WIXAXS & STAFFORD, - -FI3STE CustomTailors NO. 19 MAIN STRKET, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Are ehowing a flnc line of SPRING SUITINGS! Overcoatings and Trouserings. These goods are selectod from tuo leading business houses of New York, Boston and Plilladelphia, and include all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. WIJL&IS & STAFFORD, 10 Soutb Main Street, - Ann Arbor, Mitli. Americau Art. Photoffraplis, Kngriivings, etc., Cali be exquisilüiy coloreU wilb Liquicl Art Col01 maile froto Diamond Dyes. Fuü directioiis tor tliis beautilul art work, willi a haudgüiuü culured cabiiiet phutu sent to any address for lü cents. WELLS fc K1CHARDSOX CO., Burlingtoii, Vt.
Ann Arbor Courier
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