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RINSEY & SEA iOLT'S AND Flour and f eed Store, j We keep conftaDtly on hmd, HREAI), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Kor Wholesale and Retull Tride. We sball also keep a !npply M SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour!; Dellii rioitr, liye Flour, Buek ivlieat Mour. Eor:i 3Ical, ' Feéd, atv., t Whn!etle and Hetail. A (,'ciiernl ?lo k of GBOCERISS anfl PROVISIÜNS Constaitly on hand, whtch 111 lm sold on ae terirs at nny otlier houe (n lbo cit . ('o?h pa rt Tor BITTER, Kfifi , and OOÜNTHY , PRODUi'K generalij (ioo's d liveid to anj 1 pure of the cuy wiin-nt extrn charjr . BINHET 6 SEABOLT. Ferdon Lumber Yard! .1 VTII.S TOLBKItT, Prop. Mannfacturer and Dealer in SACINAW GANG-SAWEÜ LDHBER Lath and Shinles. Wc invite all to cW n- a cali and examine our stock befor purchaeing elitewhere ALSO, AGENT FOR Jackson SewerPipe Co. I AND SELLS FIUE BRICK. JAMES TOLBERT, PaÓP. T. J. KEECII, 8ir . Telephoue Connoctions. W. TREMAIN, GKXEUAL OFITICK : 0?er Casper Riusey's Grocery Store, COR. UUKON AND FOFRUU STS., North British Insurance Co,, Of Lnnilon and Edinburjr. Capital, $13,001,000. Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Instirüiiee Co., Caen Asees $600,000. Springfleld Ins. Co. of Massaelmsetfs, Cash Assets. ... Í1.X0O.0OO. Howar.l Ihs. onipaiiy f Xpw York, Cash Asteis $1,000,0(10. Agricultiiral Ins Co., Wfttertow'n, N.t., Cash A se's $1,200,1:00. L"fse! Llberally Adjns ed and Prompt!; l'uld. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE!! $42 000,000 S(curiiy ld !¦ r h p'.ti-i llon of b policv CHRIS ÍÁí MACK Bepresents 'ho rnHowlnï flrsi-r.H-s tnropñntpíi, ot which one, JE na, hus ulone i aid iöO,OU(l,00(l rtro lo.-st-s in lxty y.'urs: Elna, of Hartford, $ 7,000,000 Kranklin, Pblladelphtx Ü.OOO.OCO Gi'iniaii American, N . Y 2,800,000 Londoii Asniiiice Corpoml'n. 15,800.000 National, Hiiiiturd 1,200,000 North Gcuii;in, H:;mbnrg '2, 000,000 PlicEiiix, Bionklyn 2,!-0Ö,OO0 Undorwiiicra AgiMioy, N. Y... -1,000,000 Lortei libenilly (djusled and prntnjitly p id. Po.icics luuucl at the luwc-t ralus ol prftniúin. . I 1070-11.15 lll!sn JIACK. TËNTHÖÜSAND H4HDWOOD i FARMS IN MICHIGAN, ' FOR SALE BY THE Irand Rapios & Indiana Railroaö Co. Sugitr Muplu the Principal TiiuIkt. Advantaget.- Railroads iilruady huilt, numerou nwuHaiid llitío, oue of ilic heallhlust pai-l of Uie 7uted Slales, pnrrht water, good markets, line ruit, K"d roads, fChools, lunches, luiRe aürlculural populutlun, besi bnildiin.' material at uw flijires, :oiid soil, lowprici-f, euyictma, perfect lint. 'or booki-, mups, chaitu, aud a.l luldiiioniü luTornailon, adüress W. 0. HIGHAKT, Land Commission r, Gra d U ind-, Mich. )r, SKPruH BuBKttTS, Travullug Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News