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BACH A ABEL'S COLUMN. We have in stock tliis week, 500 pieces Ottoman Kibbons in all the desirable shapes at ten and lïfteen cents per yard. Bacii & Abel. We have some very nice Oiuhmeres at 42, 50 and CO cents. If you want a cashmere dress, we are headquarlers for these joods. Bach & Auel. It would seem ttmt lio lady need be without a Black Silk Dress tliis spring, nfficna ,,e waita until ibia gurprteing purChase ÍS gOUc. VVO liuvu un salu Hilo week two numbcrs of Black Silks at $1.25 and $1.50, the best valueever shown ín any city at the price. A good body and color, close woven, and with more wear in theni than many silks sold for doublé the money. Bach & Aukl. .--. New Spring Hosieiy now on exhibitiou at Bach & Abel's. Ladies are amazed at the prices when the}' visit our Ladies' Underwear Department, and see our elegant White Muslin and Uambiic Skirts, Cliemises, Drawers, Night Dresses, Oorset Covers and InfaDt'a Wardrobes, it does not seem possible that they could be made for the money. Bach & Abrí,. We place on sale tuis week the tinest line of new black goods ever chown in Aun Arbor, cousistingof DrapD'Alma's, Armures, Cashmeres, Tricots, Oltoman?, Henriettas, Barytheas, and Satins. We would like the privilege of them. Bach & Abel. New Laces, .New Kuchings, New Neckwear, New Collars and New Buttons, now on sale at B.ich & Abel's. We will glve you this week the best Black Jersey you ever have seen, at the low price of $2.00, all wool. Couie and try them on if vou don't want to buy. Bach & Abel. I nniTP fiendslx cents for postane. nnel reA V U I L Ive f ree, a costly box uf Roods whleh H I III II"" help "" of either sex, to more II ¦ HILkl money riglit 8way than anythlngelse In thlB world. Fortunes awaít the workers absolutely aure. At once address Truk tfc Co., Augusta, Malne. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Xo. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. Theoldest agency in the city. Establlsheil a quarter of a centary ago. Represeutlng the followlng flrst-class couipanies : Home Ins. Co. of N. Y $7,488,645 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y.. . . 4,867,442 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874.024 Girard Ins. Co. of IMiilaiielphia 1,2Ö!),967 Oriënt Ins. Co of Hartford 1,410,523 Commercial Union of London. .11,043,943 Liverpool, Loiiüon and Globe. .34,402,085 líales Lo. Losses Liberally Adjnsted and Promptlj' Paid. C. H. MILLEN. Lv.sorPAIN ItHHIMAfVUI and NEURALGIA llave Iwiy eoouLk ruti riot in tlic human ttyaleni. nar tormentad the human famüy and 16A Qm UMM&M feMriDy fmi time out Of mcmory fllIjlMH ¦¦!¦ il 'lili H h- III ¦ II II I 'l'll.l lul I. twiiG aaMk vmíbA Aa ntuecleH uud eacked " mu i ? ¦ ¦ " Is the ener.iy of RhetimaJÉBtn and teuralKia, repairs their dwape, renews Hk; bfexri ejLs t!ie joint, cultus the ncrves, Bootbss the - sve roMt and ieace to the troubkd bruki, aod thiiimi (Wli)ib:ful Bteep. " Aii.omio08''1s a new reincdy. but )t l03 been itoiodautly íwieá. Fpom far and .¦mr tethuotkMÉB from vn-kIKlwtl pera;i4 wiw had imi;r been wifltefien. It h.i turneï tiiir diwse out. It has cupwd Ibein. Tha m al. ld tli:iL ie eunuch. " ATHi.Ofimitu.s" r:m (lo for yon what it has Ame br tliose Bulleron. It ;:ii drive ooi XHir Bheumuiisra nihl Xeuraigia, and wllltio no f you jjvi.: it :i 6üf "AMiLOfenr.os" ha8iv thls !mic had m;. h i fnood tr uft over the o aiiitrj" tbtit .U trae work :á kaowu, axi jtn trne cliam. ¦' r i .rol. " AaHiOfBOKOS " n:c;i!i3 "Prize-rWrer:" ' Vialor;1 " Óonqwror " it ":i tbepnMM Vichob over tbc naksof the; e terrible m: v.dic:;, tnd tNiry. hjwxi of t'rtc tviirhiful ajroDiea tbeirTlc. tiiiö hmve iired. Njt u laere teinporary : -. but a ierniaieu, ndurinu', :iud trliuu] b.u:t cure. If you cannotLet TBLOPBOROsof your dnirrgist, we win wmi itfx]in---p ld on r celpt of rpgular prlce- on.1 flollarper bnttlej Wepreler that you buy It from your dnugijlst, but it lio hasn't It, do not be p ran Mted to try soir.i'thing else, but order at once iroin ua aa dlrected. ATHLOPHORCS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. UIIHIIIInlH'?"" ¦ l'llll'll"UIl


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