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Toledo, Ann Arbor & 6. T. K. R. LOOAL TIME TABLE. Goiiijr into eflect Sunday, Feb. 10, 184. Tralny rnn by Central Time, COIVQ N"KTn. GOINQ SÖÏÏf ! t . ; 'g -I I-Ii e. c' STATIONS. dBJ'è? Ni'7-! halr I?.. VM I. F.1.1 5 40 7 5 Toledo n 30 4 Si ¦ 45 7 11 Manhat'en Junctionj9 26 4. 4J 5 88 7 23 Alexis Jnnciion tt 10]4 3-! j6 02 7 Si llawi borne i 1U 4 i 6 10 7 48 Samaría i U2U 22. ti 25 8 08 Lulu IS 474 04 1 30 8 15 Monroe Junction S tí' 5 6 48 8 301 Dundee ti 8 55 8 4ü Azalla o 2u 3 40, 7 08 H 5! Milán Jiinctlon ü 0'3 Í5 U 10 '.I Hl Milán 8 UüH !! 7 IS S 00! Nora - Mt 17 7 22 9 22 Urania ] M W 7 3-2 9 32 PitssfteMJnnction :í) 7 45 9 30] a un Arbor I ,., - g 8 03 10 lj Leland 17 ï M -i 11,10 2j orden i7 12 ¦ 8 2.5 I :ó Son h L on tf 502 10 Conmttlons: At Tol do, with r.illroii'.srtncr)!lofr; at vanh-it'au Jimctinn, wlih WlieeüiiR i Lak'' Krle K. R.; at AUxis Junction, with M.v.. I'. lt., U S. M. s Ry. nd F. Jt M R-: at Minroe Junctiun, Mito L. S. M. M. H .; at J)uude, witli L. tt, & M. 8. Ry.. M. O. Ky.; ai Milu Jiinction. with Vbaíb, St. Louis Paclflc Ky.; al Pittsflcid, wilh L. -. M. S. ly.; at Aun Arbor iih Michino iV-utral K. K., and at South Ly..n with Deiiuit, La.siug & Norüicru R. K-. and Grand irunkRy., V. H. BKNNEIT, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENTÍ No. I South Main St., Aun Arbor. Theoldest ngency in the city. EstablishtM' n qoarter f n cenlury ago. Represcutlng; the followlDfl flist-elasscoiupanies: Ins. Co. of N. Y 17,488,646 Continental Ins. Co of N. Y.. . . 4,í67.44 N laclara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1.874.024 Qlrard Ius. Co. of Philadelphia 1,359,967 Oricnt Ins. Co of Hartford 1,410,819 CoiiniHiiiil Union of Lomlon. .11,043.1)43 Liverpool, Loudon and Globt'..34,402,()8.") Rales Loít. Losxes I.iborall) djustfü aml Prumptl} Piiid. c. H. mii-LKN. i f'1 ' TT T 'i ÍM ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. Pransacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $60,000. Onranlaad under the General Bnnktiv Law "í ¦.':)! Siati', tlu' Mookholtiorn ar indiílilunlly liiibie or an additioual amouui equal to the rto k Held í :!u'in, ihereliy treating a uunrantee Fund ur the lenullt of Deposlt rs ot $100,000.00. Three por cc nt. Interest is allowed on all Stviní LlepoelU oí onu dollar aud ujwar1t, accordiují t' :Ut-ii].f! oí the üaiik aud interest cotup unded leinl-aunnal!.,' Money to Loan oo uoiuc:imberd eUt aud other (jood securlly. DIHECTORS: .11KISTIAN MACK, WM I. HARRUHN rt'. W WINES, UANIEL MsCOl K, rt'lLLIAM ULUBEL, WILLAKi) B. SM1 1 U.ÜFFICERS: 3. MACK, Ies. W. W. WIN SS, Vlc-Pri.. O, K. niSCOCK, Oahler.


Ann Arbor Courier
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