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Compiled from Late Dispatches, CONGRESSIONAt. A Bitii. was passed in the Sonate on tbe 25th increasing tbe salaries of Judires of District Courts to $5,000, witli a pro iso that no Judpro Bball appoint to a position in hi8 court any relativo within tbe dejyrec of flrst cousin. A joint reaolution was passedtbut Government laborero sliall be pnid their regular wngos tor holiday.i. The Eilucation bill was fiirther dlacussea In the House the Bonded Whisky bill was dobated, but no dennito action was taken. A DIM. was passed in tbe Sea ate on tho 2(!tH loting lan Ir in severalty to Indiaas ou tho varlous reservations, and extendinjf to them the protectiou ol" tbe laws of their States or Territorios. Tho Edueation bill waa further debated. A Joint resolntion viviiifr a balance of -iw.mi to the Mississippi sufferers was passed In the House a l)ill wii introduced for theereetion of a pedestal tor tho statue of the lute President Uarlield at Washington. ' A joint resolntion waa passed giving a balance of $l2f,000 to the sufTerers by the Misalisippl floods and providinff for its distriliution. Aftor somi' debate on the Boiïded Whisky Extensión bill, it was aifroed that the diseussion should close on ihe 37tu. A BLLr, was passed in the Senato on the 27th appropriatini? $,;VX) to pay the claims of eleven persons for depredations by the Ute3 at the time of the massacre at the White River agency. A favorable report was made on the joint resolntion to pay $25,000 reward for the rescue of the members of the Cireely expedition. Mr. Hampton reopened the debate on the Edueation bill with au appeal tor aid by the General Government in educatins: the warda of theNation In the House final aetion waa taken on the lïonded Whisky Extensión bill, resultinjf in lts defeat by a vote of 186 to 83. In the Senate on the 28th a favorable report was mado for an amendnient to the Constitution to extend the rij?ht to vote to women. A resolution was agreed to, cuüing for information as to whnt atnount of the war tax of 1SU1 is unpaid. A bitl was passed authorizing a reward of $25.0)0 for ascertaininif the fate of the Greely explorers. The Edueation bil! was f urth'er debated, fter which an adjournment was taken to the 31st In the House a coucurrent resolution was introduced for the rlnal adjourninent of Conírress June ". A bill to permit tho citizens of Indian Territory to orsanize Nationa! benks was favorably reported. An eveniuj? session was held for the consideration of pension bilis. Adjourned to tho 31st. DOMESTIC. William Burlesos, a negro who crirainally assaulted a white woman near Harwood, Tex., was lynched on the 25th. F. E. Warren 5; Co.'s mercantile establishment at Cheyenne, Wy, T., was burned early the other morning, causing a loss of $150,000. A remark overheard by a elergyman on a Southern train led to the diseovery on the 25th of $2,440 of the money recently stolen from a bank messenger at Augusta, Ga. Rumors were In oirculation at Petersburg, 111., on the 25th that neighbors of Houlden, the wife-murdener, intended to lynch him. A military guard had beeu placed around the jail. Petersburg, Va., was visited by a thunder and rain-storui on the 2Gth, the thunder-claps leing so severe as to shake buildings. AH the district on the Chesterfield side of the Appomattox was inundated, and the river was still rising. A negro woman at church the other evening at Helena, Ark., became excited and began sbouting, continuing without intermission. Efïorts were made to quiet her without avail, and she died in a few minutes. President Artihjr on the 2Cth sent to Congress a special message advising appropriations toward commencing the constructing of three steel cruisers and four gun-boats, to cost $4,283,000. The Executive thought it imprudent to delay work on these vessels one year. He also urgod the approprlation of $2,000,000 for finishing f onr tutreted monitors. Whïle inssrne a few days ago a woman named Farrell shot and killed her two children, a boy and girl, ap;ed eight and twelve years, and then killed herself, at Buffalo, N. Y. A verdict against Archbishop Williams, of Boston, was rendered at Lawrence, Mass., on the 26th in a suit for the recovery of funds deposited with the Augustinian Society, which failed some time ago. THEMisslssIppi at New Orleans remained stationaiy on the 20th. Over half the colored people in Tensas Parish had been washed out of their cabins, and the Government was urged to set men at work on the levees. All the plantations at Dore's bend wre under water, and the Teche country was seriously threatened. Great excitement prevailed in the Turtle Mountain región of Dakota on the 26th over th diseovery of rich gold deposits. During the past eight months of the present fiscal year the internal revenue receipts were $",000,320, a decrease of $14,481,260 as compared with the corresponding period of 1S83. The aggregate receipti for February were $2,030,862 less than in February, 1833. The Barbour House and eight stores at Americus, Ga., were burned the other night, causing a loss of $80,000. A falling tree at Catawissa, Pa., killed three woodchoppers who were sitting near by eatingTheir dinner a few days ago. In defiance of. the Prohibitory law of Kansas, a man named Herold opened a salocn at Cantón a fewdays ago, and upon refUHing to cease operations the women of the plaoe entered his saloon and poured the liquors into the street.' Franklix Este, for twenty-three years Treasurer of Southborough, Mass., was on the 27th discovered to be a defaulter for $10,000. While a party of five men were crossing the river on the 27th near Clarion, Fa., the boat was capsized and three of them were drowned. Near Ansonia, Conn., a few afternoons ago three dams gave away, the surging waters devastating a large tract of country, Involving a total damage of $100,000. Telephone communication was on the 27th established between New York and Boston, and it was said that the faintest whisper at one terminus could be heard at the other. An express train on the Maine Central Road struck a land-slide near Yarmouth a few days ago, wrecking all but the passenger-coaches, but no one was seriously hurt. Henry C. Chdrch, in whose accounts as Chamberlain of Truy, N. Y., there was a deficiency of $77,000, was arrested in New York on the 27th, A hurricane at Kansas City, Mo., on the 27th unroofed three dwellings and tore up the tidewalk for a distance of two blocks. At Denver, Col., a wind-ntorm unroofed the city hall and some of the finest blocks in the city, while signs and awnings were scattered in all directions. Several persons were seriously injured. Orrin S. Todd, a farmer of Tolland, Conn., died recently of glanders, communiuated from a sick horse. After a meeting in Cineinnati on the eyening of the 28th to denounce the verdict of twenty years' imprisonment in the case of William Berner, who confessed to hoving murdered and robbed William H. Kirk, a mob of ten thousand persons organized and went to the jail, and efïected an entrance, for the purpose of lynching Berner, but found he had been taken to the penitentiary. This so enraged the mob that they determined to lynch the twenty-three murderers confined in the jail. The militia was called out, when a riot ensued, during which it was reported that sixteen persons were killed and many others were wounded. There were 172 business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 28th, and 32 in Canada, making a total of 204, against 213 the previous week. Dan Dowd, James Howard, O. W. Semple, William Delane and Dan Kelly, bandits, wera hanged at Toinbstone, A. T., on the 28th; William R. McDonald and Francisco Peres were executed ia California, aud Joe Howard paid the extreme penalty at Columbia, S. C. - all for murder. The machine shops aud two locomotivos of the Charleston Railroad at Memphis were burned the other night, involving a loss of $1UO,OUO. The flood in the Merrimac (N. H.) Vally was_on the 28th tha greatest for vaars. me water was rismg rapiaiy zx uoncora, and at Nashua had submerged the low lands. The freshet In the Cocheco River threatened several br idees above Dover. At La Porte, Fa., Ida Brooks, Carris Mitcholl and Mary Hoskirs were fatally injured on the 28th by the fall of a porch upon which they were seateil. About eight hundred coal minera near Pittsburgh, Pa., struck on the 28th against a reduction of one-quarter of a cent per bushel. Lkslie Lavender, aged sixteen, attempted to rob Al.'zander Owens near Salem, Va., ou the 28th, and then shot him. Mrs. Owens ran out upon hearing the pistol report, when Lavender also shot her, and then tried to kill Owens' niother. Lavender escaped, but Mr. and Mis. Owens wero fatally wounded. Shebp were on the 28th dying in great numbers in the vicinity of New Comerstown, O., from a disease callad "grub"- a worm which hatches out in the nose and burrows to the brain of the animal. Lcdwio Sholties and four meinbers of the Gollea family, living in Westmoreland County, Pa., were fatally ill on the 28;h with trichinasis. Fortt Sioux Indian boys arrived at St. Paul, Minn., on the 28th, being the first installment of pupils for the Government school located at that polnt, and conducted by Bishop Marty. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. Hon. David J. Brewer, of Kansas, has been appointed Judge of the Eighth Circuit, to succeed Judge McCrary. He was born in Asia Minor, where bis father was a missionary, and he is a nephew of David Dudley Field. Crowell's Civil Rights bilí, as amended to give colored people a right to eat in all restaurants and eating-houses, was male a law in the Oliic Legislatura on the 2öth. President Arthur on the 2rth nominated Julius C. Burrows, of Michigan, to be Solicitor of the Treasury, and the nomination was conflrmed by the Senate. The Democrats of the House of Representativos at Washington held a caucus on the evening of the 25th to consider the tariff question, but the two faetions failed to harmoniza. The colored men of Michigan met in State Convention at Battle Creek on the 25th and adoptad resolutions declaring that in consideration of th colored voters' faithfulness to the Republican party their right had not received due protection ; that the recent Civü-rights decisión sacrifleed the right of seven million citizens, and that a bilí ought to be passed to appoint an Educational Commissian of colored men. T. J. Martin and VV. Q. Atwood were elected delégales to the National Colored Convention at Eichmond, Va., July 8. It was announced on the 25th that all the Northwestern Pennsylvania Republican district conventions had elected Blaine delegates to the Chicago Convention, with Edmunds for second choice. Mr. Parnell denied on the 25th that he had bought his mother's residence in New Jersey and that ho had any intention of tloins so. A ma ss meeting on the 26 Lh at Lincoln, 111., adopted resolutions denouncing Orrin A. Carpenter as the murderer of Zora Burns, and demandingthat he leave Logan Couuty without unnecessary dolay. The nomination of Minister Sargent, now at the Germán Court, to be transferred to St. Petersburg, was sent to the Senate on the 26th and promptly confirmed. Bills favoring woman suffrage were rejected by the Iowa and Connecticut Legislatures on the 20th. In the second trial at Washington, Hallet Kilbourne was on the 26th awarded damages of $3T,5J0 for false imprisonment by John G. Thompson, ex-Sergeant-atArnis of the House of Representativos. John M. Hahilton, Governor of Illinol3, has written a le.ter declining to compete further for a renomination. The bill prohibiting the buying or selling of grain or other produce on üctitious contracts or margins passed the Iowa House on the 2Gth. The act had already passed the Senate. Carl Schurz, in a letter expressing his gratitude, d clined on the 27th to accept the purse of $100,000 which was being made up by his friends in New York, and requested that all contributions be returned. Augustus Schell, the veteran banker and politician of New York, whose death had been expected for some time, passed quietly away on the 27th. May 28 has been selected as the date for holding the State Democratie Convention in Kansas. The Legislature of New Mexico has passed a bill flxing the capital at Santa Fe,. and appropriating $200,000 for a building. The Texas Democrats will meet in State Convention at Fort Worth June 10 to select delegates to the National Convention, and the State Convention will meot at Houston August 19 to nomínate State omeera. Mrs. Stratton, the mother of the late General Tom Thumb, died at New Haven a few days ajo. A motion to strike out the enacting iclause of the bonded Whisky Extensión bill was agieed to - 131 to 87 - in Committee of the Whole of the National House o Representativos on the 27th. This actioi was reportad to the Houe and confirme .-ISS t 83 - t,'-us defeatinsr the Dronosed Kxtenslon law. The negativa vot on th motion was as folio ws: Adams (111.), Adams iN. Y.), Aiken, Bnrksda e, Barr, Belford. Blaokbiun, lircckeuridifG, Breituntf, Budd, Caldwell, Campbell (N. Y.), Carleton, Clardy, Clay. Col Una, Coagrovo. Culbertson, Darg-an, Uavidson, Deuster, Dorsbeimer, Uunham, Eaion, Ellia, l'ludlay, Finerty, Follett, Foian, Glasscock, Graves, Greenleaf, Hulsoll, Hancock, Hewitt (N. Y.), Hill, Holman, Hooper, Houk, Houseman, Hurd, Jeffords, Jones (Ala.), Jordán, Kinfr, Kleiner, Lamb, Lewls, Loverlnsr, Lowry, Matson, Alaybury, Morey, Morrlson, Moulton, Murphy, Murray, Neece, Ochiltree, O'Neill (Mo.). Pajre. Patton, Potter, Kankin, Riggrs, Bobertson, Robtnson (O.), Koblnson (N. Y.), Rog-ers (N. Y.l, Kosecrans, Seney, Slocum, Sumner (Cal.i, Sumner (Wis.). Thompson, Tucker, Tully. Turner iKy.), Van Eaton, Ward, Willis, Wood and Worthington- 83. In the Illinois State Trade and Labor Convention recently held in Chicago a platform was adopted declaring in favor of the total abolition of ths contract convict labor system; tho es ablisliment of Boards of Arbitration to settle disputes between employers and employee; the enactment of a law making eight buurs a legal day's work; fixing the liability of employers for damages o life and limb of an employé; an efficiënt apprentice law; the prohibition of the employment of children under flfteen years oí age in factories ; the adoption and enforcement of a compulsory elucational system; the weekly payments by all corporations for labor performed during the previous week, and the total abolition of the truck system; the abolition of land monopoly by non-resident holders, and making it an offense to gamble in or créate corners on the neces garles of life. In the Iowa House on the 2Sth a bill wag passed which virtually doubles all pcnalties for violation of the Prohibitory law. The State Trade and Labor Conventioa closed its session in Chicago on the 28th by adopting resolutions for the presentatlon of a memorial to Congress opposing the importation of foreign labor, coudemning convict labor, and demanding equal pay for equal work, regar'lless of sex. The Minnesota State Republicau Convention will be h' ld at St. Paul May 1, FOREIGN. The Frcnch Minister to China has boon instructed to claim an indemnity of $83,000,000 from that country on account of the war in Tonquin. An edict has been issued by the Germán pólice warning tbo people not to eat raw pork. Hundreds of the European laborers on the Panama Canal were leaving for their homes on the 25th on account of the prevalence of yellow fever. A PRINOE of the royal family of Anam, In China, was recently hanged for promoting a massacre of Christians. The pólice of Leipsic, Germany, on the 27th found a dynamite bomb-shell in a building crowded with people. General Graham advanced on the 27th to Tatrpinieb, and af ter a brief battle the Arabs' fled, when the village was burnedt the ground. Graham had been ordored to return with his troops to Suakim, and it wfts rasid.ered that the waf was ended. tVEB two hundred persons taken from au alms-house atSwinc'ord, Ireland, wer sbipped on the 28th from Glasgow, Scotland, for Boston. The United States authorities would probably refusj them a landing. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, th youngost sou of Quoen Victoria, diecl sudr dcnly on the 28th at Cannes, in the South of France, etged thirty-one years. Six of the persons charged with conspiracy to inurder certaiu landlords and agents in Ireland were found guilty at Cork on the 28: h, and thre of them wer sentonced to ten yeare' penal servitud each and three to five years each. The steamer Aurora, af ter au absence of eighteen days from St. Jnhn, Newfoundland, returned on the 28th with gO.OW worth of sealskins. Other vessels wer said to have met with equallygood fortune. LATER NEWS. The Hot which began in Cincinnatf on the evening of tho 28th uit. over the verdict rendered in the case of Berner, a selfconfessed murderer, was renewed on the evenings of the 29lh and aOth ults. AU the militia of the State had been called out, and some three thousand troops were stationed in the vicinity of the jail. The courthouse was fired by the mob and destroyed, with most of the records. The troops fired on the mob from the Windows, with deadly effect. Captain Desmond, of the militia, endeavored to suppress the flames and was shot dead by the riotors. The üre-engines were not allowed to work. A Gatling gun was turned upon the rioters which did deadly work. The Mayor had ordered all the saloons in the city closed and all persons were warned to keep uff the streets after dark. Later advices s'ated that the riot was probably ended. The total number of casualties was reported as follows: Killed, 36; fatally wounded, 18; injured,(i8. The excess of the value of exports over imports of merchandise for the month ended February 29, 1884, was $0,001,054; for the twelve months ended February 29, 1SS4, $100,419,130. The nitro-glycerine house of the Kapauno chemical-works, located opposite Chester, Fa., exploded the other morning from heat generated by nitric acid. Six persons wero instantly killed, and many houses across the river were badly shaken by the explosión. Minister Sargent on the 29Ui uit. sent to Secretary Frelinghuysen 'a cablegiam expressing his gratitude for substantial indorsement, but declining to accept a transfer to St. Petersburg. Two Brothers named Joseph and James Morrill, of Johnstown, Pa., enraged over the secret marriage of their sister Ida to Jacob Shelley, visited the house of the latter on the evening of the 28th uit., when a quarrel ensued, which resulted in the fatal sbooting of both of the brothers by Shelly, whoclaimed the act was done in self-defense. Jesse WilLIVMB, a negro from Tnxa, was executed on the 29th uit. at Culgary, Northwest Territory, for killin,' a merchant named James H. Alams. This was the first hanging in that Territory. Cairo advices of the 3Jth uit. state tliat General Gordon had been disastrously defeated in a battl) with the rebels and was forced to surrender Khartoum. Thé eral was said to be a prisoner. A heavy gale prevaüed in the mddle Atlantic States on the 30th uit. In Brooklyn a four-story building was blown down, a river schooner was capsized on the Hudson, and the Captain and one of the crew were drowned. At Philadelph a everal small vessels were driven ashore, a schor ner was sunk in collision, and the Cr" ain and four of the crew poi ished.


Ann Arbor Courier
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