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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iiiTMii) - AND - Flour and Feed Store. Wi Ireon onnatHntlv OU hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por Wholisale and Retall Tride. hall alio keep a supply af SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BES V White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kye Flour, Buckwlieat Flour. Corn Itlcal, Fced, Etc, A t Wlinlesale and Retal!. A general stock of GROCERIES aii PROVISIMS ConBtantly on hand, which 111 be nld on a reasonaMe terms a at any other house n the city. faph pa'd for BUTTER, RGG- and COUNTKY PRODUCE (renctally Goons dlivertd to any part of the cny withut extra charf'. RINSF.Y & SEABOLT. Ferdon Lumber Yard! i M I s 'i i: UT. Prop. Manufacturer and Dealer in -SACINAWGAG-SAWBD Ll'MBER Lath and Shingles. We invite all tn n" a cali, and examine our stock belore purchtiging eltewhere. ALSO, AGENT POR Jackson Sewer Pipe Co. AND SELLS FIRE BKICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Pnor. T. J. KKKCH, Sdpt. W. TREMAIN, GENERAL Imraxck Jgjï] OFKICK : Orer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HOKON AND FOURTH ST8., North British Insurance Co,, Of London and Edinbur. Capital, $13,001,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Caeh Asse'i (600,000. Springfltfd Ins. Co. of Massachusetts, Cash Assets f 1 ,800,000. HowarJ Ihs. Coinpany f New York, Cash Asm-.k $1,000,000. Agricultural Ins C., Watertown, N.Y., Cash Aseta l ,K),ÜOO. L'tFses Liberally Adjatred and Promptly Paid. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $42,000,000 ccurity lu'ld for ih'ï prrtectiun of Ihe i)u]lcy christÏan mack Hepresents 'he followlni flrst-clu-s compünn. ot whiih one, tlu'iE:na, has alone iaid f 5O,0U0,UUO tire lofst'H in x ty yeurs : iEtna, of Hartford $ 7,000,(00 Friinklin, lMiiladelpliia 3,000,000 Gei man American, N. Y 2,800,000 liOiidon Assurance üorpornt'n. 15,S00.000 Niitioiiiil, Hartford 1,200,000 Nortli Germán, Hümbiirg 2,000,000 riioenix, Brookly n 2.J-00.000 Utiderwritera Agt-ticy, N. Y.. . 4,000,000 Losses liberally adjtisted and promptly piid Po.icies issucd at the Inwe-t rates of premium. CHRISTÏAN nACK. TENTHOUSAND . HilHDWOOD FARMS IN MICHIGAN, FOR SALE BY THE Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroai Co. Sug.-r Muple the i'rincipal Timber. AdvantageB.- Rallrondn already built, nnmerous lul muí-, ouu f thu bealthiost pnrts of the United tttatt-8, pUtfift Wüti-r, good m.'uUt'in, tli.fruit, jood roade,fChooli. . hmrlict", iHrgu affiictiltunil poiulatton. beet buildiim niíin-rial at uw flure, i.otd eoil, low pnecc, cny i.tihh, perfect tille. Kor boukc, nu.[.H, cbuite, aud all additiotnü iulorMiti'ion, ttddrees AV. O. Hl'GIIART, Lnnd Comraission r, Gru d Rpldí-, Micb. Or, SKFThU KoBJCKTS, Travelup Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
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