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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIOHAL. Tite Military Academy Appropriatlon Mll was i'Hssmi in tbe tenate oa the 4th, witli aa amendment that any military cadot hereafter disniissed tor hazing shml not be reappoiuted. A Wil was favorably reporu-d from the Commlttee on Military Affairs to relieve menibrs of tho Fit. Johu Portor courtmartial from thplr oath of shcrecy. Mr. Slierinan introduced a bilí Kranting to newspapers or press associutions a copyright on their news of eiirht honra. A bilí was passeii to puntan the couiiterfeitinjc of seeunties of foreljrn Governutents. . . .In the House bilis were reponed to amend the Chlneie Immigratlnn act. Ui prevent tlie ailulleration of teas, and to pernianently linprovo the Erie ('arml for froe traftio. Tho Navul Appropr;ation bill was debaied in Cotnmitleo of the Wbolo. In the Sonate on tho 5th tho Judlciary Committcc mado a favorable report on the bilt providiiia; for the colleotiou of marriagre and divorce statlsties. An act was passed to authorlzo the Postmaater-Gsneral to lease bulhlingrs for ]ost-otticea of the iirsf. second and third classes for ton years, at reasonablo ratos - In tho House a resolution wan adopt¦cl wn ¦ !i-nr.' Tiuniullllno Luna as Delégate from New Mexico and adinlttiiiK F. A. Manzanares, who was promptly sworu in. Mr. C'ollins i rom tho CommtttBO on Judiciarv,roitirtod a blll estublishinï a uniform svsteni ol bankruptcy Uirouirhout the United Statos. Mr. Tully. from tho Coinmittee on Public l.ands reported a bill forieiting the Ontunag'OD & Brule Kiver land krant. An adverse report was made on the resolution for the relief of Buflerersby the overflow of tho Missixslppl and by the eyclono in North Carolina, but a resolution was repurtod favnrably recjucstinff the .eoretary of War to ini'orin the House whenover relief was needed alonyr the Missis6i pi. Tho Naval Approprialion bill was furiher considered in Committee of tho Whole. Mr. Cockrell presented a memorial in the Senate on the Otli from tho United Labor ornanizatlons of St. Louis prayingr that the Wholesale lmmigration of European mochanics be restricted. Dills were passed to appropriate $20O,(XKI to Colonel Albort H. Kmery for ïnveutinjf a machine for testini? iron and steel, and to provide for a svstem of courts in places outside the territory of the Tuited siitns. A bill was reported favorably ftalnjr the rato of postale on translent newspapers at one ceut for tour ounces In the House the Naval Appropriatiou bill was further oonsidered in Couiuiitteo of the Whole and flnally passed- 59 to 1. Ik the Senate on the Tth a bill was passed constitutlnjra majority of theJudges of tho Suprema Court a quorum. A favorable report was mado on the blU to forfoit lands grantod to the Paolflc Hallroad Company. Ad journed to the lOth... .In tho Houso it was voted to rocommit the bill to retire Alfred Ploasanton with the rank of Colonel, and a iiew moasure was introduced to (rive bino a ïiension of one hundred dollars por moath. Beveral privat bilis were rnported trom committee and passrd. An evenlnsr eession was beid for tho considoraüon of pension bill. DOMESTIC. The Coroner's Jury at Winnetka, 111., ou tlie ,'tb concluded the inquest in the case of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Willsou. The jury found that the old people were killed by some person or persons to the jury unknown, and that the evidence cast Kuspicions against the butcher, Neil McKeague, now under arrest. It was discoverea on tne otn that Martin O. Van Fleet, of Norwalk, O., County Treasurer, was a defaulter for $(0,000. His whereabouts were unknown. William McMillan, a young farmer residing near Huron, O., while intoxicated on the öth shot and killed George Thompson, a neighbor. McMillan was placed in jail, where he íound some rat poi3on, and committed suicide. The winter packing at Cincinnati was 365,451 hogs, a decrease of 59,949 from the preceding year. I.t Ji fe Cürtiss, of New York City, toy dealers, failed on the 5th for $150,000. Thk annual report of the Union Pacific Railroad, made on the öth, showed gross earuings of $21,000,000 for the year, with an income of $2,663,000 from other sourcea. The operating expenses were $10,640,000. One man was killed and two otherswere fatally injured by a boiler explosión in the dyeing establishment of J. T. Trees, at Lawrence, Mass., a few days aeo. Three buildings were shattered to splinters. At Corning, O., a few weeks ago A. J. McDevitt, who keeps the village drug-store, caus 'd the arrest of Father O'Boylan, pastor of the Cathollc Church, for permitting the running of a wheel of fortune at a church fair. The matter caused a great deal of bad blood, each side haring its quota of adherents. It culminated on the 2d in a number of friends of the priest calling at the store of McDevitt and forcing him to proceed with them to a point about a mile from the town, bareheaded and without a coat, notwithstanding the severity of the weather and the fact that a blinding snow-storm was prevailing. Arriving there, he was surrounded by the mob, who, with drawn revolvers, abused him, firing many shots at him, though only with tho motive of further increasing his terror. He was afterward started on the road leading from the town, with the assurance that should he again show his face in the village he would forfeit his life. He returned to the village on the öth, with a number of friends, and was escorted from the depot by about two thousand people. Several arrests of those engaged in the affair, including Father O'Boylan, were made, and a desperate state of affairs existed in the community on the 6th. Wrr.T.TAM Rrnr.T. pn ahnt ftnrl billA,! ATaolr Dietrischen at San Leandro, Cal., a few nights ago, and when Seollard's father heard oí the tragedy ha feil dead. Two miles of lumber fleets anchorcd above Catlettsburg, Ky., were swept away on the 6th by a sudden rise in the Sandy River. Rafts of timber were also broken loose, and the total loss would be great. Four members of the Salvation Army were on the fitU sent to jail for paradiug the streets of Bridgeport, Conn. Despite the opposition to American pork abroad the quantity of bacon exported last year was 56,000,00 J pounds greater than in 1882; hams 70 per cent, greater, pork 2,000,000 pounds greater, and lard 45,000,000. The valne of hog product erportod has increased nearly $10,000,000 tue past year. The levee one mile above Friar's Point, Mi., broke on the Gih, inundating that place and doing considerable damage. Xt was discovered on the 6th that the safe of the payroastor's office in Chicago of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Road had 1 een rnbtd of $27,000. There was no clue to the thlef. the seven Jaya sndd on the 7th the business failures throughout the United States and Canada numbered 264, against 274 the previous week. The distribution was as follows: New England Statv). 29; Middle, 61; Western. 77: Southern, 37; Pacific States and Terri. tories, 27; Canada and the Provinees, 43. Noah Jackson (colored) was executed on the 7th at Laks Providence, La., for the murder of his wif6; Harrison Williams was haned at Corsicana, Tex., for killing liis sistor-in-law; and David McClain was executed near Trader's HUI, Ga., for the murder of Williatn Saxton. The explosión of the boiler in Dearborn's mili at Eryant's Pond, Me., the other morning killed four men. The principal business block in Memphis, Seotland County, Mo., was burned on the 7th, falling walls killing three persons and wnunding sevon others, three mortally. Ten towns in Ulster County, N. Y., on the 7th voted "no license." Ellenville ¦Homen threatened to boycott merchant who bupported the whisky interest. A propeller whioh reached Jlllwaukee on the 7th reported Lake Michigan completely frozeii over, with occasional icebergs t.wenty-flve feet high. At Blackfish, Ark., the MisslsBippi Rlver was over forty miles wide on the 7th. ' ward Lee was drowned there in the flood. Wn.LiAM Riley, aged sixteen, and his stster Mury, aged thirteen, were ou the 7th ; iudicted for the murdor of their father at Adrián, Mlnn. ' All the gambling establishment at Hot Sprlngs, Ark., were closed on the 7th, and the sporttng fiatornity had evacuated the ' town. Is the Hocking and Sunday Creek (Ohio) Valleys 4,200 minera were idle on tbe 7tb ' becauso of tho haulers strike against a ' duction. ' A clou d burst over Florence, A. T. t on the morniilg of the 7th, water running fnur f eet deep in the street, occasioning $10,0W da mage. Thk Consolidated Paper Company of Chicugo, with liahilities of $97,000, made an assignment on the 7th. W. H. C. Ghsikhs, of Omaha, Heb., a ciyll engiaeer, blew out the gas in a room at the Falmer House, Chicago, the other night, and was suffocated. Frkd Pwrs, a hard oharacter, brutally assaalted Mr. aud Mrs. Terry at Kast Uainpton, I.. L, on the 7th. It was thought their injuries would prove fatal. Kobbery was the motive for the crime. Thk Treasury Department at Washington on Uie 7th issued a statement giving in detail the exports and import during the year 1883. It shows the exports to have leen $777,000,009, against $750,000,000 in 1882, and the iraportg $687.000,000 in 1883, against $752,000,000 in 1882. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. Tuk Louisiana Republican State Convention met at New Orleans on the 5th and elected W. P. Kellogg, P. B. S. Pinchback, A. S. Badger and A. J. Dumont as Delegates-at-Large to the National Convention at Chicago. At a meeting in Boston on the 5th of the Massachusettg Prohibition State Central Committee it was decided to hold a State Conrention May 7. It was resolved that, high license as a temporalice measure was utterly without merit. Thk death list on the Bth (ncluded the names of Hon. Kenneth Rayner, Solicitor of the Treasury at Washington; Amos P. Morrill, Judge of the Kastern District of Texas; and Edward D. Payne, of Dayton, O., a brother of the Senator-elect. The Star-route cases were revived at Washington on the itli by the examination of ex-Postmaster-GeneralJames andex-Attorney-General Mac'eagli by the Springer committee. Joaquín appeared before the House Committee on Territorios at Washington on the ftth and stated nis belief that polyganiy was decreasing, that the Mortnou peopte wprn extreniely inorant, aiid were led by cranks. He opposed ro(H"iive measures, and urged educatiou u-i tht cure for political disorders in Utali. Prbsidext AnTHURon theevening of the 5th gave a state dinuer to thirty-seven I Senators ainl Ropresentatives who are ! bachelora or unaccompanied at the capital by their wivos. Thb United States Browors' Association has roquosted itsnjembers tomake out lists of voters in their employ, and also give the aames of those who have neglected to take out naturalizaron papers. At the second days' session of the ' Louisiana Republican State Convention at New Orleans on the Gto John A. Stevenson was nominated ior Governor and William Kurwell for Lieuteuant-Governor. The platform adopted favors judicious protection, encouragement of American ship-building, a vigorous foreign icy, the extensión of public education, and indorses President Arthur's j tion. Tirr cuiracu or the National ! Uuion League held its animal sessinn at Washington on the 6th and elected James 8. Negley President, with Secretary Chandler hcadin the list of Vice-Presidents. Thb Illinois Democratie Committee has j called the State Conveution to a-ssemble ab Peoria July 2. Jcnb 17 has been fixed as tho date for holding the Maino State Damocratic Convention. at tne annuttl session in Washington oa the 6tU of the Woman's National SuffragO Association Elizabetb Cady Stanton, of New York, as elected President. The Ohio State Prohibition Convention met at Coluinbus on the tith to select ; gates to the National Convention to be held at Pittsburgh May 21. The tlelegates ¦ elected were instructed to work ior the nominatiou oí Gr. T. Stewart, of Ohio, for j President. Kesolutions were adopted declaring all good men and omen tired of repeated compromisos with the liquor trafiSc; that Prohibitionists have suffered from unfalr counts of ballots, and urging the friends of the cause to remedy this ' state of things, and demanding the withdrawal of all restraints from the suffrage, without regard to color or sex. General James K. Moorhead, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Pittsburgh, Pa., died on the 6th, aged seventy-eight years. He represent ed the Twenty-second District in the XXXVIth to the XLIst Congress. Charles H. Reed, Guiteau's counsel, in an interview in New York on the tith asserted that in private conversation, the last one taking place the day before his exeeution, Guiteau solemnly averred that no one tut God and bimself knew of his purpose to murder President Garfield. THENlaichigan Republican State Convention, to elect delegates to the National Convention, will be held at Grand Rapids' April 24. At Washington on the 7th the Senafce Committee on Territorios decided to adept? the name of Lincoln for the State which it is proposed to créate out of Nortfcern Daj kota. The Massachuietts Reform Cïub at k recent meeting in Boston adopted a resolution to cali a National conference of persons who desired " thorough Civil-Serrice reform, reduction of the revenue, and cessation of the silver coinage," to nomínate, if deemed expedient, candidates for Pre.ident and Vice-President. Bkfore the Springer Committee on the 7th ex-Senator Spencer, of Alabama, testifled that in New York, in January, 1881, he met Mr. James, then postmaster, who asked his aid in getting the office of Postmaótar-General, Spencer promised and aided as agreed. After James' appointment, he told hira he could make a splendid reputation by breaking up tha Star-route ring, which would leave his departmeut self-sustaining and enable him to reduce postage to two cents. Spencer was promised by James and Garfield that his words should not be repeated. Spencer thought the Government masqueraded before the public by taking the most eomplicated of the Star-route cases. The Dorsey combination was the only one prosecuted, and its holding was the smallest of the lot. The larger combinations were compromised with. An arbitration board never met, as it was illegal. The contractors gave one-third for increasing the service, which was supposed to go .to the Second Asslstant Postmaster-General. Frank Rande, the notorious desperado, who recently made a fiendish attack on his keepers, and nearly killed one of them, in the Joliet (111.) Penitêntiary, hanged himself in his cell on the 7th, and was dead when discovered. He had torn his undershiit into strips to form a rope with which to strangle himself. FOBEIGN. Parnell's bill amending the Irish Land act was rejected in the British House of Commons on the 5th by a vote of 32 to 72. Twelve members of the Canadian Pari i ument have expressed themselves in favor of the widest reciprocity in commercial relations with the United States. Frederick S. Parker and William 8. Parker, flnancial agents at London for several wealthy persons, absconded on the öth, with liabilities of $3,000,003. The Presbytery of Toronto, Can., on tlio 5th decided that Masonry and Odd-Fellow-.. Bhip were hinderances to religión. ' In the British House of Common on the 81 h Mr. Gladstone said the Government had no intention of assuraing control of Egypt and that the troops would ba withirawn at the earliest moment possible. The Ontario Legislature has decided that women shall be admitted as student In the Toronto Provincial University, and the fair sex are now potitioning the local Roverument for the rigbt to vote. Toronto, Can., celebrated its fiftieth anniversary on the Oth by opening a free lirary aud flring salutes. Durino an affray a few days ago at Pre8sa, Italy, between railway laborers ind villagers, eight persons were killed ind fourteen wounded by carblneers, who were endeayorias;_to supjpress the riot. CAillo ailricea of tlio Ytli tote tñat osman Digma's troops ere deterniiued to flght to the last, and the rebel leader had positively refused to negotiate with General Graham. He total ly ignorod the flagu of truce sent out from Siiakim. General Graham had begun hú advance agaiost the rebel stronghold. In the Germán Reichstag on the 7th the President announced the death of Lasker and other niembers dming the recess. A warm discussion ensued, the Progressists thaukiug the American House of Representativos for its action, and the Conservatives dcfending Bismarck' doings. Londo.v advioes of tiie 7tli state that the Parnellites, irrítate I at the refusal of the Government to reopeu the Iiisb land question, proposed to begin an inunediate a,itation in Ireland, and to make strong appeals to the Irish to demaud the ainendmeut of the land act. They would open subscriptions to u special fund for agita tion purpoaes. LATEE NEWS. A SElirous break in the levee, fifteen miles above New Orleans, occurred on the 8th, flooding plantatioiüjnd submerging the Texas Pacific and Morgan Railways. The Tennessee River at Chattanooga had overflowed and railroad traffio In t!iat vicinity was interrupted. Mus. Lkwis and dimgiiter, of New Haven, Coun., were fuund dead in bed the other evoning, having been suffocated by escaping gas. At Pittsburgh, Pu., on the 8tb promineid labor leaders orgaiiized a National Hoiiiestead Association. The object is to secure homes for workiugmen and tsstnhlish more harmonious relations between capital and labor. Fast mail service betwoen New York and Chicago was r9-98tablisheii on the Sth by the Lates Shoro route, the time 1 etwoon the two citins being twonty-sevrn Douis. At Altn, Utoh, a snow-sliile a few days aeo killed eleven persons and swept away the works of the new Emma mine. The sr.ow was piled forty feot high. It was announced on the ítth tliat a damnge of Ï3(H),ODU had leen inflfctfid iiptm the Hunta Clara Valley in Cali.ofnia by the storm of the past ten days, and tbs rain was still falling. A oreat assemblage at Trcsvillo on tho 8t)i witnossed the driving of the last spike in the Mexican Central Railroad, mnkng a contiuuous line from the capital to the Rio Grande. It was rcporled on the 8ih that.about fifteen educational bilis were before Congress for action. Senator Blair proposes to appropriat $12D,0O-),0J0 for common schools, to be expondod within flfteen yeors in the States and Territorios in proporción to illiterac3'. Citizens of Wichita and Sodgwiek County, Kan., on the 8th sent to the ühio flood sufferers forty car-loads ol corn, besides a laro aniount of nioney. 'i hé relief steamer Carrie Caldwell disfiïbuted at New Liberty, 11 U, sight-foar thoutand ra tions and thousanda of iuil( s and Ulankefs. The foot-and-mouth diaease, in its most rirulont form, has broken out amoiig the cattle in Wiiodnn Qmv. i= '" "" hem of one hundred and twenty head ninet' have lost a hoof or a portion of the leg. Governor Glick was on the Kth urged to cali a special session of the Legislatura to pass laws for stamping out the plague. Fivk men employed in the construction of a railread in Pyle Canyon, Union County, Ore., were caught under a mass of earth and rock on the 8th and instautly killed. The United States Senate was not in session on the 8th. In the House a motion to go into Committee of the Wholo for tho con8ideration of the Bonded Whisky bill was defeated - 127 to 115. Consideration of the Post-ofQce Appropriation bili oocupi'l tho remalnder of the cession.


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