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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIOWAL. Mn. Allison presentod a memorial ïn the ScnHte on the llth from the Iowa Legislatura asking the pussago of a luw to recúlate faros and froiifbts by A bilí was introduood to suspend the eolnaffe of ellver dollars fortwo yenrs, and providinjf for the Issue of one dolar and two dollar Troasury notes, lu e.xeeutive session the Mexican treaty was rdtitltd In the House maiority and mlnority rcportswere tnacle on tne Morrison TarlïTbill. A leng-thy debate ensued on the Post-ouïce Appropriution bill. In tho Spnnte on tho 12t.h a Joint rosolution was introduced by Mr. Jackson for a Coostltutional aniendmout flxinif the torm of the President at 8ix years, and makingr hlm ini'liiiible to re-elootlon. A debato took plae on Üio I'leuro-pneumonia bill and on th inen-npo for the relief of Fit?. John l'orter In the Houso. In Committee of the Whoie on the l'ost-offlce Appropriatlon blll, tho clause limit iiix the salaries of postmftaters to Í4.U0O was ptricken out, and aa ¦ tnondment liicreasinfj the Item for clerks by H25.U0Ü ivas rejocted. A proposltion was jmi 'e to lm.rease by $4U0,0UO tho approprlatlon loi carrifis. The blll lor the relief of Fitz John Porter was passed in the Senate on the 13th by a vote of 33 to '5. A joint resolution was subinltted appropriatlnsf Í25.000 for the suppression of the i ¦ i mul im mi h dist 'ii sn ainonn cattlo ia KnnsaR. A favorable report was made on the bill for tho admisslon of Dakota In the House, in Committee of tho Whole on the l'ost-offlee Appropriatlon bill, an amendment increasing: tho araount for the freo-dellvery service to $4,U0Ú,U)0 was passod. Is the Senate on the 14th a proloned dlscupsfon took placo on tho Joint resolution appropriatins Í2V00D for tho eradicfttion of the foot-and-mouth d í soase. In oooperation wlth the authorities of Kansas, but no action was taken. Adjourned to tho lTth . .In the Houso a bill Kranting a pension or FiaW pr j-ear u the siilo survhinfr (rrandnhhd of Thomas Jefferpou was deteated. Messrs. Keifer, Forney and EUis wero appointed as conferees on the part if tho House on the Military Academy Appropriation bill. An evenlns? session was huid lor the consideración of pension WIK DOIÍESTIC. A LOSS of $2JO,000 was incurred on the evening of the llth at East St. Louis by the liuraing of an elevator, loaded cara and buildings. Traffic on the Southern Pacific Road between Mojave and Los Angeles has been suspended for the past two weeks on account of wasbouts, and one thousand men were at work on the lltli on the tunuel near Los Angeles. A circular to all United States Attorneys and Marshals has been sent out by Attorney-General Brewster, calling attention to the statutes regulating the shlpment of explosives, and urging vigilance to prevent the perpetration of heinous crimes at foreign ports. Near Lafayette, Ind., on the 12th Michael Rorick, a wealthy farmer, was killed by lightning. A terrible cyclone swept over Salina County, Mo., on the 12th, doing great damage to farm-houses and stock. No one was killeJ, but several sustained serious inJuiJ. As extensivo prairie fire was raging in the vicinity of Garnet, Anderson County, Kan., on the 12th, and several farm-houses and a large amount of grain had been deatroyod. Two women were killed by the recent cyolono which wrecked Starkville, Miss. The total loss in the county was about $100,000. Ben Thompsojt, a well-known desperado, got into trouble with the equally notorious Deputy-Sberiff King Fisher, in the Vaudeville Theater at San Antonio, Tex., on the 12th, and both were shot dead. Advices of the 12th from various points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa and Kansas indicated that the winter wheat erop was in good average condition. Five laborers were injured and one was killed by a f all of coal in the Avondale shaft, near Wilkesbarre, Pa., a few days ago. W. W. Scott, indicted for stealing $100,000 worth of the city bonds of St. Joseph, Mo., was aequitted at that place the other day. The Red Cross relief steamer Joeh V. Throop arrived at Paducah, Ky., on the 12th, dis rit utiug clothin?, bedding, coal and cash all the way from Evansville down. Flames at Detroit on the 12th, originating in Stradou's milis, destroyed six manu'acturing establishments, valued at $10J,0 )0. After an idleness of soveral months work bas been resumed In the locomotivo works at Kcheneotady, N. Y., which employ one thousand men. John Botle, City Treasurer of Erie, Pa., recently defeatod for a third term, disappeared on the I2th, and a cursory investigation developed a shortage in his accounts of $7,000. It was stated on the 12th that two Scotchmen, recently arrived in this country, carried the germs of the foot and ruouth disease in their clothing, as they had been herding infected cattle in Scotland. Nearlt all the business places in Allegan, Mich., including the Juurnal and Tribune and the Oazetle and Democrat, were destroyed by fire on the 12th, the losses asgresating $300,030. It was supposed the fire originated from a detective flue. A fire on the same day at Grand Rapids did damase to the extent of $150,000. A destructive cyclone passed near Guntersville, Ala., on the 13th. H. S. Hess and Mrs. John Tidmore were killed, and JohnTidmore and Mrs. Frank Farmer were seriously iujured. About thirty houses were blown to atoms. The storm left the earth after devastatine six miles. George Tiffany, a son of the absconding postmaster of Bcnnington, Vt., confessed on the 13ih to having stolen Government funds. Twenty-one studeuts were graduated a few days ago by the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. Chicaüo packers reported on th 13th having slauhtered during the past year 3,859,6:8 hogs and 1.0S0.020 head of cattle. AT the anniversary meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society at Philadelphia on the 13th it was shown that the auxiliary societies had increased 332 during the year, and 7,661 persons had been added to the membersbip. The receipts for the fiscal year were $24,823. Prentiss Tiller, who robbed the Pacific Express at St. Louis, was arrested on the 13th at Milwaukee and 580,000 of the money recovered. McFadden, his aocomplice, was captured at Sherman, Tex., by meaus of an iniercepted telegraph from Tiller. An explosión in the Flat-top mine at Pocahontas, Va., early on the morning of the 13tb, killed one hundred and fifty men and dpst-oyed all the structures on the suface, houses two hundred feet from the mines being overturned, and the fan-house and fan entirely wrecked. Fire had broken out at the entrance to the mine, and it was feared thevictims would be consumed. Three passengers on the Chicago & Atlantic express were despoiled of their money anJ watches by two men who entered the coach early on the morning of the 13th at Ada, O., and who held the conductor at bay with revolvers. It was announced on the 13th that Western manufacturers of brass had formed a syndicato to control the murket, and that three large establishments had already been absorbed. Edward Sumner and Charles Thoraburg were fatally shot during a saloon row at Mansflcld, Pa., a few days ago, The persons who did the shooting wore not known. Tbe Mississippi River at New Orleans was on the 13th within one inch of the high water of 1874, and a rise of one foot would cause a general inundation. It was asiertained on the 13th that two men were burned to death In the recent carpet-sweeper factory flre at Grand Rapids, Mich. On the 14th eighty-one thousand dollars in United States four per cent. bonds, dated July 1, 1877, and numbered from 60,4-5 to L9,432, were taken by burglars from b Bf ia CntiTill9. Ind. A riBE in Woodward, Fazon &. Co.' wholnsaln drag house at Weet Kansas City, Mo., the other morning, caused a loss of $06,000. An employé .iumped from a fourthstory vrindow, and was fatally Injured. The foot-and mouth disease bas broken out in Adair County, Mo. Matt Lewis, a colored citizen of St. Louis, was executed on the 1 Ith for killing hig wife sevenyears ago. Hehadoneyear ! of liberty by breaking jail, aud had been tried four tiraos. Frank Slagel, who murdered two brothers named Adair, for the purpose of robbery, was hanged at Soraerset, Ky., in presence of the mother of nis victima. It was estimated on the 14th that in the [ región tiibutary to the Black Hills there were 3S3.90J cattle and 8,700 sheep. Stock had wintered exceedingly well, the losses not being over one and one-half per cent. The recent floods destroyed flfty-flve bridges in the Ohio Valley, whioh would require $.10,000 to replace. A lad named W. T. Williams, while riding recently on the step of a locomotiva, at Minneapolis, was thrown to the rail, wben the drive-wheel severed his head from his body. A snow-slide on Aspen Mountain, Colorado, caused the death of three employés of the Vallejo mine a few days ago. The grand levee in Pointe Coupee parish, La., one of the largest embaukments in the State, gave way on the 14th, owing to the enormous pressure of water against it, and flooded many of the most valuable sugar plautations in the State. The loss wonld be enormous. Scott levee, another great embankment in the same parish, was in bad coudition, and fears were feit that it would go. Fredekick J. DrETRiCH, the teller of the Laclede Bank of St. Louis, who was recently shown to be a defaulter in the sum of $30,000, was captured at his brother's house in St.. Louis on the 1 1 h. Dürino the geven days endedon thel4th tbe business failures throurhoufc ? United States and Canada numbered 224, against 204 the previous week. The distribution was as folio ws: New England States, 27; Middle, 41; Western, 63; Southern, 62; Faciflc States and Territorias, 13; Canada and the Provincos, 38. PEES0NAL AND POLITICA!. Thi California Democratie State Conrention will be held at Stockton June 30. Bishop Wiooer, of Paterson, N. J., nfused recently to allow the funeral of William Hayden and wife to take placo afc his church, as tbey three years ago ignored his order not to sell liquor on Sunday. Late on the afternoon of the llth a jury was secured at Petersburg, 111., to try Orrin A. Carpenter for the murder of Zora Burns, and Mr. Forrost commencod his address for the prosecution. Robbrt Smalls (colored) has been norainated for Consress by the Republicans oX the Seventh District of South Carolina. Washington' advices of the 12th state that the House Committee on Coinage would mnke a favorable report on Mr. Bland's bill to stop the manufacture of one and three-dollar gold-pieces, tue three-cent nickel and the trade dollar. The Wiscon&' Tom"',",' - Qtnrt cm . cmion, to eieöt delega tes to the National Convention, will asseruble at Madison May 26. The Miiüaocnusetts Legislatura has passed the bill permitting the construction of Meiggs' elevated railroads in citios and towns. The Ecpublicans of Vermont will hold their State Convention at Montpelier April 30 to elect delegates to the National Convention. The Arkansas State Democratie Convention, to nomínate State offleers and select delegates to the National Convention, will be held at Little Rock June 23. The Massachusetts House on the 13th, by a vote of 144 to 50, defeated the bill to extend municipal suffrage to women. The Iowa Democrats will hold their State Convention at Burlington April 24 to select delegates to the National Convention. Thk preamble ut the bill passed bjr Con. gress for the relief of Fitz John Porter recites that a board of oQlcers convened by the President to examine and report upon the case of General Porter, stated that justiee required the President to annul the findings and sentence of the eouri-matial, and to rpstore him to the position of which the sentence deprived him, such restoration to take effect from the date of his dismissal from service; that the President Lad remitted so much of the sentence as disqualifled Porter from holding office. The bill authorizes the President to appoint Porter to the position of Colonel in the army, and, in his discretioa, to place General Porter on the retired list of that grade, Porter, however, to receive no compensation or allowance prior to his appointment under the act. A hass convention of the inventors of the country, to take action "to prevent pernicious legislation by Congress," has been called to meet at Cincinnati March 25. The following is the vote in the United States Senate on the passage by that body of the bill for the relief of Fitz John Porter: Fea- Bayard, Brown. Butler, Cali. Coekre!l. Coke, Colquitt, Fair, Farley, (Javland, Gtbson, Qorman, Groóme. Humpton. Harria, Hoar, Jackson. Jonas, Jones (Fia), Joneí (Nev.), Lámar, McPlierson. Maxey, Morgan, Penilli-ton, Pike, Puto, Kiddlebcrger, Sabin, DmilnLuiyi oewen, siauir, vaucu, oomocs, Walker and Williams. Aays- Aldrlch, Allison, Bla;r. Bowon, Conper, Cullom, üawes, Dolph, Edmunda, Frye, Harrlson, Hawley, Hill, Ingraüs, McMIllua, Wandorson, Miller (Cal.), Mltchell, Morrill, Palmer, Platt, Sherruan, Van Wyuk and Wil¦on. í'alretl- Beík. aye, wlth Hale, no: Cameron (Wis.), aye. wlth CJeorse, no: Miller (N. Y., no, with Camden, ave; Plumb, no, witli Vest, aye; Sawyer, no, wlth Kenna, aye. Membkrs of the Banking and Currency and of the Coinage Committees of the House of Representatives at Washington expre8sed the opinión on the 14th that there was no prospect of the passage of a law at this Congress for the suspension of silver coinage. A Legislativa committee which investigated the departments in New York City found on the 14th the condition of affairs absolutely appalling, the men who hold office not being the ones who exercise power. A statement in the Chicago Tribune that J. Appleton Willson had been indicted for complicity in the murder of his unele and aunt at Winnetka was met by the injured party on the 14th by a suit for $100,000 damages for libel. John Taffe, reeeiver of the land-office at North Platte, whorepresentcd Nebraska in Congress for three terms, died a few days ago, aged fif'y-seven years. The West Virginia Republican State Convention, to elect delegates to the National Convention, will be held at Martinsburg April 13. FOBEIGtf. A schooner was wrecked a íew nights ago at Wiek, Scotland, and six of her crew were drowned. Cowan & Co., merchants of Glasgow, Scotland, have suspended payment, with liabilities of L100,0. Mrs. Filt and Mrs. Jones, sisters, over fifty years oíd, and a daughter of the latter, were found starving at Montreal on the llth, being so weak that they could not speak. A dtnamite explosión oceurred in a hotel at Fulham, Kng., on the 12th, and one man was killed. It was attributed to Fenians. A traI! on the Canadian Pacific Road from Ottawa arrived in Montreal on the 12th, baving been nearly five days on the road. The track at some points was covered with twenty feet of snow. Peace between Chili and Peru has been definitely arranged. The treaty has been ratified by the represeutative bodies oL the two countries. The Irish Justices in opening the assizes on tbe 12th agreed tlmi, thern had been a gratifying dimlnution of crime. The French occupied Bac-Ninh on the 13th. The victors had seventy wounded, and the Chinese loss was heavy. General Grahah on the i;i h defeated Osman Digma af tr a stubborn flght of two and one-half hours' duration near Suakim. The rebels fought with such desperation i thtt they at oqe timo broko tbe second Brltisü square. The rebel Ios3 i eWmated at four tliousand killed and lx tliousand wounrled. Tho British loss was seventy killed one hundred wounded. Bismarck, in a Bpeech in tho Reiehstag on the 13th, on the Lsakor resnlution, snld he rocognized the gooil intentions of the American Congress, but could not harness himself to tho car oí opppsition. The relations of the two countrieg had been quite sntisfactory during his whole term as Minister. TbiCHINIASIS, engendered by home-bred pork, has devuloped at several places in Gennany. The Lyong Chamber of Commerce on the 14th entered a protest agaiust the embargo on American hog product. Two editors and thirty-six other persom wero arrested at Pesth, Hungary, ou tha 14rh. ontlie charge of complicity in th Bchemes of the Anarchists. Alicant, Ea province of 'Spain, was severely shaken up by an earthquake on th Uth. ___„__ LATEE HEWS. Officia!, reporta at Washington showod on the löth that for six years and seven montbs, ended with December last, 478,808 persons emigrated frem the Dominion of Canada into the United States. Two persons in the Sandwich (Oit.) jail for robbing a post-offlcs, in making their escape on the lUth, killed the jailer ! and turnkey. All the land from Sharkey to Greonwood, Miss., a distance of one hundred miles, was overflowed on the lGth. No loss of life or stock was reportad, and the planters were in good Rpirils, as they balieved the worst was over. Mrs. McElroy, assisted by fourteen ladies, recoived over one thousand persons at the White House on the lJth. At Dayton, O.,on the 15th the brothor of Christine Kett, a youne girl murdered seventeen years ajo, made a death-bed confession declariug that their mother cuminitting the crime. The value of exports of broadstuffs for Fobruary, 1884, was $10,103,33S, against $ll,r)7T,301 for the same time last year. For the eight months ended Fobruary '29 the value was $110,309,840, against fl,431,143 for the corresponding period last year. A virclen'T disease resembling blind staggers has appeared amonte the horses of Oregon, and a large number of valuablo animáis had succumbed to it. Over four hundred had diod in two counties up to the 15th. The Secret-Sorvice división of the Trensury Department at Washington discovered a counterfeit silver certifícate of the denomiuation of twenty dollars on the 35th. The paper is much sliorter than the gen uine, and is thick and stifT. While carclussly handling a revolver on the löth in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dennis KUey shot and killel his botrothed, Colia Kenuey, ajed sevonteen years. Cübax troops had a flght on the 15th with the bandit band of Bauta Cluro, killing three and capluring eleven. Tweutytwo others subsequently surrondered. In the cattle-contagion district of Kansas quarantind was gtrictly enforced on the dangérthat the disease would spread from any herds now known to be infected. limo eiiza, eidest daughtor of Governor Thompson, of South Carolina, diod on tho löth from burus recoived while reading at an open grate. Charles W. Hasler, of New York City, a railroad bond broker, failed on the 15lh for lflOO.000, and Wolff & Seligsberg, cotloo dealers, suspended 'or $2-)0,0()0. The TT. S. Sennte was not iu sesfion on tho 15tli. In the House the time was occupied, in Committee of the Who'e, in discussing the Post-ortlee Appropriaiion bill.


Ann Arbor Courier
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