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E A two story frame dwelling house, barn on rear of lot. Locatedon the northwest corner of Fourth and North Streets, Aon Arbor Mích. A Iarge part of the purchase price can reinain on boud and rnortgago. Enquire of JOIIN I I II KON , State Street, or of B. JJAY, Wasbtenaw Ave. GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL! UNIVERSITY HALL, Friday Evening, April I8th. The greatest Musical Entertainment ever glven In Ann Arbor, will be the production by the Choral Union, of Ann Arbor, the UnlversltyMusical Society and the Musical Union of Ypsllanli, of Mendelssohn's sublime manterpfece, THE ORATORIO OF ST. PAUL. On the same occasion Gounod's'-Sanctus," and the Inflammatus irom " Stabat Mater," wlll alBO be presented. The Chorus will conslst of 160 volees Price of Admlsslon. 50 Cents. RcBrved SimIs without extra charge at Moore's and Osius' Bookstore. on Monday, April 11. IMtiU' of Lois D. and Walter I!. Burnett. OTATEOF MICHIGAN. County ol Wastitena,3o At n sesslon ot the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the second day ol April, in the year om' thousand eiifht hundred and eighty-four. Proiimt. VVilliam 0. Harrinian, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the est ite of Lois D. Bornett and Walter . Burnett, minora. On readinu and flling the peütion. lioly verliied, of Ann E. Burnelt, gnardiaD, praying that Bhe may be licen-ed to eeil certain real egtale bekmííing to aaid minors. Thereupon it is ordered, ttiat Friday, the eecond day tf Mny next, at ten o'cloek in thlorenoon, be ussigned for the hearinü of eald peütion, and uut the nexi of kiu ofxaid minors, and allothiT persons inlerested in said estáte, are required to appear at asession of eaid court, theu to be boliien .it tne Probatu uflice, in the city of nu Arbur, and shiw cause, lf any there be, why the prayer oi' the peiitioncr uhould nut In' raiifii. And it ie furtnerorderod. that paidpetittonergive nutice to the persona iutereated in said estáte, ol the pendency of ?aid p -tiiion, .ind 'he hearing thereof, by causinK a copy of ibis order to be pubiiehcd m the Ann Arbor Couritr, a newspaper printed and circnlating in said county, tbree succesKive weeks preiioue to said day ol hearing. ( A ' rue copy.) W1LLIAM U. HAKK1MA.N. Judneof Probate. W. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 1190-93 Real Ëütate Tor Sale. TATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, In tbc Matter of the Estáte of Clara B. Freer, (Mowerson) a minor. Notice is hereby gven that in pureuance or an order graoted to the undersijined uuaidian ol aid minor, bv the Hon. Juduo Of Probate for the Couutyof Wsahtenaw, on iheeisbthdayoi, A. ü. 1884. thcre will be sold at public vendue, to the higuest bidder, ai the dwellinü house, ou the premises below describid, in tbe Towuebip or Superior, in theCoUHtj ol Wasbtenaw. iu said State, on Taeaday, the twenty tereocb dy of May, A. Ü. 18ö4, at teü o'ilock ín the lorenoon of ihat day (sublect to all encumbrancep by mortae or otheiwlse exiïtluK at the urne of the eale), all ihe riftht, titie and intesust of aaid minor iu the fulio.iing described real estáte. t.i-itTht wet txty (60) eres of Ite eat half of the ouiheat nuarler, and the east ten (10) acres ol the weet half ol the ¦uutbeasc quaner ol secilyn (2) in the lowunbip ol Superior, Wushteuaw couuty, u, MiChigau. Unurdlan. Dated, April 8, 1884.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News