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From tUe Cleveland lioraUl. Warfare against disoase has and always willexist. Now as in tlio past rcluctaiicc 011 the part of overy individual to take an active and earnest part in time to conquer disease is sadly apparent, and yet at no timéis the necessitv of prompt action so grcat as at the present. Ileart discase, ol which we shall make special mention 011 account of its recent r'atallty, is to be much dreaded. The people at largo sliould be Uarmed when the terrible fact is now known that they are more subject to thi.s than to any oth'er form of disease, so subtle, so fatal is it. Too of ten striking down the unconaeious victim who posslbly but a moment before was seemingly strong In health. These are faets that caunot be gsineaid, and it behooveseveryonetogive considérate thought to this most vital subject It 3 sonie relief to tho mind to kuow that thi9 fatality whicli Í3 becoming o frequent is not an organic discase ol' ihe heart which is incurable, but the trouble is due to remote causes, whlch will Id time produce a dangerousconditioii of the heait. These remote causes are ftentimes of the most trivial nature; that is, they aro so considered by those afflicted with theni, but on the contrary are precursors of eevere tickness if not resulting in sudden death, which is bei-oining socommon to thiscomplaiut. and in which the great danger lies. A disordered stomach is one of tl;e greatest sources of this disease, and afford's causo for lite gravest apprehension. The principal symptoms are a feelinjj of rieat fullness and heaviness atter eating, stomich sensltlve to pn-ssure, tongue coated white or yellow, wíth bad tasre every morniog, coi.stipation or costiveness (this ¦ymptomis vt-ry bad and should be corrected), appetite variable, frequent weak and faiut sjiells, difflcult at times to get breath, a lack of energy and vitality. Strict attentioii siso should be given to the kidneys and llver, as they ofteu flect thij most sensitiva orjfan, the heart. Now, lemember the misiake most all make is ¦ lí-glect to vanquish, so to speak, theso ilarininjf symptoms when they attack us. Thus it is all-important to know If there le a way to prevent serious consequences. Since heart disease has become so fatal, no remedy has attracted such wide-spread ittention as the Germán reinedy, Von THgan'8 Alaxinc, and it is now acknotvledged to be the greatest known antagonist of this terrible malady. Kxpcrienee has proven that this remedy, combining as It does accurately rare tonic, altorative, diuretic and cathartic properties, and the peculiar method of coinbination gives it a wonderful control over the causes as well as over tho heart's action, and linóleos ilegrec s it curative power for all kidney mui livor troubles. As one well-known American wiitt-r has said of this important remedy : Alaxine ír udapted to the wants of every body, from the occasion ál ly ndisDOsed to the iomr.snflHiiiKr inv.iii.i acting promptly yet harmlessly on all tho principal organs of the body. By vii-tue of il.-, peculiar coinbiimtion it does aud will keep the system healchy and regular, and at very little oost to the invaluable in helping the afflicted to determine what may be the matter with thein, and in leadIng thcra to use the right remedy if they would be surc of getting well, we therefore relate the experience of Mr. J. Baugliman, of Mt. Oilead, O., whose sicknes Ilústrate so vividly that of uiany others. Tho causes of my sickness, said Mr. Baughman, weie the most coiunion nymptoms, but it will beseen tliat If ihey are consiclered trifling and allowed full itway, serlous eonsequences will inevitably follow. I did nothing uu til I began to feel that I waslosiug my usual strengtli. Then ït was that 1 bcgan huvinj; pains that would appearand disappear in varions parts of my body. My skin becarne liot and dry, and my back ached so that I could hardly bear up under it. I had an intense bnrning and cutting pain when DrüwtinKi and olie of my worst symptoms was costivcness. Was exceedingly nervnus; appetite poor; could hardly dijrest what I did eat. Bnt all tlie trentment I ot from varlous physlcians was of no avail. Health and ambition gone, I bad to give up business. I becamedespondent and gloomv aud indifferent to everythinjr around me, and for several months I scarwly left my room. Was it possible that I had heart diseasei" A trav-lin; salesman and au acquaintance of mine, hearing of mycritical condition, urged me to try Alaxine, and that I could get it now of any well-inforined druggist. Said he was inflicted In some stich way as l was and that it cured bid). Heceiving ei:uuragenient, I got a bottle ol our druggist, Sneu l$ios.,and cominenced itsuse. iSick as 1 had been for months, hope all but gone, every previous attempt to get well a fallare, jet before taking all of one bottle my heart and kidney trouble left me and Í was able to attend to business, and rapidly regained myold-time strength. Now what further evidence do we want of the danser of neglect, or more conclusive proof from this, as well as other notable testimoniáis of this remedy, of what is absolutely necessary for the preventiou and cure of heait troubles. We have the remedy. Is it not gross injustice to neglect its immediate use ? All the druggists in Ann Arborfell thig It&pörtant remedy. Jlany sleigliiug acciderts are caused by too close "hkch'üig up." That is true. But most couples prefer to take the risk. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News