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Deceased Pioneers

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At tlie last .Pioneer meeting lielil in Ypsilantl, the following list of members had lied since the fornier meeting : Blodget Suiith, a resident of Washtenaw county since 1838, died at liis home in L,odl, Fel), 17th, aged 88 years and 8 months. Mi-s. Catharlne Weienett, who carne to tuis county in 1838, died in Saline Dec. 29tli, aged 68 yeare. Cliauncy Fosdec, died in Pitts-iield Jan. 6th, aged 53 years. Peter Kline, w)o came to this county in 1834, died in Sali:ie Jan. 7th, aged 82 years. Mrs. Jane Glover, died in Saline Jan. 17th, aged 66 years. She came to this county in 1837. Mrs. Harriet Doufjlass, a resident of Tittsfield, died Dec. 16th, aged 82 years. Miss Jane Halsey, died in Ann Arbor, Jan. 5tli, ajted 93 years. She had lived in the county 35 years. Benjamin Culy, died in Sclo, Jan. 14, ajred (5 years. He bad lived oo the farm where he died, for 48 years. Mrs. Celia VVelch, died Jan. 12th, iged 70 years. She was a residei.t ot' Pittsfield and Ann Arbor for over 50 r'eara. llichard Alchen, died in York, Feb. 3, 3, ieed 83 years. Hii'atn Lowiifbury, an old resident of Feb. 7th, it an advanced age. Samuel R. Doty, died Feb. 27th, aged 81 years. He had resided in Ann Arbor 40 years. Mrs. Mary T.nriiunyan, died in Saline. Jan. 18th, ared 72 years. She bad lived n Saline more than 43 years. Mrs. Wellbur? Hefle, died in Saline Jan. 24th, ajred G2 yearg. William M. Gregory, died in Saline t'eb. lOth, aged 80 years. He removed fi-om New York to Saline in 1831. Lewis M. Phelps, a resident of Saline siiicc 1832, died Feb, 13th, agel 76 years. Festus A. Fellows, died in Saline March 3, aged 81 years. He came to Wasbtenaw county in 1833. Mrs. Mentha L. Allen, an old resident of Yp.silanti, died Dec. 1, ased 5" vears. The following invitation and reply are self-explanatory. We reprint Jroin the Detroit Fije Press as :m Hum of considerable interest : To the President, Univcrslty of Michigan : Tlie University of Edinburrh, founded in 1583, having now couiplekd i's three hundredth session, ithas been ïesolved to celébrate ts tercenteiiHry in Kaster week next, upon the lGtli, 17th and 18th April, 1884, and to invite delégate from the most celebratetl universities, colleges and learned societies in the world to be present upon the occasion. We, the underslgned, therefiire, respectfully invite the University of Michigan to send a represeutative to be the guestof the University of Edlnburgh during the days before mentioned. We beg to be favored wlth an early answer to tliis invitation, and we request that, if a delégate from the University is to honor us with his presence, his name and titles may as soon as possiblc be communicated. In name and by authorlty of the Uuiversity of Edinburfrli. JOHN INQLIS, Cbancellor. HTAFKüRD H. NOKTHCOTE, Rector. A. GKANT Priuolpal Uuiversl y oí Edinburgh, Duo. 28th, 1883. To this the followlug reply wastent : Univebsitï oï Michigan, 1 March ló, 1881 ƒ To the Rlght Hon. Johu Inglis, D. U. L . LL. D„ Chancellor of ihe Uulvaraily of Edlnburgh; tbe Rlght Hon. 81r stafford H. Norlhcote, D. U. L. LL. D., Rector, and Sir Alexander Urant, D. C. L., LL. D., Principal: In belialfof the University of Michigan, we, the undersijrned, ackuowiedge the invitation extended by you to this University to delégate some one of its mcmberstoattend theapproHcliing tercentenaryof the University of Edinburgli. We are tnstructed by the Senate of this University to say tliat it will be impracticable for any one of our colleagues to be absent from his post at the time designated for the proposed celebration ; and that we regret this the more because this University would esteem it an honor and n. privilege to be one among the many learned institutionsof Enrope and Auitioa whnse delegates will prefent to yon their greetings on that auspicious and ilceply interesting occasion. Be pleased, however, to convey to tbe University of Edinbnrjrh our liearty congratulation8 on this happy oom plet Ion of three centuries ot its hi.-tory - a hictory of illustrious service in the cause of the hijrlier education, not less than in the advancement of letters, tf.tence" iOd philosophy ; and we beg also to express onr carnebt hope and trust tliat the prospeiity and the hi;h distincllon that have been altained by your venerable University In the centuries past will be uniintained and peipetu;ited II! tha ci-nluries to come. (SiBued) JAMES B. ANGELL, PreNident. HENRY 8. FRIEZK, Dean of the Department olLlterature,Scieuce and the Aria. ALONZO B. PALMER, Dean of the Department of Medicine and Surgery. C. A KENT, Dean of the Department of Law. ALBERT B. HRE8COTT, Dean of tne School of Pharinacy. THOMAS P. W1LKON, Dean of Homoeopathlc Medical College. J. TA FT, Dean of College of Dental Surgery. CHAKLES K. ADAMS, Dean of the School of Politica! Scieace. Whetherthe United States are to regain their former pre-eminent rank as a commercial incl naval power on the seas, is a qnestion that no American can contémplate with indifference. The subject is discussed with marked ability in the Xorth American Review for April, by the Hon. Nelson Dingley, MC, who opposes the project of admittlng foreignbuilt shlps to American register, and by C'apt. John Codman, who is well-known as a zealous advocate of that measure. Judge J. A. Jameson, in the same number of the Review, discuüses tlie qnestion. '¦ihall Our Civilization be Preserved." The Rev. Dr. Philip Schaft' pives a sketch of the "Development of Keligious Freedom." Dr. Félix L. Oswald writes of "Changes in the Climate of North Amerca," with special rcference to the incre:.sing freqnency of disastrous tloods. I'rof. C. A. Ejigeit' offers "A Plea for Modern Languages" in the hlgher education; and Julián Ilawthorne discourses of "Literature for Children." Finally, there is a discusión of "Recent OitieUms of of the Bible," by the Rev. Dr. R. Heber Newton and the Rev. A. O. Mortimer.