Literary Notes
Wliat wonder is it when Outing and Tlie Wheeluian is such a regable paper that it is so universal ly liked! It is getting better all tUe wliile, and has now decided to issue an Englisli edition. It is the only first-class illustratwl n:;ig;izine published which is devoted entirely to out-of-door sports and recreations. The tone of it is high, and its anieles have leal literary merit. Ouo in the April number, for instance, isa new poe in by Will Carleton, called the " Wheelman's Song." Everyone interested in tnaiily sports will like The VV heel in in. "Wby, my gracious!" exclaimed old Mrs. Simpson, looking up lrom the uewspaper, "if they han't got theni spartere out in San Franci.-co. And tüey'ré figlitin' thar just as bad as they do here. Tliey'ie bad birds thoiiüh they do ciiH'em by pet names. One of 'eni's called Sullivan, and was brought all the way from Uoston. Law!"
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News