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W iCROYAL.ESWo'ÍÍ ik O .gg Absofutely Pure. lilis poK-der never varíes. A marvel if pu nly.stieiiKlh and wholesomeness. Moreecon omicii lian the ordiiiary, and catino l id n comí etitlon wlt.h the maltiludeo low test, hho-t welghi. alum or phosnha!. (iiticurd ;5%tL POSmVECÜRE 5 iXi&tsj, rfgW foreveryfonnof 1 s VíMm& SKIN & BLOOD NMíV N PIMPLES to BCROFDIA TU C 1LA VK THh, SKIN, Scalp. and Blood ol A Itcliini?, Si-aly, i-lmply. Cupper Uoiored, Scrof uoiw. Inber.tcd.and Ouutag.ous Uumo s, Bmod P.üs II, Lieert-, Ansíense, and llilai.tlle Skiu lorlures,;be (Ju'icura Keni dits are fallible. Calleara Kesolvent, the new Bl.iod I'uridir, Uiui. ni, aLd Ape, .ei.i, eíp Is fliseas e trerius I uui ihe blo il and perspirotiun, aud tutl remove iheause. Cuticur.i, tli aiei.t skln Cure, iuManl y Uiaya ítcliiu aud li llauimaiion. clear ttie Ski nd Scalp, buals ülceis ud Sores, reeiure itie Ljmp ezmii, Uutlcura So p. an czqmsite kin tíuwuitter nnd Tuilet i qnit-He, 18 iudirp.-lieab.e i i tr at;iiLr kin di.casih, m,á lor ruuyti, cbappea git-wsy rkin, bw.kbi adv, bloicücs, and luby hu .uor-. Cuín-tira Kemedies iha ouly ii.fatlib e lood pur ÍÍLrs and wkiu beautitíer. Ciiarlew Hougliton, ISq., lawjcr, 28 Stote 'Uta, ttubtuu, .e ,i-uiír. , alt Kheuin undei lie ül8erviitioi 1' r leu years, uhuli coverea t'.e panem's liudj and l:mba aud to wbten all knowi, meiboilB "I :re irainc La i been auplie , withou ui üt, wh cli waa comple ely cuivd solely iy tbt uticura Keineuies, ieuviLg a cleau and nealih Mr. muí Mr. Everelt stcbbin, Be chei ti WU, arn.,vn,te: Uur II. le .. n t.-mbly a B cte.i wiib Scrolula, S.-1Í lttieum, and Erysipelas eve wils bon , and uolhinKWec iild iv. iiira lielpcd umi untii wb uien Cuticura K medie, rt'bich gradúa. ly cmed him, until ne ie now a lan ís in cln d H. E. Cariieiiter, llendersou. 1M. Y., enre oí l'Boi meld w La r öj , ol tvveiity vear.-' ttanuin. , by Cuu. uia K medies, .be moai wonderful cu , 'urecoid. A düstpauínl oí' t-calen íe.l Irom íiiiu daily Pnjslciuns aüU lliü Irieuda thouühthe mui-i 'U-. Curé uworp io be oie a ol the peact ii:d Henderaima most pri.mnu nt ci iz -np. Mr. S. E. lii]i.. , Decatar, Mich., wrltet i ut' Utii l.iC-, huau, auu o iue parts ol ht-r bod ere almo t tavv. Uuad covered with cíib8 an ¦ r.!. Suff red ir.rliliy a .'I tned evetytbln.. 'erniane i . ci.ed bj ibe Cuücara Kímudie Irnu a km Fiu.nur. 6 id b ili druggi-ts. C uticuru, GU cents ; Ke olveiit, íl 00; oap, 5 cint-, l'ot er urug and ;neutlcai iío.-lon, Mase. Seud lor ¦ Howto Cibk Skin Disíases." CATARRH Saaford's Radical Cure, The Sraat Balsamic Distillation of WitchHazel, Ámsrioan Pine, Canadian Fir, Marigold, Olorer Elo:soms, Etc. For tile ImmiMllato Relief and Pennanont Cure of every fonn uf Catarrh. froin a Simple Mead Cold or Inlliii-nza to the Loss of Smell, Tasie. and Hearing, CütiKh, liroiHihills. and lncípfcnt Coneumptiou. ICelli'f Ín livo minutes ín anv and every case. Nothlug líke ll. Grattful, fragrant, wholcsome. Cure beglns from nrpr applfcarion. aud ín rapid. radical, perman 'nt, and never falling. One botilc líadicHi . urí1. one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's lnhaler, all in one paokage. formlng a complete treatment, of all drugglsts for il. Aslc for SiSKORls UAIMCAL CUlíB. i'OTTKK DllUG AND C'HKMICAL CO., HOSton. Í Q ¦ 1 CoOlM' V :.!:: Llocuic i.a::; E L¦ I IU Instantly affects the N'ervous 911 ¦Rol System and baulBhes Paln. A 0WV Hln perfecl Elkutkic Battkry VtllIV oomblned with a Porous tc truv mv Plastbr for 25 cents. It anIi THi tBX nlhllHtes Pain. vitalizo Weak o and Worn Out Parts, streiiRthSUFFERIK8 ERÏE eiu II red Musclea, prevenía Día ¦¦ and diwa more In oni'-half the time than any uther planter in the world, Bold everywhere. Analysis ty A. Voolcker, F. R. S., ConBultlng Cbemist Koyal Agricultural Society, Kneland, shows only a trace oí nitrates Ín BlackweU's Bull Durliam Tobacco. The soil of the Golden Belt of North Carolina, In whlch thls tobáceo is grown, don't supply ultratesto the leaf. That 13 tbe secret of lta dellclous mlldneas. Nothing so pure and luxurlous for gmoklne. Bon'tforget the brand. IjnneKe: ulne without the trade-mark of the Bull. AU dealers liave lt. Thftn feline concert drive awaysleep.yotir ¦. v Vu'Ht Holace U found in ƒ[ ikÉ. (W Blarinccll'l Bull Kor[Jm XfLwT ham Smoking Tobacco. Mm -ñTjTlE T XJ 3FL El! -= EOAN'8 IMPEKIAL TKU88. CCAH'S mPCflAL miSS CO., Box 2SS. Ann Arbor. c. Offlo Hamllton Blode. Ann Arbor. SUBSCRIBE for the CUÜRIER.


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