The tax assessor is on the war-path. Colorea egg BbellB plentiful everywhere gonday. ___-. TUe wheut is lM t hve stootl winter very __ TtuToledo ireigin house is enclosed and „UI soonbejatiy for use. The city churclies generally observed Eister Sund.iy ith flovvers and appropriate getvice"Bcautiful day Monday. Tuesday a day of' gusf "" showers. This morning raiu and snOW. On and after Ssturduy evening, April 19, the post office delivery will be open antil 8 o'clock. Quile a number of new buildings are Ltagnpin the Second ward, as well as nother parta of the city. BspnbHcan couuty convention for the electicm of delegates to the state conventen to-uiorrow in this city. The Coükier is remembered by Mr. Geo. üsius In bis travels who sends U8 a wpy of Le Figaro from Paris. Fivc were baptUed at tlie Baptist cliurch Sunday. Elgbteen have united witli the ehorcb thns far since Mr. 8:iyles's work lere. For Üe iiuavter ending March 31, '84, itie expense of niaintenance of the insane atPontiae, chargeable to this county, was $904.19. _______ Fourteen were contirnied at the Episcopal cliiirch last Wednesday erening. Bishop Harria deliverod a discourse the same evpning. Tlie passenger train going south Monilay on the Toledo road ran ofl' the track it the High street crossing, and was dehyed about an hour and a half. A class of thirty-eight wlll be conllruied it Zion's Lutheran chnreh (German) nest Sunday. The pplicunts were publicly examined lastSnnday ïfternoon. Fr Walsh, one of the atilest and most Inqueiit speakers in Drtroit, will lecture liSt Thomas cliurch, on "The Marriage Tic'1 Wednesday evening, the 23d. Mr. Duffy has tickets for s;ile. In the WasUtenaw Post (Gorman) for last week appears a translation of a porlion of M.r. Donglas's reply to Mr. Pond, ivliose letter to the Résister was translated and printed in the Post, March 27. Witli $100, appropriated by the townsliip as woodclmck bounty for the ensuiifryear, 15 cents a scalp being paid, the iiuhicements will be greater. $81.40 were paid for the death of 814 woodchncks during the last year. The postin asters report for the last (.uarter, in comparison with the correipondiug quarter last year, shows a deeiease here of $450 in the sale of stampsj t'ie box rent, however, shows au increase ner that of a year ugo. Tlie party down bOating on the river last Friday do not wish to have anything -id about their involuutary bath. The at just upset. That is all, but if the tttef had been deeper, prob-ibl.v it would tavc made a longer tem. The uew drop-letter box on State street so generally used that postmaster Kuowlton will place a lanrer box there soon. Parties may feel sure that the mail from that part of the city now veaehes the postoffice regularly and is prouiptly mai'.ed. Jack Sheehan's ludían went on an excursión Saturday night and appeared at die northwest entrance to the campus hnday morning for Easter. Attached tohls Indianship was a card 'pon whicli tl read, " The savage has his revenge.1' Klwt's tlie point? We were Uboring under a mistaken 'nipression ast week la regard to the llitorucy of an ..ffl.-er elected in the sixth ward. We understand from later advices mt all of those elected on the Union cket can both read and write. It gives us pleasure to note the (act. Jutlge Ilariirnan went to Ypsilanti Moiiday to try the case of Prescott M. Bklnner, the sou of ex-Ju.ljje Elias Skinner' forncrly n prominent resident of the county. The yonng man was made 'ne by a liffc of Intemperante and deoiucheiy, an(] was Kllt t0 the asylum. Ahinit nfteen were present at the Wubtenaw county Greenback convenonlielüin the Court House Monday. lle Wegates chosen to the state convention are C. F. Bates, Geo. A. Peters, tha C. Putnain, Ilomtio Burch, Jas onjrth,-gnd Warren Babcock. Atht' paiish meeting on Mond:iy, St Andrews chnreh elected the following rs f"r tlie eusulnor yeav : setlor Wl"-den, p,0f. Geo. 8 Mo.rU. juil()r nrden, c. H. Richinoad; vestry.nen. H Brown, Mr. Cousins, C. S. Denison, H. D„ugias. w. il. Frenen, J. W MMtOB, Dr. A. B. Palmer, and E lienihvell. In this city the vote on the jail loan 'd 1,090 "for" and 86 againsf; ma J('r"y"for," 1,004-and this, loo, despite lio, m ' U';lt by tlle tenn8 of the PrP8i the city was expected to purchase the dl, Üle thus k"'S 'etaxuponcitizensof Ann Arbor ny county ever nceded a new jail WMhtenaw is certainly th-.it county, ye propoBltlon has just been defeated. I three votes in Oakland county to UW """ W" John H. Ralnsburg alias Harry Wellmore, of Dr. Conwiiy trio notoriety, recclved a three and one-lialf yearssentence to the New Tork state prison, for the cmbezzlement of money from the Singer sewing machine couipany. Somebody now ia sure to sujfgest that lie will probably have an opportunity to Sing Sing to his heart'í content, so we give vou warnMinaret Council of th; Benevolent and Protective Order of the Golden Gate was instituted here Friday evening, April 11, with tlie following offlec-s: G. M., V. G. Doty; G. B. 3., B. P. Watt8; G. K. R. D. C. Fall; S. C. T., Chas. S. Fall; G. B H., W. W. Nichol?; G. H , W. A. Tolchard; K. P., H. W. Have?; M. C, L. 0. Goodrich; G. K. S., L. C. Rlsdon; T. G., C. S. Milicn; D. G. M., J. R. Minen M., E. H. Hudson. On last Friday, the Htb, at her residence in this city, occurred the death of Mrs. Beborah L. Wood, at tlie age of sixty-four years. Bom in New Jersey, she has for many years been a resident of Ann Arbor; was formerly the wife of Wm. S. Maynard, at one time mayor of our city. Mr. Maynard settled in this eounty in 1S28, and bore a prominent partin the early history of Ann Albor. In 18C8 Mrs. Maynard was married to Mr. Dmius Wood, who survlves her. The funeral took place from the residence last Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, with a very large attendance. James A. Coyle died at St. Mary"s Hospital, Detroit, the fore part of last week and was buried Thursday afternoon. His funeral was very largely attended and mrny tributes of honor and respect were shown to tlie deceased journalist. He was able not long since to sit up and write two postils to his sister, VIrs. Brennan, of this city, but his I )arent physiral gain soon seemed only a leceptiou, and a rapid change resulted in lis death as above stated. Friends and elutires frora this city attended the funeral in Detroit. The floral designs j were appropriate and numerous. In the reliearsal of tlie Choral T'nion ! last night, nearly two hundred people ! tookpart.and thcir training already promIses a successful concert Friday night. The entertainment that evening must begin promptly at eiglit o'clock so as to : allow the Ypsilanti chorus to return home on the N. Y. express. To that end ; the A. A. chorus will report in thechapel ! promptly at 7:00. The stage has been ! made a considerable larger, and as there J will be such a volume of sound comina: from it, the gallery seats are considered as preferable for the audience. The regular quarterly meeting of the Í Washtenaw couuty medical society i yenedlast Friday morning, in the ; mon council chamber, president Brakey : in the chair. The vice-president of the society, Dr. Chiimberlain, of Ypsilauti, j cupied the forenooa session in an address upon "The Progress of Medirine." The afternoim was iven up to a report of ' cases and facts. The following delégales i werechosen to Ihe session of the Anerican Medical Asociation to be held in Washington, D. C, May 6, 1884: Drs. A. P. Kline and F. K Owen, Ypsilanti, and Dn. C. George and J. Kapp, of this city. ! The next meeting will be held in Ypsilanti, in June. was anested by Mr. Preston yestenlay i evening about half-past live, on Aun j street, and while taking the prisoner over to the Italian stand on Huron street for Identification, the warrant for arrest ing issuel at the instance of tlie Italian?, : he broke loóse and ran between Stimson's and James's. For the purposc of scaiing ; the uegro, and possibly stopping him, Mr. [ Preston shot twice in the air. The shots raised a big crowd, and a number giving chase soon overtook the npgro. He was taken before Justice Breiman, and freed on the payuient of the costs, amounting to $3.50. Apples to the amount of about i tweuty-five cents seem to have been the i cause for the issue of the warrant for his j arrest, ibout two months since.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News