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T BPOBT OF THE CONDITION -OF THE- rum1 mm iui AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At close of Bualneas Jan. 7, 1884. Made in accordance wltli the General Buuklug Law of Michigan. RESOURCES. Loans and Discount. $107.118 09 Uverdraftó _ '248 08 Fu nilure and Fiitures 8,377 00 E penses „. 150 00 Checksand other Cash Items 1.317 5 Dae fnun Bank" and Bankera 33.307 16 l.etinl Tender and Bank Notes 7,31 6 00 B 'Uds, U. 8 3,500 00 Bonds, Local h85 lU Piemlum on U. 8. Bonds 630 25 $157,588 64 LIABILITTES. Capital paid In _..$ 60,000 00 Surplus Kimd 6.6 39 Proflt and Loss 38 19 Dre Deposltors 104 421 08 Dividends unpaid 2,500 00 f157 588 64 I dosolemnty swoar that the anove state ment Is true, to the best of my knowlfdge and beller. William A.TOLCHARD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this elghlh duy of January, 1884. Wm. W. Wubdom, Notary Public. One weeps for the death of children; but perhaps the change of them into callons men and worldly romen is a sadder Ihing to see after all. - Ouida. Skliinj Hen. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspcpsia, Impotence, Sexual Deblllty. $1. "Your husband always appears to be in very high spirits." "Yes," returned his wite, "If they didn't come o hijfh I should have had a new ín r gaeque this winter." Neuralgia and Slck Headaehe. In Aurora, 111., lives Mre. Wm. Henson. Slies.ijs: "Samaiitan Nervine cured me of neuralgia, vértigo and sick headaehe." Yes, Gerald, you are riglit; a beer-keg bas two hcads. And they both seem to have got inside of your own the morning nfter you have sat up wlth the keg. - Burlington Hawkeye. $100 Renard. Is offnred for any case of Catarrh that :an't be cured vvith HalTs CaUrrh Cure, raken internally. Price 75 centg. Sold ty Eberbach & Son. "Papa, what is mean t by 'au anomaly?' " "Au anoinaly, my son," replied the father, 'is a man who pays his gas bill without reftrring to the company as a thief." - Pliiladelphia Cali. Extreme Tired Feeling. A lady tells us "the first bottle has done ny daughter a graat deal of good, her bod dees not distress her now. nor does ,he suffer from that extreme tired feeling vliich she dld before taking Hood's Sarwparilla." A second bottle effected a :ure. Xo-other preparation contains such i concentration of vitalizing, eniiching, Mirifying and invigorating proporties as rtood's Öarsaparilla. A man slioulU be careful never to teil ales of hlinself to his disadvantage. Peoile may be amused and laugh at the time, mt they will be remembered and brouglit ip against hiin upon some aubsequont inriwon - Johnson. "Bucliupaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying ïiüuey, Bladdur anti Urinury Diseases. !1. Druggist.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News