana Railroad Co, Sugar Maple the Principal Timbe r. Advantaget.- Itailroadnlreaily huilt, nuineroax Dwnpand il ltM , cme of thu bcallhiedt partii of the Tuitcd States, pnrcot water, pood marketu, flut rtiit, eood roadp, tchooln, i hurche, laruairriculnral population, beet bnildin? maifrlul ut iw flores, nood sof], lowprtcus, eaey term, perfect tltle. 'or bookn, mapH, charts, aud atl addltioiml iLforun uní, addrestt W. 0. HUUIIART, Land (ommlssion r, Qrac d Rupids, Mlch. ir, SKPTBR ROBEKTB, Travelirg Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
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