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Mrs. Gabriel Van Woriner, „f Milán, töok in overdose of opium last week Tuesday, and was found ryiogdeiid bout nine o'clock in the itiornin, with i lanre cake of opium in lier hand. The Sulem townsbip commlttee, Republiciui, cousiül-, df ÍS. Wheeler, Wm. R. Hamilton.and Myron F. Bailey. The deleates to the county eonventhm are Gfcorpe 8. Wheeler, Win. H Hamilton, Edwin Case, and Samuel I). ETredeiïck. John Throop, f Moorville, out 3a'offl cord f 4-foot body wood in UÚ minutes, last week Fiïday, on a wajfer. Th.omlitions of the wager rave him 20 minutes In which to cut the imount, tuit seen above, he not only did the work' in the time speciiied, but had 5% minutes to pare. At this rate lie would cut 15U cords in 10 hours. Bring along your next man.- [Milan Leader. CHKLSEA. From the Herald Harvey Senpy rccently had a nairow escape trom beinjr killed by n burstlnc buzzsaw, the pieee eilltiirg into his bat as ïtpassed over his head. Mr. and Mis. Benj. Clifrk, of McBrides parent of Ed. Cbnk, of this place, have returned to thisvillae their former home Mr. Clark has been a lesident of "Om ai-htenaw " tor about forty yeais, and no othercouiity geems like home. At Chelsea rink last Tuesday evediliK the excitemeiit ran high when tlie " okl man" race was called. Four p.-rson?, hnmk McNamara, J.ilin Greeiiinir, Lathon Millerai.d A. Steger entered in the race, but Jolin Gieeninu' niade the inüe in the leat time (ix minutes), and rtinted oft' h very handsouie silver buttei dis. J.i one under forty ycais of agt was illowcd lo take part in tiiis race. DKXTKK. From the Dcxti-r Luader. B. II. Jones has leased his farm and mil business to Jacob Hummel, tor the term of one year. The Dexter hnd M.ison out-oft of the M. C. U. H will cross the Grand Tronk little more than a mile west of th citv ot Pirickney. Died, in Webster, April 2d, of coi - aumpiion, Minnie Ü., eldest daiifrhter of Hairison T. and Maiy L Phelpx, eed 16 yeare, 2 months md 22 davs. Tlioujfh .-o youiig, and suirouuded by'all that makes litedesirablc, she bore her lonj; and piintul illness without a niurmur; and when told the end was near, she ailectionately bid her friends all good-bye, callin;each by name, and quietly and pcacefullj passed to the shoreof the uuseen riTer. MANCHESTKK. Monday, of last week, bürglars broke iuto the store rooms of Conrad Lahn and G. V. Doty, Manchester, but did not vucceed in making a satisfactory haul. From ttad Enterprise. Will McMihon, of Cleveland, nephew of Martin McMahon, of this town, wa ilaj ing with a buzz saw this morniiii;, md cui his hand in a shoCkinft liisnier. Dr. Taylor vent out and uressed the wound. Last Jmmary Michai-l Dealy had two pairs ot boots tulen trom a box in front ¦f his store on railrond streef. Wisner snw the thieves when they took ihem, and alter notityinjr Dualy went in -eaicli of tlie rascáis", but they had cruped under cover of tlie daikness. A lew d iys !ii Dealy u-ceived word by telephone from Adrián, thal the thieves had ucen caiig-ht and lis boots weie lound. lle and H on.ce went to AiIiímii M iinlav , .vtien lhe recogniztej the bo( ts. TÍe thieves wen bound over tor tn.l m the c.rcuit eouit. SALINE. From the Observer John J. Lemunyan, six miles soulh il tiwn, died Mareh 27lli, nged 7J yeuis. His ile died only last Januaiy. Mrs. House, living 2% miles eat ol liere, died on öaturday nioi'iiinjg laM, geil 88 years. Tlie luiieral occuriid ,l me Pie.sbteiian cluirch M n lay, aiu h r remanís buried in tlie üa.ine cenn - Ui.. We are infoimed that a Lotli farmei recently took a load (il sheup lo Detroit 1 .-til, and while Hlopping at a hotel ovi i iiight, and by his mm caielesmiet-s ¦ want ot knowledi;e in tlie matter, nu i Wilh au accident lliat canie veiy near .-uil denly int oducing hini imo ihe herealiei, nUt which, oy tlie uuiely uiscuvery b .. fiieud, proved nu ii.juiy to the she-. p ui. in. liad he died, tlie only explanauo. auuIiI have been, ne weut lo bed aiu blew out the gas. Yl'SILANTI. l'rof b. il. Peuae lias dtculed tu remove to Ypïllanti lYoin Detroit. From the Commercial. ïtrs. Aune Uampliell, a well knowii m, leer, wileot Kobert Campbell and muiier of Airs. WiKIhiii Lumnie, Willüim Audrew, Kobert, Plof. Gabriel :aiil Joln' K. Cainpbell, uieil in Piltslli ld last The revival meetings at the Baptis cluncli are largely utteuded. We wen somewhat irejuilict'J against glujtíii{! evaiifrclisls, and revivals. Hut licaiing Hiiriy Sayles sinji "Einpty Hauded " aim "Xotljing but Laves" prejudice vanis. es into tliiu air. Mr. tjayles only üüyeais old is a gifted, tlioronglily tquipped preacher. Tlie thieves in thisclty demónstrate tliiil tliey are " no repeeter of peisons" and ilon't iiropo.e tliat our merchants sh;ill get their advertisinfr only at heavy expense. Now it is J. II. Sampson, the uecoild hardware man tliat. receives an unwelüome visit. The rascáis cutthrouh a window and helped themsplves to over $250 worth ot nierchandiíe, razors, knives, revolvers and a $ÖU gun. How tliis stealing bnsiness can go on mom h alter montli and Ttar atter year and the thieves undiscovered and unpunislicd is a marvel. From the Ypsllantian. Said h citi.en whom we canaot but believe: '" Kew have any idea how mmiy sheep are dyflijr. Hay is poor and giain, if fed, must be bought; but few Hoeks about here have eseaped the loss of several old shfep from exposure and privation. As many :is seventy live, andsometiureg-a hundred pelts are broiight iu pur day." We finestioned hun reg.trdlng tlie statement and belieye he does not ex;iggerate. "One man," he told us, "havinjr lost seveial sheep commenied to five them grain. Since then nut one has died." We usked why ihey did not kill i them rather tlian let tliem staive, and were told the owners kept boping lliey would pull through until ttiey were tound rurled up and beyond sufferlnf.