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What of the Palladium? Collfge opened yesterday. The Oracle of '80, reoently issued, met svith a large sale. Prof. Beman is condueting a teachers' ex;iniiiiiitioii at Clielsea to-day. Prof. Deininou is in Cedar Springs, Mich., holding a two weeks' teachers' iuititute. "Now for the junior laws"- the motto of the law faculty for tho ensuiug three nionths. A. S. Van Valkenburg, '84, has returnsd frotn Florida considerably iraproved by tlie climate. D. Q. Taylor, 83, principal of the Oxford schools, sj)ent a few days with nis parents recently. H. E. Moseley, '83, is the author of a new book just published. Title, "The College Student's Manual." Chas. H. Worden, formerly of '83, of Fort Wayne, Iud., was admitted to practice in the U. S. Court yesterday. The Zeta Psi fraternity recently moved f, om tlie Widcmanu house on Fourth 8t., to ti. e Dr. Franklin house on Ingalls St. The law griduates last week received the degree of " LL. D." according to the Detroit papers Wednesday evening last. One of the tricks of the boys- not to return all of llura to begin woik on Tues,lay_"Apiil Fooi" for the Profs., you eee. The next isme of Tlio Chronicle will be on Saturday, April 12th, alternatinji with the Index and Microscope published also at this office. , Prof. Cady gives a concert in Dexter I Friday evening next. Misses Mary L. I Wood, Bertha HUI, M .y Whedon, and I Mrs. Hnviland, of this city, are on the I program. The Thlrd ChnmbcT Concert will take plnce Mondny, April 7th, and will be given by Dr. Louis Maas, assisted by Mr. I Win. Ludcrer, violln, and Mr. Abel, 'cello. It will be one of the best of the series. Prof W. H Payne as a fonncr superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school in Niles, Mich., delivered an address at the semi-centennial of the schoor organization observed on last Snnday in tliat city. The Law Commenccment Annual, a fixture now in üniversity publications, was issued last Wednesday. It contains the xeicises in full of the law and dental departments, the commencement addiess of Hon. T. M. Cooiey, and a list of the graduates from both departments. Frenen principies and systems of law, Mr. Fujikawa stated, have been largely adopted by Japan. The gentlemen spoke of the klndness of the people of thi country, proDounced Detroit a very pleasant city, and were quite anxious to have it understood tliat there was n great ditterence between Chiuamen and Japanese. W. B. Cad3", '82, camc out from Deroit Saturday to spend a few days with parents and friends here. He returncd yeslerday, expecting to visit Sault Ste. Marie, in the Upper Península, soon, with a view to loratitig there, if he is "struck." The teachers' institute cl oses to-day. It has been the best ever held in thecounty, anu owes much of its success to the management of Prof. Yf. H. Payne, of Ann Arbor. There were 177 teachers enrolled tlils week. Marshall Statesman, 28th uit. The Michigan State Dental Association hcldtheir animal meeting ín Detroit last week. Of the professors here we notice Dr. J. A. Watling is a member of the executive, and Dr. W. H. Dorrance is on the publishiiiL commlttee. Last Friday a commitlee was appoiuted to secure from the State Leglslature au increase in the appropriatiou for the Dental College. It is now $6,000. A new monthly journal, to be known as the American Meteorolosrical Journal, edited by Prof. M. W. Harrington, is Boon to be published, the first issue being on May let nest. It is established in the belief that such a journal, devoted to modern scientifie meteoroloy and allied branches of study, is needed in Itik country to serve the interest of American students. It begina with from 24 to 32 octaro pages, the price being $3.00.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News