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L. Esau, dent. '84, wil] practice ia Milwaukee, Wis. The Chi Psi fraternity is boarding at the Cook House. Seven '33 girls, teacher?, vlslteti in the city last week, 'tis said. '84's class historian has distributed his questions, tvventy-four in uuinber. L M. James, (leut. '84, has become a partner of Dr. Walling at Ypsilanti. The S'ipUomore class have a social at the home of Miss Climie.Friday evening J. D. Orton, medie, '84, has returued from lii.T vislt to Kalauiazoo, Morenci, &c. Dr. Obetz was called away the latter part oí last week, for consultation at Mn-kegon. He returned Monday. F. B. Adaras, hpinceop., has arranged to lócate In practice at l'lymouth, and ¦ill occupy the M. E. parsonage there. Prof. Oiney does not expect to resign his professorship as reported ou various liands, but will resume work in the fall. At a meeting Saturday ïnorning the Sophomores decided to have a class supper f twenty-flre couples report on going. John B. Whelan, fonnerly of "84, was married on the 27th uit. to a Tecumseh lady, Miss M.ra Reynolds. They will lire iu Detroit. Dr. Campbell's aiticle, "An Evening With the M croscope," which appeared in a recent index, lias been copied into the College Journal of Willamette Unversity, Oregon. News carne to hand Friday last of the death of Mr. Harger, motber of K. D. Harger, '84, Pontiac, Micii. Mr. Haiger has been at home for about two week?. Giles B. Stebbins, of Detroit, the vrellknown protectiouist, will discuss the tarilf question in the law lecture room next Friday evening. A general invitation is extended. The ward in the city in which the University stands and the one most noted for its literary culture is represented by an offleer wtio can neither read nor write. The Union party feeis proud of its victory. Ha ving last week tried the plan of law lectures from 2 to 4 p. m. instead of 10:30 A. M. to 12:3U r. M., the law faculty on Monday returned to the old plan. Law lectures are now in the forenoon, therefore. The animal banquet of the Michigan alumni organlzatlon in Cleveland, Ohio, held on the 28th uit., was a line success, about eighty alumni being present. Professors E. L. Walter and O. N. Jones repï-esented the Unirersity. "The Register," to be presented this semester sometime by Alpha Nu Literary Society, is under the charge of Prof. DeL'ont tu its rehearsal. The cast U as follows: Oliver Kansom, V. A. McAndrew; Grinridjie, J. Al. Zane; Ethel Reed, Miss Elsie Jones; Nettie Spaulding, Miss Isadore Thouipson. At a meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association last week the executive : inittee was directed to lay out and j pare lor use thiee courts in the southeast corner of the campus. With the tennis court of the prote,sors the campus is evidently to be the scène of no Hule tennis play thte season. The Ann Arbor high echool is in a formant over the dWag.eeuient bctween the superintendent and a teacher. We ave read bullí iW of the quest.on, and f ihey ever expect to get a üarmoniuu, proiiJbleschoal there should be prompt Uüunciuji ot both the pedagogues.Aunan Piees. Harry Bennelt vs. John Veno, et. al., aiwmpilti pk withdrawn, judgmeut $128.42.


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