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Mortgage Sale. WHEKEAS, Francia líoney, and Malvina Koney, of Adu Arbor, in the l'ouuty ol v ashteumv, and State oí Michigan, on the twcnty-third day of November, A. D., lusa, executid a mortgage toCatbeiine Kyau of ti e f-ame place. to Becure iba payment of certain principal and íntert gi muuey thein mentioned. wbich mortgage was recorded in ti. e office ol the Register ol Deeds íor the Couuty of YVaehtenaw aforeaanl, in Liber 01 ol inortgnges. on ia;:' 75, on the day :jw alortsaid. Aud wbe-eae, (tclaull has bieu macle lor more trian tweit days in the pavment ol an insta Iment of interest whicb became due on the iwenty-ibird day uf November, 1683, by reason wbceol, aud purhiiaiit lo tbe ti-riuH ol' said mortgage, tbc p incipal sum uamed in said mortgage, of two bundred aud flity dollar, witb al! armarage oí Interest tbereon, at ihe option ot tbe above nauied niortgugee, became due mtí payable iminediately tnerealier, aud tbu power ol' sale contained iu sald mortgHge, becanie operative. And the eaid murtgagee does hereiiy declare lt ber opiion, aLd does hrrt-byeiect to have tbe princ pul um nnmed in said mortgage and aU iutoreit tb. rein becoine now due and payable. And whereas there ib now claimed to be due and payable aB aforeBaid, upon the -huí mortae and the uote uccompanylnt; the Bamet at tbe dote ol thii notice, the u ni ol two hundrud and Bisty-uine dollarB aud twenty etnta, ati9,2Ui, in additiou to all tbe oiher legal coBt proviued ior lu caid morti;ai:e. And uu Buit or proceedinir havin been iD&titiued at law or in equity to recover tb ¦ aloreaaid -uní. ur y part tbereof, notice Is tbereíog, .ei.; Iy-ninth day ol March, 18s4,at ten o'clock la the f renoon oí that d ly, b; a sale at public auciíoii, to I?íiAeL''li;BtJíid?ftr 'tofiAifftHÍ á'ltir&Wi aioresaid, (Kaid Lourt Ilcuse being tbe place ol bolding tbe Circuil Court for saíd countyj ot tbe mortgaged premisen, deícribed in said mortxage, or go mu. h ihereof, ai may be neceseary lo Bansiy tbe amount ol principal aud interest remainiug unpald upoD Bald mortuae, with ilie citd oí lorecluBure aibrenaid, wbicu said premisa are decnijed in eaid niortguge as follow: All tbat certain picce or parcel of land, sitúate and beiuj in the City of Aun Arbor, in Ibe C'uuuty oí Wai-hte naw audhiate oí Michigan and describid as IoIIohb to wit : All that certaln piece or parcel of 'and, Kitnated in Brown uud Kuiler s addition to the said city of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat thtreol, known, buunded and descrlbed as Miows : Commenclng on the easterly side oí Wall street, one hundred leet lrom Bioadway, tbence northeauterly at right angles to Wall Btreei, tnlrty-iour aud oí. e-hali feet, thence east rly parallel witu Wall Btrtet twenty-eix feet, tbencu at rlght anules with Wall street lo vv all sueet, tbence norlbwestelly on Wall street twenty-sli feet lo tbe place ol beginnine. CATHAKINE KYAN, Mürtüa.'ee Ë. D. KINNE. Aitorney for Moriga-eo. Dated, Dec. 28, 18S!. 1176-88 Estáte of Aarou F. Gay. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, uoumy ol At a sesston of the Probate Oourt for the Countv of Wa.-btenaw. holden at the Probate oíHre in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the ixteenth day of February, in tbe year une i ii.u.-aiii eiyhi hundred and eighty-four. Present, William li. HarriIn the matter of the estáte of Aaron F. Gay, Jeceased. un reading ano flllng the petltion, duly rerifled, of Mary L. Gay, praying that aumini-Iration ol said estáte may be granted to hireell Kil in V. Gay, or some other pnitahle person. Tnereupon it Is ordered, tbat Monuay, the seveneenth day of Marcb next, at ten o'clock in tl:e orenoon, be aaslgned ior the hearing of said jetition, and that the heirs at law of said de:eased,and all other persnnsinterested in i-ald estaie ire required to appear at a sensiou of said court.lheu o be holdeuat tiie Probate office, in ihecity ot Anu krbor, and show canse il uny there be, why the irayer of said petilioner sboald not be granted knd it is lunher ordered, that said petilioner ;lve notice to the persons interesled in said estáte ( the pendency of Baid petition, anrt the heailng hereof, iy cauaiug a copy of this order to ie pubinhed in the Ann Arbor Courier,& newspai)er print d and circnlatlntr in said county, tbree succtsnive reeks previous to said day of hearing. (A trui"Py-) MLHAMD. HAKRIMAN, WM.G. DO'Y Probate Register6 " Hs3 UM fcstate uf Anua T. Holiister. ( gTATEOK MICHIGA.M.Countj ul Waahtenaw,,. f A.',,a Bísel0D ol 'hc Probate Conrt lor the Cuunty 01 Washtenaw, holden at ihe Probate uflke in the ' city ol Ann Arbor, on T,ie-day, the elev.n h da c ol March in the year thousand eigiit bundred and eighty-fcmr. Preeent. Williain ú. Harriman, c JudKe ol Probate. ' a lu the matter of the estite if Anra N Dolí, theprtitiun, nuly vended, of Wilüaiu 3 steven. tinaruian, pruyiuj; that he may be licenped to te',! ceruinreal estáte beloUt!int! to id iícomí,elem BthÜ-v"011" ,Í9 tht Wedneeday, the 9th day of April next, at ten o'cluck ín th.' forenoon, be usigned for the hearine of nald pet.twn, and that the next of k"'d ''f''. ""I 'I other pimou, interested U, said court, then tol)e holden at the Probate ufflce n the cuy of Ann Arbor, and show canne, lf anv nTbeVaníed'.10 PWer Of the SSi .hJSK n nd(lt !ï fllrlherorder.-d,that caidpetitionergive nctice to ihe perrons intereeted in said estáte, ol the pendency of raid p, tnion. and the hearing thereof theCiñ "irh C0?'y 'm' rdl"r t0 br Pi 'hed ni the Ann Arbor Uouner, a newspaper nrinted nri circulating in said county, threo si e?siv week. previou. to naid day ol hearing. ( A ,r,ïê copt ) W.G.DQTY. Probate!-'" PrüaleEstáte of Cliira B. Frcer. TATBOK MICHIGAN, Counry of Wa.hteLaw. At a seslon of the ProbateCourt for theConntv o; Waahtenaw holden at the Probate Office. in ThVi March in tne year oue thouwnd eiht hunrtrec TnU fïrhpy;„rh;. miUm D Uarriman In thu matter of the estáte of Clara B. Freer (now Moweroon), minor. On rt-adin? nnd rt n . the petition, duly ver.fled, oi Ja' ? K re ér rt dian, prayiuK that shö rñay be lice. 4d i'o s'éïl certam Ke.l Estato beloning ,oSa,d minor " Anñ Arhn dT "Í the lnatet)fflcü,in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any th. re be whv ¦He PArTlf t,he uPtl"er shoufd not b, ram Sh-e nóSr L .í"11" Orderedl "'tt' 81"d Ptiü.m., Klve i notice to thepersons interested in said mtata thereofPbv C1! "f 8a'd and SS5 IHhert in7 TO iff " SOl)5i Of !h'8 Order to b P'lb tru n nrvrv n Jude of Probate. wm. ö. DOTY. Príht Reiater. H71-1177 ' i he Ann Arbor Couriir.


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